The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP Entry #1

How many topics did you release today?

Today I began to tackle my list of 20, I was able to tackle 8 of my topics and all the side topics that popped up under those 8. Most of my topics dealt with family trauma. Fear, anger, ptsd-like emotions, and sadness. A lot of my topics I worked on today were the “freshest wounds”.

How did you feel before the session?

Before my session I was well fed, well rested and feeling good overall. Before my session I was thinking about the times before I’ve done this HPP exercise. When growing up around 10 years old My mom taught me this exercise as she was going through tough times in her life, and her and I were doing I-ACT. She passed it down to me as an easy tool to help. I haven’t used it actively in the last 10 years or so. So I was wondering how much my experience would differ this time around with different reasoning behind using it.

I setup the bathtub (my favorite) and began to dive in while in a warm relaxing environment.

How did you feel after the session?

After my session I felt good, I felt a bit more overall happiness, and a bit more life-energy.

I had a lasting good feeling about the topics I tackled which were deeply rooted and visually and emotionally traumatic. Some were hard to even start due to the emotions that it brings up.

It was a first for me to go back to the traumas in my head and not be flooded with emotions. It’s a good feeling to have just let it go. In my head I was thinking that if I tried hard enough I could go back and pull those emotions right to the front again. So I tried, and was successful, so I went back in for a clean up session. Now I can’t pull up any of my emotions (negative or in between) about the topics I dove into today. So overall I feel successful in my tasks.

Is the process getting easier?

The process began to get easier as I picked up the muscle memory of using it. At first it took a few tries to really get my focus in line. Once I was able to just relax and start digging in, it became easy to get through the topics and sub-topics that I intended to tackle today.


Hpp entry #1

How many topics did you release today? 2


Prior to the session when I felt irritated, I held on to the feeling for way longer than necessary. After the release I was able to feel like I removed some of the negative feeling. This topic easier to release.

Feeling less than

Prior to the session when I felt less than, I began comparing and creating scenarios. After the release I have felt this again except that I repeated the release suggestion. The third time thought about the feeling, i didn’t feel, it stayed a thought. This topic needs work.


HPP entry #2

Alright, I’m making a bit of a hypothesis here. My lips are limp and not in the right tone when I’m made aware of them (which is most of the time). But the few times when I’m not aware of them, my natural lip tone returns allowing me to speak and make lip sounds such as B, P and W.

This suggests to me that there is an emotional blockage causing paralysis of my lip muscles. Time to get to work.

  1. Getting rid of emotional blockage causing loss of normal lip tone: to be updated

  2. Feeling of apathy: I started to feel numb about something I really cared about and found that this was apathy. Found this feeling in my abdomen as usual. Sorry intensifies it, forgive me detached me from it and I love you fixed it. Took about 4 cycles to get a happy relieved feeling. I am more sensitive to my emotions now.

  3. Social anxiety: went to class today and was feeling very anxious like I usually do. Did 15-20 cycles of SEE and my anxiety is literally gone I think! Speech has also improved as a result of it! I’m so unanxious now and it’s so relieving from not feeling jittery all the time.

  4. Self esteem: one of the students got yelled at by the lecturer today and I got got affected it’s (put myself in his shoes and it wasn’t not pretty). So I released te uneasiness from that and I feel like I’ve got more self esteem now!

  5. Releasing random negative emotion that popped up after hours of being numb: So I’ve kinda been dwelling on my limp lips for 3 hours now despite not feeling anything about it due to being numb but still wanting to fix it. I got a emotion that is possibly related to my limp lips that I released. It felt very similar to anxiety. This happened about 3-4 times. My limp lips feel a bit stronger and it’s easier to make lip sounds but it’s still hard to tell at this point.

Insight for today: The stronger/worser the emotion felt at the beginning, the bigger the catharsis achieved after release


Hpp entry #1

Today I’ve release 2 topics as they seem the heaviest at the moment, procrastination and anxiety. Prior to the session I was really anxious couldn’t focus and a bit angry, I was procrastinating to even release. As I started the release the heaviness of the procrastination started to subside and I got really fidgety as I released the anxiety. I knew I was too into my thoughts and was not releasing properly so it took me a few rounds to completely get the results I wanted. The procrastination release gave me a sense of emotional relief while the procrastination gave me a sense of calmness. The process is getting better and easier the more I practice, focusing is my biggest challenge as I say the the words I start to think about the feeling instead of just feeling. As I went thru my day I noticed how much I was getting done and how active I was, I also keep checking my work for any feeling or sub feelings that pop up.


Hpp Entry #1

How many topics did you release today?

I released 1 Topic today.

  1. Worrying about the possibly of working a dead-end job due to my family’s history.

How did you feel before the session?

Anytime i think about what my future could be that thought of working in a dead end job doing something i don’t feel passionate about makes me feel sick down to the core. I think about how my family has settled for ‘anything’ without the burning desire to live a more ‘satisfying’ life.

How did you feel after the session?

After doing the Release method I thought about my family and I don’t feel this harsh feeling, It’s almost like “hey, you did good with us” more and more good memories came up to mind for example how my mother raised my brothers and me as a single parent despite not having the best job. I enjoyed my early childhood and teenage years.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

the process is kinda hard due to all the distractions in my environment along with all the distractions I allow (playing ps4 instead of getting it done).



Message Of The Day

Troubleshooting Post of the Day:

Correct, the more you practice the more you can feel the difference. It is a sense that you’re creating similar to knowing the difference in the sense of touch and smell. Keep going at a higher momentum and you’ll have the defined sense by the end of the week or two.

This used to happen to me a lot when I was about to breakthrough and my ego was fighting against it. Only way out is through :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’ll learn more in application than in questioning and even learning. As long as you have a structure to follow. :raised_hands:t4:

I recommend you keep going until you feel better.

Energy sensitivity is what you’re learning here, you just have to do the work. That numbness is a feeling in itself. Shut your mind, go inside (body awareness INSIDE), and get to work. HPP on everything.

Empaths learn to be more structured and logical and the logical learn to be more empathic in this process. Empathic/Psychic skills with little to no logic is wasted potential :wink:

You’ll see that you’ll identify with the results more than the story by the end of the week. Freedom is more precious than drama and part of the freedom is the blessing we receive in the process like your package :heart:

Now you can start to imagine how we are going to lead this to action taking and goals bit by bit. First we heal the soul and then we add life to our lives :muscle:t4:

Correct on the filling and this is the main point of the current step. Keep going and get good at it.

Results creates confidence and confidence creates momentum.

There’s power in neutrality especially on the higher levels of it such as gratitude :slight_smile:

You don’t have to intensify it here, just accept it fully and detach.

Speed (in the beginning) = Mind. Mind = No results.

The list is what YOU THINK you have to work on but the subconscious mind will also help to show you what else is in that “cave” :slight_smile: Keep going and dig deeper by just going through as many topics as possible.

Use the questions I provided as a guide. Your journal doesn’t have the structure I asked. Do more releases, format it properly (HPP Entry #) and update it. You have 12 hours until I count it as a bad entry.


Just make sure you’re following the structure and not adding to it.

Great work! The topic list has it’s reasoning and using your intuition as well.

Correct, a good observation. Even if subtle, the fact that you had something will end up accumulating issues in your life.

Update your post with proper format (HPP Entry#) and I’ll mark you as complete. Do it in the next 12 hours.

Polarity shift and collapse :wink:

Been there more times than I can count :heart: amazing work and courage! I’m grateful to hear of your progress

YES! You’re getting it! You can cherish the past without the whipping slave master!

You will learn in session 2 that you didn’t release just one topic, you tapped into releasing a whole structure which can easily be the equivalent to 100 releases. You’re doing great, keep going.

Your entry has a lot of filler information which means you’re beating around the bush about this process. Pick up the pace or else the next steps will be harder and ultimately I will have to mark you as not ready for the Satori process. Multiple messages now are indicating you’re playing around.

Good work! Exactly what you should be noticing.

Definitely has happened to me. Releasing has almost acted like a defibrillator to my energy system. Hence why HPP Releasing is only the beginning :slight_smile:

Dont force it, it will be easier after session two. :pray:t4:

Yep also happens. Have had situations that made me profusely sweat even with the room being nice and cool.


Momentum allows for a deeper sense of well being. You can feel so good that your mind has no capability of understanding right now.

Keep practicing it’s a matter of the mind going silent and you FEELING!

:pray:t4:, exactly keep going and you’ll be able to pin point details of feeling you wouldn’t imagine.

Thank you good sir :wink: Been through a few of those myself. You’re doing well. See if you can do a momentum cycle of one hour straight. Set a timer and go.

Thinking makes it so. Slow down the process and search for the feeling. Say the statement and pause checking inside intently. One thing that I can tell you with a person like you, do it when you have the most energy and don’t focus on the success of the overall but every step leading to what you’re looking for.

Don’t use that mindset. Keep going until you feel good meaning you replaced with the love feeling.
Don’t mix systems. This method is not being a martyr but to overcome these situations. Hence why I told you to stop looking for the root cause, it’s useless. Hence why you have mixed outcomes after sessions.

Your writing pattern tells me you’re beating around the bush on this process. Put more emphasis or else you’ll fall behind. Start working on things that you care to let go of deeply. Concepts are cool after you released memories/traumas.

Today is your last warning. Get to work.


Instead of updating and constantly asking, please post your Entry later in the day as it will make it harder on me to track you.

That wasn’t a suggestion @dewbob1998. Just making sure.


HPP Entry #1

I was aiming to write down a list of 20 topics as suggested, however I ended up making it 53 topics instead.
Honestly, I was expecting to release at least 4 of those topics today without much effort, however it ended up being one of the most difficult tasks I performed in a while.
I have been living in a state of emotional numbness for so long that most times I find it so hard to identify feelings as they’re happening, let alone past traumas.

After unsuccessfully spending 2 hours trying to release a few topics from my list, I became a bit frustated.
While I was able to replay these events on my mind perfectly, there just seemed to be no feelings associated. (I was meditating most of the time, as to not let my ego influence the results)
It’s like I knew that memory is supposed to have a big impact, however it didn’t generate any feeling.

So instead, I started applying the releasing process on that frustation as it happened. This was my first release of the day, so naturally I felt a bit of joy when I realized my mind was more at peace.
Then some recent memories (not on the list) started to come to light naturally and I started working on those. Ironically, I ended up releasing 4 topics but none of them were on my list.

As I start to understand how the process works, I expect to become more familiar with how to identify these feelings.
Let’s see how it goes tomorrow.




You are getting it! If stuck, release the “stuckness” and build the momentum from there. Phenomenal work brother. Take a rest and try your list again, different thing on there and keep it going.

Side note: I was waiting on your post to mark you.


HPP # 1 input

How many topics did you post today?

Today I made my list of 20 things to deal with, however I believe that this list will continue to grow, I recognize that today I was going around what those issues would be, I was thinking about them, going over and over again in my mind However, all the songs started to flow since I started writing them.

I worked with a focus only on one, a really big one or that’s how I perceive it, I feel that there is a lot of accumulated energy regarding this, and in the end I could feel that I was getting over it, I personally wanted to focus on several releases however, the first It is so great because I have been with me for several years and I do not think that in the hour that I dedicated myself to doing this it will be possible to heal, I must keep pressing and move on, I see that there are already several people here who are working on various objectives, I hope not be falling way behind in that regard.

How did you feel after the session?

Yes indeed, I still have to work, I read several times what Angel said about working until you feel completely liberated from that, but what I am working on now does not compare with what I worked on Saturday regarding my ex, that’s a big difference, I could say that after Saturday, I no longer had anything wrong with that person, I felt completely liberated, however in this case, I still feel a little pressure in my stomach, I feel like there is more to release but the amount of energy I put into this makes me a bit tired.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or great emotional releases? Is the process getting easier? If so, how?

Yes indeed, entering this field, which is the first on my list, led me to dedicate a unique energy and concentration, it was really very liberating, it was very strong for me, I did not shed tears, but the work was there, I was able to work with that energy that has been there for a long time.
At that moment I feel love, and a peace that tells me “The result is very good, however you have to keep working deeply.”

Angel a thousand apologies if this question is not the most appropriate, but I would like to know if there is any place where I can find the PPT of the presentation and only know if the video has already been uploaded.

Finally, thank you very much for this great personal transformation tool that I have been experiencing, sincerely thank you very much for these things that are of great value !!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Sorry brother that’s for me to keep :slight_smile:

Great job releasing though!


Thanks for your support in all time @anon22855873!!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


What you mwa mean by “playing around”?

1 Like

In the training session, instead of asking questions on why you didn’t get a release, all the way at the end you stated that you didn’t get a release because your “mind is empty :)”, everyone in there is eager to learn and yet you decide to flex on how you didn’t get the effect for that reason.

Then you contact me saying something that is personal which wasn’t more than enough people and myself included have accounted for energetic phenomenons.

Your entry doesn’t mention anything on having created the list or having structure around this, you’re free lancing on things that come up or you think about concepts per se.

Stop playing around means that you should put a bit more effort into the way you’re going about it because you’re claiming that releasing is addicting even though you are also claiming that you left something that isn’t a good feeling without taking care of it.

So great you’re getting some results but you’re also sending mixed message on the effort you’re putting in.


HPP Entry #2

Been using a system to track all my issues based on the brainstorming thing you shared above, listed up to about 30 so far and going. Thing is, each issue is sometimes multi-layered so it takes me as long as 10 minutes per issue.


How many topics did you release today?
Released 6 topics today.

How did you feel before the session?
I thought I felt okay and normal, just a usual optimistically neutral self.

How did you feel after the session?
So while releasing, some seemingly neutral topics revealed some surprising emotions that were hidden within. I think it was related to what Angel was talking about with trying to ‘avoid’ the situation and block it off. When facing it directly, suddenly it released some hidden emotions like shame, sadness and unexpected trauma that was subconsciously forgotten/repressed.

Involved other areas, but i found that i had a repeated pattern of tightness and discomfort in the throat and chest. Today did involve some at the sacral region. Most issues had multiple regions involved, and halfway while releasing, more would pop out. If anything pops out, I would restart and go back to the “I’m sorry” phase and take the entire chunk of sensations as a whole, and then just intensify it with “I’m sorry” before proceeding further.

After all that, I feel lighter bodily but a little weary. This surprisingly took some energy from me. But I generally feel blissful in a peaceful way.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?
It is getting slightly easier in the way that I don’t have to think “what’s next?” It’s familiarity with the process I guess. I have also been improving the sensation by rephrasing the four words and repeating them continuously. For example:

  • I’m sorry. I’m deeply sorry. I’m truly sorry. I’m sorry that this happened. I’m so sorry. I apologise.
  • Please forgive me. I take all responsibility. I am in the wrong. I ask for your forgiveness. It was entirely my fault, please forgive me.
  • I love you. I love you regardless of what you did. I love you unconditionally. I care for you. I am here for you. I love you even if the world does not. Here’s a hug. I want the best for you.
  • Thank you. Thank you for doing this with me. Thank you for stepping a step forward with me. I am so grateful for you. I am so thankful. I have nothing but gratitude for you.

And then focusing on the feeling they derive. I realised that when I phrase it differently, it does not cause “word fatigue” and falling into default patterns of just going through the motion. I actually feel it.

Edited to include the message of the day/troubleshooting:

  • There’s distinct feeling between the 4 phrases, feels a bit like this to me:
    • “I’m sorry.” = Feels opposite of avoidance, directly acknowledging with empathy. This reveals and exposes the whole ‘body’ of the emotion associated.
    • “Please forgive me.” - Feels like merging with it, again, opposite of avoiding, almost like surrendering to the energy, but at the same time it loses some kind of grip on me. I’m not sure if ‘detachment’ is the right word though, but more of feeling more free from it.
    • “I love you.” almost feels like light shining onto the sensation. It’s like a soothing sensation that brings out relief and inclusiveness. It has an expansive quality, of relaxing contraction, of opening up.
    • “Thank you.” feels like it is “sealing the deal”. Feels a bit to me like “let it be so”.

You’re doing great bro I’ll comment on your post directly tomorrow (NYC) along everyone else. For now, enjoy the message of the day and troubleshooting, you might pick up some gems in there. :muscle:t4:


HPP Entry #1 (Second try)

How many topics did I release

I’m not entirely sure most of the time it feels like a cascade so If I start with 1 topic or negative feeling in my body it goes to other places but I think 1 or 2 topics got released at least.

How did I feel before?

Nothing special like usual

How did I feel afterwards?

Calmer and reacted more stressfree at certain topics and got some small releases through the day afterwards too probably somethings that got loosened from the sessions

Is it getting easier?

I think yes the feelings become clearer and I don’t have to focus as much it’s like “Ok here is the “negative” part let’s convert it into something else”
Still overall a bit taxing and straining but this’ll get better too.


HPP day #2

Today was a struggle of procrastination. The process took me literally hours of my day, fighting my mind which wanted to do everything else but this. In the end I got through 4 topics, including the procrastination itself and some doubts that it was worth doing.

Once complete I feel a sense of achievement that I stuck at it, even if it didn’t go according to my original plan or topics and took up quite a bit of the day. My mind was all over the place today - hopefully tomorrow is more focused and a smoother process lol. Compared to yesterday I don’t feel like I achieved as much emotionally clearing out - it was more of a battle today - and the battle was a bit tiring. Expending mental energy on taming my thought process took away from getting results from the actual task.

However, I do feel better once again afterwards, and able to focus on my work for the day more effectively once the releases were done. Good result.



How many topics did I release?

I attempted 3 topics

How did i feel before?

Really unmotivated because i had a weird sleep and mental clarity wasn’t really there at all, plasma protocol has been making me randomly wake up during the night. I had to really work into the mindset of thinking of my dream self and conquering all my fears and worries so i went out in the sun and just embraced that mindset then tackled into the session.

How did i feel afterwards?

The session made me feel tired and heavy, alot of the same feelings that i had after the first session. I felt fusrated because I know i need to train my energy sensitivity more, so i left it and decided to continure after work cause the session had me feeling really tired.

After work (now) i went into trying to exercise my energy sensitivity with the hpp sayings and still no luck. Its like i cant get deep inside myself and feel the feeling. I know practice is all i need and its gonna take me a bit of time to get there.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

As the last sesson i do feel something working but energy sensitivity is what i need to practice.

Anything else you wish to add.

i know what i need to do - practice practice practice practice and not over think it.


Sorry bro. Will do from tomorrow. Made some great gains with curing my social anxiety in class today. I think I may have fixed it. Took 15-20 cycles. More details on my main post. Thanks so much for SEE man.