The Requests and Fields


I will listen to that on patreon. Thank you


Transforming Growth Factor Beta, TGF-Ī² field

Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-Ī²) is a multifunctional cytokine. In the human body, many types of cells have the ability to produce and secrete this cytokine. TGF-Ī² is involved in the mechanism of many diseases, playing a dual role of inhibiting or promoting diseases, including wound healing, tissue fibrosis, atherosclerosis, cancer occurrence and metastasis, autoimmune diseases, diabetic complications, and Alzheimerā€™s disease Neurological damage caused by Haimerā€™s disease is closely related to TGF-Ī².

There are three isomers of TGF-Ī², among which ā€œTGF-Ī²2ā€ is a hot research topic in recent years, and its key role in regulating immunity is as follows:

Reduce inflammation: through regulatory T cells, help the immune system balance and reduce inflammatory substances.
Reduce allergic reactions: reduce the allergic index caused by IgE (immunoglobulin E), reduce the bodyā€™s oversensitivity.
Improve food tolerance: Help the human body build tolerance and slow down the chance of human allergies caused by foreign proteins in food.
Resist virus and bacterial invasion: promote the secretion of IgA (immunoglobulin A), help the development of intestinal mucosa, and resist the invasion of foreign substances.
Avoid infection with influenza A virus H1N1, reduce the severity and shorten the course of the disease.
The content of human TGF-Ī²2 is highly related to the balance of immune system
Common genetic allergic diseases, such as: atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc., all lack TGF-Ī²2 immune regulatory factor in the body.

According to international journals, long-term supplementation of TGF-Ī²2 can increase the concentration in the body, improve physical fitness, reduce inflammation, slow down the allergic index, repair tissue, prolong the protection of breast milk for infants and young children, improve the bodyā€™s tolerance to food, and maintain the function of the digestive tract , is an important source of immune system health for infants and adults. In addition, TGF-Ī²2 is involved in the mechanism of other diseases, including anti-renal fibrosis, promoting wound healing, improving psoriasis, xerosis, lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune diseases [1


Automated neck training


Sebaceous membrane (epidermal reconstruction)
ā€œFull Body Skinā€

ā€œEstablishment of an outer membraneā€(Needs to be present all day long)
On the surface of the stratum corneum of the skin, there is a layer of sebum secreted from the sebaceous glands, lipids produced by the keratinocytes, and sweat secreted from the sweat glands plus the dust in the air, bacteria, germs and so on, and the fusion of a layer of film, commonly known as the sebaceous membrane. The PH value of the sebaceous membrane of the human body should be maintained at 4.5-6.5 in a weakly acidic state, in order to maintain the health of the skin.
ā€œInternal damage to be repairedā€
Epidermis Metabolism Unobstructed
Sebaceous and sweat glands Unobstructed
Microvascularization Unobstructed

this is the expectation
ā€œAnd the skinā€™s improvement response is best discharged through the bodyā€™s blood or lymphatic or meridian system, rather than appearing on the skinā€

thatā€™s the theory. Thatā€™s what some of the naturopaths say.
See also skin modeling



During puberty female estrogen levels increase which makes the pelvic bone to become wider.

For wide hips ,the field will increase the estrogen levels only on the pelvic bone to aid it in getting wider till your desired results.

The osteoporosis field can also be directed to the pelvic bone

This will also make you have a thigh gap because the wider your pelvic bone is the wider your thigh gap.


Hey sapien medicineā€¦
Can you do a field for curing psychosis and schizophrenia as these are the most debilitating illness even debilitating than cancer. These are mental illness. I myself suffering from psychosis. It will be a game changer and help crores of peopleā€™s across globe. Thank you so muchā€¦


Hi Anveshsengar,
There is an NFT called ā€œProject Mental Healthā€, you can find more informations about it here.
Wishing you the best of luck, mental illnesses are painful.

edit :
Check the grounding field as well.

Also a personnal take on psychosis.
I donā€™t know what exactly happens with the chemicals of the brain when a psychotic crisis happens, but isnā€™t it somehow deep fears, coming at the forefront of your experience/consciouness?

A shadow self integration work might be beneficial for you. It wonā€™t cure you but there is a high chance that integrating fears and repressed parts of you and so on will lesser your reaction to them, maybe during, but definitly after a crisis. Therapy can be useful with that.

Also fields related to joy and childike states of laughter might ease what you are going through on an emotionnal level.

Hope it will be helpful for you. :sparkles:šŸŖ·šŸŖ¬ :orange_heart::brain::blue_heart::sparkles:

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It occurs because of high dopamine activity. Nowdays i am listening to plasma brain of youth.i am mainly listening for negative symptoms. The negative symptoms include depression, cognitive deficit, emotional blunting, anhedonia etc.
Thank you for suggestions I will look forwardā€¦ ā€¦

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Thank you for the information I didnā€™t knew about it. Sounds harsh. Iā€™ll add emotional fields to my suggestion, like Emotional Release, it helps the emotions to flow, but also more ā€œenergetic onesā€ like the Soul Restoration series on Gumroad.
Good luck :nazar_amulet:šŸŖ· :sunny::pray::herb:šŸŖ¬ :dragon_face: :fire:

Increasing CO2 resistance for a better health, better breathing, less allergies, better sleep quality and better digestion, these are all the benefits from ā€œbuteyko breathingā€.
Buteyko breathing consists in breathing less. Breathing less for a better health.

CO2 has always been seen as a ā€œbad gasā€ that has to be released from the body. But CO2 is crucial for a good oxygenation of the body. This comes from the Bohr effects :
"CO2 is a catalyst for the chemical release of O2 from hemoglobin cells. This phenomenon is called the Bohr effect and it can be found in many medical textbooks (e.g., Ganong, 1995, Starling & Evans, 1968). Bohr and his colleagues (1904) first described this effect. How does it work?

In normal conditions (when we breathe about 6 l/min), arterial blood is 96-98% saturated with O2 due to a fresh air supply to the lungs. When the arterial blood arrives at the tissues, some O2 is released by its carriers, the hemoglobin cells (red blood cells). What is the reason for this chemical release? The cells of the organism also breathe, and the more they breathe the more CO2 is produced. These elevated values of CO2 in tissues increase the CO2 level in the blood due to CO2 diffusion from the tissues. As a result, the greater the amount of CO2 in the blood, the more O2 is going to be released from the hemoglobin cells for the tissues to use, since CO2 is a catalyst causing this chemical reaction."

The goal here would be to breath less (less O2 L/min), make our body more accustomed to CO2.
The progression of this breathing can be measured with the Control Pause (CP). The control pause is a holding of the breath after an ordinary exhalation of air, until you experience the first TINY desire to breathe in! Until the very first, very tiniest desire!
A CP below 20 means that you are hyperventilating in your everyday life (CP<10 probably means you have asthma)
A CP>40 means your are in good health in general, and your breathing is slow and efficient.

A field in order to increase the CP would be so helpful for people like me having asthma. Iā€™ve tried so many fields related to lungs and oxygenation but nothing really helps. The deep breathing field helps a little bit, but I think we need a field to increase the CP.

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After we study, the neurons we changed and its information gets consolidaded in our brains after we sleep (or something like that)

It would be cool to have a field that do that for us without having to sleep, this way we could study more hours per day with great use of the studying sessions.

Unless there is no limit to it or the fields used to enhance brain functions already expand this limit. Then this field becomes useless.

Requesting for powerful teeth straightening in Patreon or YouTube.


A environmental field that makes people start dancing randomly lol

Like Bone Shaker combined with Bushman Medicine?

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Yh like that lmao

I think so much of us would like to see Forbidden body 2 with other SARMS
Like RAD140, Ibutamoren, S4 etcā€¦ Maybe even some peptides or IGF-1/IGF-2

These are questionable and Dreamweaver doesnā€™t like bad PR coming from such products, all are also available through other creators, like BN. Not mentioning that being honest, only IGF selective mimic would be really interesting here, due to its anabolism properties. Rest is already addressed through Manliness or other programs with AR stimulation. Ibutamoren audio would essentially be fully redundant with HGH audio.

Yeah, you are right
I donā€™t know if any creator created IGF ever, would be cool to see Dream version of it :slight_smile:
But about other fields okay, i would still like to see RAD haha :grinning: I think i saw someone reccommended Ego dissolution shorter version, that would be great too because many of us have no that much time to listen Dissolution for 15 minutes and than rest of playlist

Ego Diss+

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A field to block galectin-3 would be awesome :heart_eyes: - like the effect of taking Pectasol (modified citrus pectin).

After chronic health issues and being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Iā€™ve been doing lots of research (to help myself) and came across talks with Dr Isaac Eliaz explaining the survival paradox and cell danger theory who discovered that high levels of galectin-3 are present in all chronic illnesses and cancers, and is at the start of a lot of the unhelpful cellular processes.

He found (backed by 75+ studies) that blocking galectin-3 with modified citrus pectin is an upstream solution to a reduction in symptoms along with other benefits such as detox. Modified Citrus Pectin Formula - Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Iā€™m sure Iā€™m only scratching the surface of relaying this but it sounds like it would be a significant help to many people and conditions and Pectasol is very expensive, especially for those of us living outside the US.