The Requests and Fields

One for essential tremor :pray:t2:

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A card in the card system that is like the sanctuary but for animals will be great.

And the plant audio in a mandala will be great too instead of going and saying activate every 20 minutes to work all day till the plant is well.


ok theophilos ill make it


My man,

My appreciation and gratitude are coming to hunt you down till you feel full of them.

Best regards,
Saint Theophilos the II

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What abou

My personal and emotional supporter

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Something that can be made into item for preventing or reversing child’s addiction and brain damage to screens, screentime. Like if it could be maker that embeds itself to the screen or an object.

I try to limit screentime for my kid but it’s nearly impossible due to modern life and how society runs.


Why isn’t there light eyes yet? I know there was a old one but supposedly didn’t work

Hello Captain,

It would great if you can release a “human lie detector” field.

Something to help with “uncovering secrets”, uncovering the hidden things that partners, family members, coworkers, or even strangers keep from us. Something to expose secrets that hold one’s back, expose secrets to set one free from illusions and lies. Being able to act based on knowledge of what is “really”!! A field that disolves deceptions.

Here are a few affirmations that describes what i mean:
I deserve to know the truth
I am grateful to finally know the full truth
I am grateful to have found out the truth in a positive manner
I can finally move forward
I am content with this news
If anything was hidden it is now out in the open
What is done in the dark always comes to the light
Knowing the truth regardless of what it is, is a great thing
I always find out the truth
I am happy with knowing the truth whatever it is
I am grateful to have honest people in my life
The universe conspires with me to find out the truth
The truth comes to me easy and effortlessly
I am completely immune to lies and dishonesty
Everyone is always upfront and honest with me
People trust me enough to share the truth
Knowing the truth allows me to prepare and take precaution
I can now differentiate my friends from enemies
The fake people in my life are now exposed

That would be much appreciated.

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What about these 2:

Seeker of Truth NFT: Testimonials


The Preceptionist NFT



After examining the links your shared, I think the energy around what i am asking for is different than what these two NFTs are meant to do.

I believe, the field I am asking for is more direct: it is about decetful people around you spilling the beans, and revealing full truths.

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I’d love to see a Vibration of Divine Love NFT upgrade (audio + mandala)

Similar to how Vibration of Creation was done with The Universal OM.


Like people unable to lie to you and end up telling you the truth.


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yagna / homam


So I was looking at the Drinkwares from the ES site and had an idea!

Essentially an expansion on the objects and more so into the RPG realm.

Like, a cooking vessel/cutlery with the food charger field, a pencil set/pen set with creativity, etc!

I’ll add to this as I get more ideas ahaha -

Clothes with the hardcore gravity perception manipulation so we have real life Dragonball Z weighted clothes/ +10 gravity +10 mind muscle connection types!

an obvious one would be a teeth regen field on toothpaste or something similar!


Since the old one is not available on spring anymore…
Maybe an updated extended version of navigator of awe as bft or audio with woven world aspects, a bit of divine protection,

something that can guide you, show you your options, maybe even strengthens intuition

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What about the torus weaved respect for this ?

When someone has got so much respect for you that they cant lie to you ?

I thought about that or the Knight one but, he wants his very specific thing so i just let him lol

How about more additions to the Dreamseeds Language Series?
There are currently The Soul of Japan and The Mandarin and Cantonese Soul.

How about Hindi? Sanskrit? Arabic? Or the language of the Maya?


Cards for losing weight, so different cards, having different fields (maybe)?
Eat what you want, take the card - “weightloss Activate”!! :sweat_smile:

Cards for EVERY SINGLE Major Problem/Field?