The Requests and Fields

Transform se*ual energy into luck energy

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Same! Amazon prevents me from shopping :rofl:


Same for me. I purchased it through iTunes and then downloaded it to my Sapien library.




I liked Google play music app
I could have bought so many fields so easily and downloaded them on my storage
For some reason Amazon and others app don’t allow me that in my country :frowning_face:
And yes I have tried all already believe me


From Britannica,
“Apocrine sweat glands, which are usually associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete a fatty sweat into the gland tubule. Emotional stress causes the tubule wall to contract, expelling the fatty secretion to the skin, where local bacteria break it down into odorous fatty acids. In human beings, apocrine glands are concentrated in the underarm and in genital regions; the glands are inactive until they are stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty. In other mammals, apocrine glands are more numerous. Certain specialized glands, such as mammary glands, wax-secreting glands of the ear canal, and many mammalian scent glands, probably developed from modified apocrine glands.”

I realize we now have the Strawberries N Creme field, but I think it would be valuable to have a field that specifically targets these sweat glands. If their only function is to secrete fatty sweat in a gland tubule to attract bacteria to make it smell, would there be harm in nullifying these glands? East Asians predominantly have a non-functioning ABCC11 allele which in turn causes them to sweat less and have less body odor.

From Wikipedia,
" The ABCC11 gene determines axillary body odor and the type of earwax.[5][19][20][21] The loss of a functional ABCC11 gene is caused by a 538G>A single-nucleotide polymorphism, resulting in a loss of body odor in people who are specifically homozygous for it.[21][22] Firstly, it affects apocrine sweat glands by reducing secretion of odorous molecules and its precursors.[5] The lack of ABCC11 function results in a decrease of the odorant compounds 3M2H, HMHA, and 3M3SH via a strongly reduced secretion of the precursor amino-acid conjugates 3M2H–Gln, HMHA–Gln, and Cys–Gly–(S) 3M3SH; and a decrease of the odoriferous steroids androstenone and androstenol, possibly due to the reduced levels and secretion of DHEAS and DHEA (possibly bacterial substrates for odoriferous steroids).[5] Secondly, it is also associated with a strongly reduced/atrophic size of apocrine sweat glands and a decreased protein (such as ASOB2) concentration in axillary sweat.[5]"

So I see side-effects could cause a reduction in the VERY popular steroids androstenone and androstenol. Possibly with also using those fields, there would be no unwanted side-effects? Or maybe there is a way to neutralize that side-effect, and only focus on reduction of functionality of these apocrine sweat glands through the ABCC11 gene? I personally do not use the steroid fields, but it would be a plus to have all of the plus sides of not smelling and not sweating as much and none of the negatives.

Just a thought! Would love to see it, Dream. Thanks so much for everything you do for the community.

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In the current climate of volatility, it will be great to be able to build essential skills and attract better employment opportunities. I am aware of the several other fields around luck, abundance, life path etc.

Requesting captain to make a field very specific for new opportunities.

Love and gratitude to all.


Maybe Best path tag? Or Hand of glory audio might help with opportunities

… in a tag like Moldavite but unlimited edition :grimacing: I’d love that. Although the current audio is already a kind of anti-entropy in mental patterns, etc.

I would love to see a LSD field(apparently it really expands your mind via long term micro dosing which leads to incredible creative potentiality)


Eating muscarias… That’s an idea. A muscamol field. Nah. That wouldn’t do proper homage to the ritual.

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Ah yes, my favorite. Kindly oven-baked, and with a dash of vodka.


Or the whole ritual experience plus the muscamol as a field lol

I would love to see a ketamine field, lsd will be awesome as well


A actualy preworkout field will be good. Better than taking a preworkout supplement !

A field for this peptide would be awesome, its super expensive .
It has been shown to lower fat mass by 30 % ,while increasing muscle contraction strength by up to 70% . It also boosts NAD ,which is great for anti aging.



A field to repel mosquitoes (and other bugs) who be greatly appreciated.


I dont think its too far fetched now that hes doing audios with smells haha imagine one that we can play on loop if we are going to be like all day out in areas full of mosquitos, camping, hiking, close to water etc
Or just to play a couple of times and itd last for a few hours.



That’s what I had in mind. Playing these fields in nature and meditating to them without involuntarily donating my blood away😂