The Requests and Fields

Hello! Yes I have. And I think the previous version of the field is stronger. In my opinion it is good for initiating sleep but not for maintaining it.

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Alchemical Revision of Confidence and Self-Esteem


Yeeeaasss! I wanted to suggest a field around this topic as well!

Full range mobility, joint health, flexibility, endurance, quick movement, body control and coordination
Along with body symmetry to keep both sides balanced (+help to correct existing inmalabce through the exercises)


This would be a perfect extension to the series

On top of that I think someone already asked for this but ….

Alchemical Revision of Health


A field like P & R Dentistry for animals that will help clean, repair, regrow & maintain oral health.

My dog throws up if we try to brush his teeth & the dental wipes don’t do much for him. His teeth are bad enough to be cause for worry.


Alchemy of self-forgiveness


Edit: Discovered it thanks Dream 🫀

I love your idea.
I actually plan to purchase tibetiian rites and cycking field. But animal flow would be first on my list :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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On YouTube there is a bergamot and sandalwood

In the antioxidant formula, tnere is resveratrol


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There is a Vit C audio I use a few times once a week (its good for at least a week)


I know what You mean …

Im Poland there is a wonderfull Salt caves complex. Called Wieliczka.
One day as a tourist there and You are brand new human being :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Salt treatments ,baths, Salt hotel even a party room .lol

Its amazing. .
Ive been there and health benefits and feeling is unreal.


Salt cave therapy is a great idea @Fender_Cad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Like @Allurre said, here in Sweden many of us head to the west coast in the summer for its salt water sea coastline. The negative ions in the air are something else. One day there, everything just relaxes. :100::heart_eyes: :ocean: Life and body reset!

Im guessing you’ve tried Sapien’s Energetic Salt Cleanse? And PU has Salt Bath in Divine Waters, I think both are Patreon.


This sounds amazing! Screenshot taken, this goes on my bucket list :sunglasses:

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I will give You the tour when You visit Poland :wink:

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West sweden gives you an open invite, too, my friend :heart::pray:t2::ocean::sweden:

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That’s not far . We must hang out sometime. Thank You :green_heart::pray:.

I’ll be happy to show You some nice places in Poland .

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No, I had only tried the salt cave in the hotel where I was staying during my holidays here in Italy.


A field for respawning as a far better improved version of you with slowly getting back your past life memories as you age.

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A downloadable version of the mass meditation field, sort of like love gravitation wave, so we can listen whenever

I think a lot more people would participate if it was more accessible


There is one in patreon. Mesmerizing sound track

Mayn’t be the latest field, but it does the job.