The Requests and Fields

Hair Growth ver2.1 (Request)

Pls, use dermal sheath cup cells in your Hair Growth and Recovery helps with Hair Loss (ver2.0 updated) video. ( )

As mentioned here:

I think it will speed up the hair growth process.

Thank you.

he did all of them already on youtube

I knowā€¦i mean in dog tags to carry them with you

My teeth are being shredded down to nothing due to teeth clenching and grinding In my sleep (bruxism). If there was a jaw related audio for this disorder that I could play before bed time would be nice :slight_smile:.


Facial Symmetry just may help you


Facial Symmetry and Posture help with atlas adjustment


Astral Projection audio field would be pretty cool.


Hi Pinnacle!
Welcome to the site. Nice request!

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I would like to request an Audio or Item for Auric Holes & Tears.


I have 2 requests:

  1. New most powerful for severe chronic insomnia.
    The sleep ones you have are not really working for people like me who have life long severe chronic insomnia, total inability to fall asleep on our own and stay asleep and unfortunately need meds. I tried every herb under the sun, the only one I cannot get in this country is C plant and of course this is probably the only one which might help me big time.
    And once you are on sleeping pills, you are toast, because they change your chemistry and you have even less chance to sleep when off them.
    So you would really save and help so so many chronic severe insomniacs out there with a new most potent and powerful ā€œcuring insomniaā€ video.

  2. Perfect colon health
    Similar as you did with few of other organs, like lungs, it would be great to have a video, specifically for a perfect, healthy colon, colon put back to ā€œfactory settingsā€ so to speak, when it was working perfectly and normal. It is said that 80% of immune system is in the gut and when the gut is not working, nothing is working good and they are right. Once you have compromised colon, you get 100`s of other health issues.

Thank you for considering it!!!


Hi Bojana!
Welcome to the site.
I have moved your post to The Requests and Fields topic.

The theta energy field in gumroad will help you with that.


Iā€™ll try it out and see how it works.

Regeneration of Thymus gland!

It is said in people who are older than 65 the Thymus gland is gone!

Can you create a feild which will regenerate the thymus gland in the elderly who havenā€™t got one anymore!

And will the endocrine system audio on Sapien Medicine do that?

Iā€™m just thinking of my dad who is turning 66 and with new virus threats appearing I think itā€™s important to have a fully functioning thymus gland in the elderly!

Anyone who has any clues how to do this please comment!


The Lymphatic System Blockage Removal and Enhanced Drainage audio might help.
It heals damage to the thymus.
The thymus is part of the endocrine system, so the Endocrine System Rejuvenation audio should both repair and rejuvenate the thymus.


If there is one field Iā€™d like to request then it is a revision-field based on the teachings of neville goddard.
Basically a field that changes bad past events and memories into something that benefits all.


Greetings Sapien Medicine/Dreamweaver,
I donā€™t want to post the same request twice but I need to clarify something and canā€™t edit my previous post.
Just wanted to let you know that my request for a base chakra audio separate from sacral is more than a fickle personal preference.
I use the chakra tag at home, so Iā€™m still getting a good balance at the end of the day.
But at work, the base chakra helps me immensely in withstanding attacks and bullying.
Sacral on the other hand (for me at least) puts out this playful energy that signals I am a target or prey for the not-so-evolved.
So this puts me in a bind. And Iā€™m now needing to go and look for something produced by someone else for just the base chakra, even though I prefer your work far beyond everyone elseā€™s.

Thatā€™s all, just please know this request is a real quality of life issue.

Thank you.

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Thank you for replying. Over the years I tried many 3rd eye chakra videos, brain regeneration, all sorts for insomnia and sleep, cbd, vagus, pineal, also all from our good doc that has something to do with sleep and nothing worked or helpedā€¦sometimes the brain chemistry is so out of wack or due to various illnesses affecting the brain and sleep that it needs something different, stronger to reboot it unfortunately

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You could try this hypothetical Sleep Stack (list of Sapien Medicine & Dream Seeds audios that might help you fall asleep).

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Hi @anon26313230 !
Welcome to the site. Nice requests!