The Requests and Fields



Field related to Birch tree healing benefits. Please :relaxed:
It is good for skin as well.

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We already have a field to connect to the collective unconscious, so why not also have one to connect with planet earth itself? I know we have fields for grounding, but I’m talking about something deeper, connecting to the wisdom of planet earth, talking to it, receiving answers, etc. based on the opinions that the planet itself has and not those of human beings.

Hi LordeShadow
Bodhi right leaning Again

There is this one:

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A field for gallstones -

I don’t know exactly how it could be made but I am thinking maybe a plaque/cholesterol field and part of the kidney bladder specialist applied to the gallbladder and bile ducts

Possibly a way to vibrate the gallbladder, as a type of lithotripsy


New skin fields will work ??


Male enhancement field 3.0 but hide it in the title like the andro 3.0 so we can gatekeep it lol.


Bloodline Abundance, Wealth and Prosperity - A field to bless the near and dear of the listener related to them by blood, both the past and future generations, one that transcends time!


Alchemical Revision of the backbone lol

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One for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease! Thanks

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Environmental field to negentropically repair all technology in the immediate vicinity.


Field for all nutrients, like an Alchemical fat (or other substances or even nutrients/vitamins/etc. Which have a Surplus, turn to those which are needed) to Nutrients (?)…

Is Such a thing Possible?
To convert all our microcomponents between themselves/from one to another?

Now, maybe at the end of experimentation, one Magnificent (Smart) Field to COVER (Rule) Them All, All Our Needs (Nutrients and other stuff).

(request inspired by the old Alchemical legends like the famous transmutation of Lead to Gold, although you would get into trouble for such field lol - endless supply of gold lol)

Edit: There are many possibilities, quite a few potential fields, if you can/want to make them)


Possible… quite possibly impractical. But who knows :man_shrugging:


Dreamweaver Knows. :grin:

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Can we get a new version of the Efficiency field?

Request for public rhinoplasty field :pray:

There is the noise straightener in Patreon.