The Requests and Fields

Pill of immortality

The Pill of Immortality was an elixir or pill sought by Chinese alchemists to confer physical or spiritual immortality. The search for the pill was started several centuries BC, and continued until 500 AD and was often based on gold.Its search was supported by the emperors and the nobility of China, with a strong tradition in Taoism.The alchemical tradition in China was divided into two differing schools in the search for the pill of immortality. Taoist sects which advocated the attainment of immortality by consuming substances were very popular during the Eastern Han dynasty in the 2nd century AD and they were collectively known as the School of the External Pill. “Internal alchemy” was thought to create the “immortal body” within the corporeal body, and a variety of actions involving dietary, respiratory, and sexual practices and/or mental practices such as meditation were believed to cause immortality.

In the Liexian Zhuan a tradition is preserved of a man named Wei Boyang who had made a pill of Immortality. Texts dating from the 4th century AD and later, present the legendary Yellow Emperor near the end of his reign as finding the pill in Huang Shan mountain range and he establishes the seventy-two peaks of the mountains as the dwelling place for the immortals.


Be stoic, be cold, let nothing let’s move you, disturb you, kill all of your emotions in you field
Unattached with all and anything
Put all meanings away from you and made them to 0


NFT in the works :raised_hands:

Is it just me or are there almost like too many NFT’s (just an opinion) :sweat_smile:, could we possibly get more non NFT fields please (especially and hopefully more uploads on YouTube and Patreon)


I strongly agree
It’s time for good old fields cap


Sure as hell miss those premiers on YouTube before the releases :sweat_smile:

2 requests.

Next level Dark and Light Servitors. In NFT Tag form. Can be whatever just basically some Dark being and then some Light being with the same abilities as the original Dark and Light servitors. (Plus a few extra just if Captain feels like it but not necessary) And that they be more autonomous, that they use whatever abilities they have automatically to protect you as long as you have them with you.

They’d still be open to direct commands though. Like all servitors.




Yesterday night I experienced acid reflux with an acute gastritis… it resulted in acute chest and back pain and stress that elevated blood pressure also… so a serious of issues came up from acid reflux/gastritis.

I was wondering where is a field for this very common but very troublesome issue?
I know we have iron gullet but that is specifically for inflammation with a combination of auto immune… I have abdominal tumor so can’t use auto immune fields anyway.

@Dreamweaver… there have been multiple requests on this … please consider this one.
or wait… should I start an NFT project to gather the research for all possible causes of acid reflux and gastritis and cures and submit for your consideration… is it possible for it to be a smart field that can cure all these probable causes but first detect which one in a person’s specific cause? Since some people experience it due to sphincter valve, some due to fungal growth, some due to low acid etc …

Thanks …checked it. :slight_smile:
I do still feel a smart field that could detect the cause and then heal would be so much better… otherwise we keep trying from pancreas to kidney to diabetes to ulcers to sphincter and so on… acid reflux and bloating has always baffled people about the exact diagnosis of the cause and even doctors keep doing trials on you. Many people have gone through this for years… trying to figure out the cause. Exercising is one thing that helps most people in such cases.

In Ayurveda, they have a different science all together… they work with balancing of three elemental doshas viz. vāta, pitta and kapha …to cure any illness.
Allopathy diagnose in different ways altogether.
But dreamweaver can bring it all together… and heal it.

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Dream has created enough fields then I guess that we can play around and something will click… this request for field thread is redundant then… right @anon8641117 … my understanding was that this thread is for specific problems.

Correct me if I am wrong friends, but I feel this thread is to make requests and its upto dream to pick the request if he finds fit. If you have to offer suggestions then we have ask for advice category in which people keep asking for field suggestions and its kind of people who help there. Alternatively, if you so feel the urge to give suggestions on posts here then please send a DM to the person. Kindly do not dilute the request made here by starting a discussion on this thread itself. Its hard for captain also to go through discussions… this is a request only thread I believe.

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Some of us aren’t tired at all and not so lazy and want some groove old classic Sapien style
Jesus this new generation


Would be awesome if the bacteria field can become smart to only destroy harmful bacteria. Many natural herbs do this and promote healthy flora.


The only issue with that is that harmful or healthy flora is not one size fits all. Some people cannot under any circumstances supplement with any probiotic other than a select few strains due to allergic reactions mast cell issues etc. but I agree if the field can differentiate what’s harmful for you specifically in terms of bacteria and what’s not then that sounds amazing


It would have to be an incredibly smart field. Candida can kill you and yet it can rise to unhealthy levels in order to have a population large enough to contain mercury that would kill you even faster if the candida was not holding it within itself to protect your body.

This field would have to be a virtual doctor specializing in bacteria and probiotics and the causes of overgrowth of bacteria that stay at a safe level in a healthy body. It would need to identify the cause of the overgrowth and the safest remedy for the overgrowth, then let you know about that remedy or enact the remedy itself, or both, such as a mercury detox for example.


Artemisinin field

The efficacy of artemisinin is not only in the treatment of malaria, but also in many areas worthy of research, such as antiviral, immunosuppressive, antitumor, and antifungal effects.


Not sure if I mentioned this request but a metformin simulant would be so helpful, metformin is associated with longevity and has many other benefits other than just for diabetes,
Would be a great way to get Patreon exclusive fields started again


Can we have a field for histamine induced reactions?
Most days, I used to get up with stuffy nose and sneezing. Continuous sneezing that even head and face starts to pain.

Medications for histamine makes one drowsy. Whole day gets wasted and unproductive.

Also, when I tried carnivore diet, this issue exacerbated .

Any spicy food, my nose gets stuffed immediately to a level I can’t breathe.

Genetics also have a role to play. I have seen many of my family members with this problem.

@Dreamweaver , can we have a separate field or updated anti inflammatory field ?

Also, it affects people in different ways.
I get rhinitis, slightly skin itching.

Some just sweat
Some heavy itching / skin issues.


As you said, intestines are prime place for many healings.
Im getting better nowadays, but somedays are extremely uncomfortable.

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