The Requests and Fields

Alright :) I was going off of a comment of his I’d once read on his Paetron where he had said the aforementioned :slight_smile:
But thank you :relaxed:!


Oh I didn’t know about that comment, nevermind then :sweat_smile: (Been having an issue with Patreon so I wasn’t able to see anything this past month :expressionless:)
And you’re welcome :blush:!

dreamseeds and sapien are on patreon

energetic alchemy is not there for legal reasons.


Oh snap crackle pop :hushed: thanks Nemo :tropical_fish::tropical_fish:


No you’re right!! Thank you again! :heartpulse:

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The problem is not in lockdown, but in that they send parcels by the cheapest way without tracking. And they don’t want to work it out with UPS. Please, open at least for US!

(1) Occipital Neuralgia

(1.5) Tourette’s Syndrome Eraser

(2) Heart Rate Reducer


(4) Brain Stem

(5) CSF increaser

(6) Motor skills improvement

(7) Dysphagia

(8) TENS

(9) Larimar !!! (stone)

(10) Zeal Point Chakra/ Mouth of God region, link for further info: Well of Dreams / Occipital Lobe Chakra

(11) Tasting ice cream :icecream: or oh that weird candy where it crackles / pops in your mouth (for fun/ not much reason other than entertainment for this lol)

(12) Hi


Some crystal combinations that might be interesting as audios, I got inspired to look through an old crystalbook and these “called out” the most :slight_smile:

for the heart pink combo :heartpulse:: Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Pink and Red Tourmaline, Tugtupite

for the heart green combo :green_heart:: Emerald, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Green Jade, Green Garnet

for the solar plexus :sun_with_face:: Amber, Kauri Gum, Citrine, Golden Labradorite, Golden Heliodor

for the throat :ocean:: Larimar, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate

for the mind :sparkler:: Fluorite, Azurite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz

for the lower chakras :fire:: Fire Opal, Fire Agate, Bixbite, Zincite, Orange Sapphire

upper charkras :milky_way:: Phenacite, Petalite


Mind your own business or get your own pair.


@moderators @SammyG THIS isn’t acceptable.

My boobs.
Are not for you’re commenting.
I am very aware what your type of comment implies because
It’s comments like that which are why I put my request in the first place

You oughta step into other people’s shoes before you speak, sir.

Think of me as your sister. Any woman you see for the matter. Would you say that?

I apologize if I came across harshly but this is perhaps an opportune learning moment for you. Thank you


stem for stem cells ?

HAHA what happened I don’t see his reply

And is there a field for inhibiting prolactin?
By sapien or any other creator


literally nothing funny

gynecomastia 2.0


Wait, that will work for Medulla oblongata, Pons, & Midbrain?!?!



sorry I guess ? I wasn’t familiar with the term ( not native English ) :man_shrugging:
I learnt something though so thank you, despite the condescending tone

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For me 1 0 0

It’s on gum road?
But wait it’s not specifically just to reduce/inhibit prolactin

Oh no, I didn’t mean it in a condescending tone, not at all ; I was rather excited as I didn’t know that could be used for that- so if anything, thank you!!
and of course, I’m so sorry It came across that way :slight_smile:


my bad for misunderstanding then…
damnit textual exchange !
had obviously some frustration to express though
I’m sorry

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A Smart Voice/Vocal Cord Strengthening and Repair field maybe in combination with some alchemical crystals helping your voice/throat chakra and or concept of sirens voice without the negative side effects just the beauty and or voice of charisma.

Something that can bring out and increase your singing potential while keeping you vocal cords in good shape.

I think this would be fun for all the people who love to sing :)