The Requests and Fields

There is a lower cortisol field you might like to know.

Stress Relief (energetic and psychic/morphic programmed energy)

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Yellow Sapphire
Golden Apatite

These 3 crystals in 1 audio field.

I think a lot of people would benefit from and enjoy a field like this. I chose these carefully from all the crystals that work on the solar plexus, and I think they would make a wonderful combination.


excuse me do you know anything for attracting money wealth or getting jobs with handsome sallary etc either from Sapien or anyone products if you ever used it or heard from someone

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Alien Intercession mandala on instagram would be great.

We have higher self, angels, elementals, the only thing missing are the ā€œalienā€ friends.

SapienMedā€™s instagram needs more love ;D



An item/tag that captures any field of oneā€™s choosing among the free audios posted on Youtube so that they can wear it instead of having to listen to the audios. This will be really helpful for people who regularly listen to some of the YT audios who would pay to wear it instead of having to listen to them every single day. Also, some people have grown sensitive from listening to too many audios for prolonged period (ear pain, tinnitus etc.). Would be nice if the tag is modestly priced so customers can purchase multiple for different audios.

An item/tag that makes people not racist towards the wearer, but see them as an individual/person rather than their ethnicity. This would help a lot of people to avoid racial discrimination. Maybe this can be done by minimizing the perception of differences or otherness and make people see similiarities between themselves so they can relate to the wearer as regular people. But Dream have better ideas on how to go about to achieve this diminished racial discrimination.

Grounding audio in the form of a mandela so people can hold it when outside or in situations where they need it but cannot listen to the audio.


I strongly agree with you @Samurai that an Alien intercession mandala image would be so Amazing. Can you imagine combining the Lucid dreaming Dreamweaver card and Alien intercession under your pillow?

We can potentially have vivid lucid dreams with our Alien friends having full recall and control!! :grin:


Yeah exactly, you would be connecting 24/7 because playing the audio 24/7 is a bit difficult.

Letā€™s make a sacrifice to the Sapien Gods @Captain_Nemo @SammyG


an audio that lowers serotonin can also potentially help people with serotonin syndrome. Most resources out there are for people to raise their serotonin level so an audio that helps to lower it will be immensely helpful for people who developed serotonin syndrome/sensitivity from SSRIs or other drugs or supplements. It also helps people with carcinoid syndrome (a type of cancer) that has tumor that secretes serotonin which causes fibrosis of the organs (from my understanding). In addition to what the poster said, there are also a lot of other people who are trying to lower their serotonin levels, for example people who follow Ray Peat (see his forum), a prominent adviser against serotonin.


yeah, a separate tag for each of the self-realization part would be great.

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I am for it also please @Captain_Nemo if possible alien mandala lol for communication with them to they fullfil our wishes and goals lol

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Also, this isnā€™t really anything new so much as it a request to combine fields youā€™ve already made, but man, for those of us who need healing and have a lot to fix but donā€™t have an ā€˜empty slotā€™ on our playlist for one more physical change-related field, itā€™d be a godsend to have teeth regeneration and gum regeneration packaged together. You canā€™t go wrong since they really do go hand in hand.



It would be nice, what everyone is saying here, a way to wear the audios. Just wanted to chime in here with one more way to make this possible. There could be a Tag for it. Maybe just one tag with one art design to it, but put out in 4 different colors. Then each tag would be made to hold the last audio that was played on it, or to it. That would give us some options. Hopefully it would work for all Sapien Medicine audios, Youtube, Gumroad, Patreon, Amazon, or wherever we (legitimately) downloaded it from.

It would be almost just like the Energy Storage Tag.


precision: I am not talking about a stress relief field but a ā€œdo not show your stress fieldā€

Being the guy that people react to, not the guy that reacts to people

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I wish there was a countdown timer on your website for days remaining before you release your next new tag. I have a hard time not checking teespring several times a day. It feels like an addiction.



I would like this as a tag but it could be good as a mandala or as an audio.

This might seem at first like a request that few would use. But I think many of your listeners would resonate with this. It would be for anyone who identifies themselves as ā€œCounter-cultureā€.

I would like a field that I could wear while around a people group who have a different culture than mine. Perhaps a group who has vastly different beliefs and core values and behaviors than mine. Or perhaps even literally while in a different country than my own.

It would help me to stay aware of the fact that I am of a different culture than the people I am around.

When we lose this awareness, we can feel like failures for not living up to the values of a group of people who do not actually share our values, beliefs, goals, and way of life.

So it would help the listener or wearer to maintain a sense of independence, and a sense of integrity in their own individuality.

It would help us to view people who are different from us, not as invalidating us, but merely as expressing their own beliefs and way of life.

It would help us to navigate a foreign culture, to interact successfully with people far different from us, but without losing our own internal culture.

I think the extrem self confidence, become whole etc. covers all of this. Or buy the new lion dog tag. This should help tremendously as well with such situations.


Iā€™ve used those audios and am familiar with their effects on me. The Lion Tag is on itā€™s way. After seeing how well Enhanced Cognition was working, I bought the Lion Tag the moment it came up.


Ok just thought from my experience that this issues you stated are purely from a lack of confidence. It seems you value the culture of others more than your culture. Maybe cause they are the majority in your example? Besides why even care about such things. Do what feels best for you regardless of ā€œcultureā€

No, you are completely misreading me. If you canā€™t understand, just be thankful.

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I do have to tell you, wearing IPF and Cognitive Enhancement, lately Iā€™ve been noticing they are doing much of what I requested here last night. They are building my ability to act almost as an ambassador between myself and others.

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