The Requests and Fields

Yeah I’ve been using that a lot for 4 weeks :pensive:


Isn’t it helping?

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This works amazingly if you’re down to use a traditional supplement (take on an empty stomach)


I think it’s helping to not get properly infected with bronchitis.
I’m using a lot of fields and also meds (now herbal sones) but some symptoms just persist :/




Honestly, if I were only allowed to use one supplement in the world, it’s the one I’d keep. I love it that much.


If possible regeneron would be an insanely good field.
Once taken 4 hours later c*vid can no longer be detected in the body. It absolutely works.

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For what is worth

For those who didnt know

For those that requests “this and that” version 2

I thought only tags and mandalas grew

But @Reform mentioned the other day Audios grow as well, and Captain confirmed.

Ive been paying more attention to that and from time to time i go back to old audios, some are like really strong (at least the ones i check again)

And maybe thats why some ppl sometimes prefer the old ones rather than new versions :woman_shrugging:t2: i wouldnt think this new version is better than the old no, if he makes a new one hes adding elements. But that doesnt mean the old ones arent getting super strong, too.

there you have it, maybe if a lot of them arent being made again v2 is because they have been organically growing through the years and theres no need for V2

So dont forget the oldies :wink:


an audios for the uberman sleep cycle

permanent eyebrow lift. i’m really insecure that my eyebrows are so low it makes me look angry or mean when my face is neutral and resting. i want to look brighter and happier


Have you checked the testimonials on the different face/skin audios? And Tonic no 31? They give very good results.


i did they don’t work for what i desire a direct approach would

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Hmm, well the eyebrows are dependent on the forehead at least partially, so…:wink:
Would surprise me if you didn’t get some results with microcurrent for example.


A field for constipation .
I know theres a tons of field that could work for constipation ,but none really do forme.
So a field that draws in water into the colon, maybe some magnesium or insoluble fiber effects would be cool .

does micro current make you lose face fat too

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not in my experience


So I am suggesting a field for eye floaters again but this time I found some usefull studies that showed some promise.

It seems pineapple has some enzymes that can hydroify the gel in the eye that’s becoming harder.

I am already on a pineapple diet, but having a field version to boost results would be amazing.


Have you tried plasma protocol?


I don’t have a job yet so sadly no.

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eye regeneration +plasma light? free audios…


I sleep with eye regeneration. And I did the free plasma audio for a month too, but from what I experienced my body didn’t handle it well.

Thanks for the suggestions

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