The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

In the training session, instead of asking questions on why you didn’t get a release, all the way at the end you stated that you didn’t get a release because your “mind is empty :)”, everyone in there is eager to learn and yet you decide to flex on how you didn’t get the effect for that reason.

Then you contact me saying something that is personal which wasn’t more than enough people and myself included have accounted for energetic phenomenons.

Your entry doesn’t mention anything on having created the list or having structure around this, you’re free lancing on things that come up or you think about concepts per se.

Stop playing around means that you should put a bit more effort into the way you’re going about it because you’re claiming that releasing is addicting even though you are also claiming that you left something that isn’t a good feeling without taking care of it.

So great you’re getting some results but you’re also sending mixed message on the effort you’re putting in.


HPP Entry #2

Been using a system to track all my issues based on the brainstorming thing you shared above, listed up to about 30 so far and going. Thing is, each issue is sometimes multi-layered so it takes me as long as 10 minutes per issue.


How many topics did you release today?
Released 6 topics today.

How did you feel before the session?
I thought I felt okay and normal, just a usual optimistically neutral self.

How did you feel after the session?
So while releasing, some seemingly neutral topics revealed some surprising emotions that were hidden within. I think it was related to what Angel was talking about with trying to ‘avoid’ the situation and block it off. When facing it directly, suddenly it released some hidden emotions like shame, sadness and unexpected trauma that was subconsciously forgotten/repressed.

Involved other areas, but i found that i had a repeated pattern of tightness and discomfort in the throat and chest. Today did involve some at the sacral region. Most issues had multiple regions involved, and halfway while releasing, more would pop out. If anything pops out, I would restart and go back to the “I’m sorry” phase and take the entire chunk of sensations as a whole, and then just intensify it with “I’m sorry” before proceeding further.

After all that, I feel lighter bodily but a little weary. This surprisingly took some energy from me. But I generally feel blissful in a peaceful way.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?
It is getting slightly easier in the way that I don’t have to think “what’s next?” It’s familiarity with the process I guess. I have also been improving the sensation by rephrasing the four words and repeating them continuously. For example:

  • I’m sorry. I’m deeply sorry. I’m truly sorry. I’m sorry that this happened. I’m so sorry. I apologise.
  • Please forgive me. I take all responsibility. I am in the wrong. I ask for your forgiveness. It was entirely my fault, please forgive me.
  • I love you. I love you regardless of what you did. I love you unconditionally. I care for you. I am here for you. I love you even if the world does not. Here’s a hug. I want the best for you.
  • Thank you. Thank you for doing this with me. Thank you for stepping a step forward with me. I am so grateful for you. I am so thankful. I have nothing but gratitude for you.

And then focusing on the feeling they derive. I realised that when I phrase it differently, it does not cause “word fatigue” and falling into default patterns of just going through the motion. I actually feel it.

Edited to include the message of the day/troubleshooting:

  • There’s distinct feeling between the 4 phrases, feels a bit like this to me:
    • “I’m sorry.” = Feels opposite of avoidance, directly acknowledging with empathy. This reveals and exposes the whole ‘body’ of the emotion associated.
    • “Please forgive me.” - Feels like merging with it, again, opposite of avoiding, almost like surrendering to the energy, but at the same time it loses some kind of grip on me. I’m not sure if ‘detachment’ is the right word though, but more of feeling more free from it.
    • “I love you.” almost feels like light shining onto the sensation. It’s like a soothing sensation that brings out relief and inclusiveness. It has an expansive quality, of relaxing contraction, of opening up.
    • “Thank you.” feels like it is “sealing the deal”. Feels a bit to me like “let it be so”.

You’re doing great bro I’ll comment on your post directly tomorrow (NYC) along everyone else. For now, enjoy the message of the day and troubleshooting, you might pick up some gems in there. :muscle:t4:


HPP Entry #1 (Second try)

How many topics did I release

I’m not entirely sure most of the time it feels like a cascade so If I start with 1 topic or negative feeling in my body it goes to other places but I think 1 or 2 topics got released at least.

How did I feel before?

Nothing special like usual

How did I feel afterwards?

Calmer and reacted more stressfree at certain topics and got some small releases through the day afterwards too probably somethings that got loosened from the sessions

Is it getting easier?

I think yes the feelings become clearer and I don’t have to focus as much it’s like “Ok here is the “negative” part let’s convert it into something else”
Still overall a bit taxing and straining but this’ll get better too.


HPP day #2

Today was a struggle of procrastination. The process took me literally hours of my day, fighting my mind which wanted to do everything else but this. In the end I got through 4 topics, including the procrastination itself and some doubts that it was worth doing.

Once complete I feel a sense of achievement that I stuck at it, even if it didn’t go according to my original plan or topics and took up quite a bit of the day. My mind was all over the place today - hopefully tomorrow is more focused and a smoother process lol. Compared to yesterday I don’t feel like I achieved as much emotionally clearing out - it was more of a battle today - and the battle was a bit tiring. Expending mental energy on taming my thought process took away from getting results from the actual task.

However, I do feel better once again afterwards, and able to focus on my work for the day more effectively once the releases were done. Good result.



How many topics did I release?

I attempted 3 topics

How did i feel before?

Really unmotivated because i had a weird sleep and mental clarity wasn’t really there at all, plasma protocol has been making me randomly wake up during the night. I had to really work into the mindset of thinking of my dream self and conquering all my fears and worries so i went out in the sun and just embraced that mindset then tackled into the session.

How did i feel afterwards?

The session made me feel tired and heavy, alot of the same feelings that i had after the first session. I felt fusrated because I know i need to train my energy sensitivity more, so i left it and decided to continure after work cause the session had me feeling really tired.

After work (now) i went into trying to exercise my energy sensitivity with the hpp sayings and still no luck. Its like i cant get deep inside myself and feel the feeling. I know practice is all i need and its gonna take me a bit of time to get there.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

As the last sesson i do feel something working but energy sensitivity is what i need to practice.

Anything else you wish to add.

i know what i need to do - practice practice practice practice and not over think it.


Sorry bro. Will do from tomorrow. Made some great gains with curing my social anxiety in class today. I think I may have fixed it. Took 15-20 cycles. More details on my main post. Thanks so much for SEE man.


HPP Day 2

How many topics did you release today?

I released on 2 topics today. The first topic had many different emotions attached to it so released about 7 with that.

After hearing about other people’s breakthroughs I decided to be a bit braver today and tackle a betrayal by an ex. I started by focusing on the most painful event from the relationship. I was surprised that instead of feeling really sad I actually felt really angry and realised that I’ve been suppressing the anger since it occurred. When I got to the I Love You stage I saw a smaller version of myself in my mind and I was hugging her and telling her I loved her. We then walked off into the sunset holding hands and then we merged together in the distance. It felt really warm and comforting and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning from ear to ear. I was really shocked at how effective it was and it had only taken about 3 minutes to get there. But things went a bit awry for the next one. I think perhaps my mind was telling me it couldn’t possibly be that fast or easy so now I’m going to make it more difficult for you.

When I focused on the next event a whole lot of other memories started coming to mind and with them came different emotions that I felt in my chest and stomach. I couldn’t seem to untangle all the feelings and where I felt each particular one. After trying for a while I ended the release as best I could, took a deep breath and then focused on a single event and feeling. This was much easier for me to release. For one of the events I felt it in my throat for the first time. I think this is because I never actually screamed at him or gave him a piece of my mind as I was in total shock and just trying to keep it together at the time. I felt much lighter by the end.

I forgot to mention yesterday that there were times when I felt pressure on my pineal gland. It was happening even more today.

How did you feel before the session?

I had a bit of a low energy day today and like others have also mentioned was a bit lacking in motivation but once I got started I was fine.

How did you feel after the session?

Unlike yesterday, I felt a bit drained today but I felt pretty calm and peaceful.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

Even though the main topic today was quite emotional and traumatic for me, I can’t say I felt a big release. It was more a feeling of calmness.

Is the process getting easier?

I feel more confident in the process and the next step comes to mind faster. I found today’s session quite different from yesterdays but that may have been due to the heavier nature of the main topic I worked on today.


HPP Entry #2

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on releasing 4 topics for today, yet ended up working on 7 topics.
Found I needed to work on more subtopics and expand on the initial topics.

How did you feel before the process?
Felt more eager to work on the topics, since I saw nice results yesterday. I wanted to work on as many topics as I could and see how my body felt after.

How did you feel after the session?
I continued to feel lighter after each release during the excercise. Some of the topics I have worked on have caused me to feel something come unstuck all throughout my body at once. After this, I notice my energy sensitivity go up. Lastly, I am feeling happier after releasing on just one topic, but once I worked on other topics it went away and it came back when I had completed all topics.

The excercise has gotten easier for me to do with more reps. My mind is feeling more at ease and at peace in just 2 days.


Bro, I’ll reply kindly for Angel.
You’re wasting your time & energy to justify yourself above here.

He is providing us more than necessary, let’s all stop abusing his good will.

The big things have already been solved for Session 1, all we need to do now is to get to work and re-read the feed when stuck :)


Day 2 Journal

  1. Today I released on 6 topics from my list. I also ended up adding another 9 topics this morning when I woke up.

  2. Before releasing I felt as if I was being impatient. Things weren’t happening fast enough. I also felt a bit like a loser this morning. Felt kind of unworthy and disappointed in myself for being where I am at in life.

It’s weird because I had probably some of the best sleep I had in a while last night but I woke up feeling empty on the inside. I just felt kind of down and like I was going through the motions. I was upset at myself for not doing my trading routine before bed as well.

I have such a doer mindset that when I don’t do the things I set out to do I feel down and that I missed my goal.

  1. After my release I feel a ton more calm and at ease.
    During my release I felt as though my body was melting and I was more than just what I was feeling.
    I felt like I had the weight of everything just lifted off me. I also seen flashes of green light during some of my releases. I had the urge to cry but no tears would fall. I still felt like I wanted to cry after the release but nothing happened physically. It was more of a cry of relief is what it feels like.
    It’s like my body is saying “it’s ok” “everything is fine” “timing is perfect”

  2. the releases are about the same as yesterday. I can just feel my body melting once I get through saying “please forgive me” or “ I forgive you” .
    I actually have a slight headache after my release and I’m not sure if that’s related or not.

I’ve noticed that this list of topics is really never ending and I’m starting to be ok with that and I feel like that comes from releasing more consistently


HPP Entry #2

How many topics did you release today?

A couple of small ones released for good. But my focus has been mostly on attending to big ones.
I have also been working on truly feeling and discerning them.

I worked “extensively” on “I can’t feel” and it led me to quite a ride, up to I believe the root of Boris not being awakened yet.
(cf. deep Fear of Existence & non-Existence, and the Traumas that I can’t access through feelings yet)

How did you feel before the session?

I was surprised to feel some apprehension and some “I need to do it”, especially after yesterday’s Bliss. I have actually done many small sessions instead of a big one, which now that I write it seems less productive.

How did you feel after the session?

Emptiness and Gratitude.
I was disappointed that I could not go as deep as I would want to, but grateful that those things are coming up and getting ready to be processed.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

No big emotional release yet, though I am starting to generate & discern feelings better and better.
I was surprised to encounter so much resistance to the process today after yesterday’s excitement, today felt more profound though - like setting some foundations.

My HPP process still feels hollow but I am fully trusting the process :muscle:

Edit & Update: tonight while reading, topics are coming up by themselves to be released (need for recognition, need to be a smart-ass, victimhood, etc. ).
I like how naturally they came to be processed. With great ease & care additionally :slight_smile:

I can see how I have been adding unnecessary pressure on a simple process.


HPP Entry #2

Waking up this morning I felt like I was more consciously aware of my body and emotional state, as if primed by the releasing we’ve been doing. My mood was significantly happier/lighter than the last few mornings!

I began the day by releasing a total of five more topics. Two related to negative behavior patterns in my childhood while three topics revolved around familial relationships. One of the most interesting parts of this process so far has been identifying where in the body emotion or tension is stored. When I embody specific anxieties my upper arms and shoulders become heavy/numb, and unique memories or ‘flavors’ that contribute to a topic affect the exact location where the sensations are felt. I find that some of my releases have been accompanied by physiological responses like tearing up during ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Please forgive me’. On average, each topic takes at least three rounds of releases before I feel ready to move on.

After each complete release today, I found my self-confidence was boosted. Beyond simply experiencing relief there is this sense of “yeah, I faced that sh- and grew from it”. Retrospectively, I feel weary of allowing that thought solidify into a larger ego identity, but I will admit it is welcomed compared to how I felt prior.

The process is becoming noticeably easier the more I practice. Most time is spent during the ‘I love you’ segment, but reaching that point is now more direct. My goal is to continue releasing throughout the day as I have more time, and fortunately there is less resistance to starting the process than there first was on Saturday. Specifically, as blocks come up I am eager to clear them as they arise rather than putting it off until later. The ‘taking full responsibility’ concept seems to be a natural bridge to generating more self-power and self-actualization.


HPP Entry#2

How many topics did you release?

By working on a once rather big one I release many smaller ones along the way so I’m not sure sry but at least 3 smaller ones

How did you feel before the session?

Bit more excited than yesterday

How did I feel afterwards?

Way better feeling across the body much lighter on certain places and I always heard my issues like someone was always talking to me. It is more quiet now. Right now I hear nothing from these energies so that in itself is a big relieve.

Did it get easier?

Yes sometimes I can do mini releases on the fly. So a “bad” thought comes up and I just convert it and then sometimes think about it. Bigger issues take more conentration. At the start today it was still mentally taxing but I think it got easier in that regard too


HPP Entry 2

How many topics did you release today?

  • Addiction to Alcohol
  • Physical Tension in the Body/Heaviness in Body
  • Poor Emotional/Energetic Boundaries
  • Blockage to Be Physical/Exercise
  • The need to know/control everything
  • Discipline/Routines/Structures
  • Finishing Anything
  • Overthinking
  • People Pleasing
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Caring too much how people view me
  • Taking everything as a personal attack
  • Feeling like I don’t deserve my current life with BF
  • Abandonment and Sexual Abuse Issues

How did you feel before the session?
I woke up feeling neutral, at peace. I wrote list for today’s release session and I immediately felt

Dense. Heavy. Clogged. Cluttered by thought of the list I wrote. So I was determined to sit there until I felt


How did you feel after the session?
Clear. Lighter. Free :cloud: Spacey. In a good way :)

Like I got 12 hours of sleep lol

As I went down the list, it felt like the releases were me tuning into a different calibration at a faster speed too, so cool. An illusion shattering ninja 🥷✨

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?
Yes. These are all subcategories to Mother Wound so I’m cracking this layer by layer.

Is the process getting easier?
Yes. I did a big release before and it wiped the energy out of me. Now I feel like I can do a big release and still have energy to do more. I’m adjusting to this at this intensity.

Anything else you’d like to add?
With all the releases I did today, the HPP statements were a conversation with me and my higher/divine self. For example, with the first release ‘need to know everything’ I had a vision that I was snooping around in things that aren’t really my business. My divine self was then present and said “You are a slave to the illusion that you can know what isn’t for you to know” I saw myself say “I’m Sorry, Forgive me” to my Divine self. She said “I love you” and I said “Thank you” - I believe this happened since most of what I focused on releasing was inner observations of self, not surrounding mirrors 🪞 (People/Family)

I know Angel, you say I’ll be less into the story lines by the end of the week. I trust your word on that, although sometimes I feel being visual is my souls language. I am too interested in seeing if that will be true for me :pray:t4: I’m not resistant on the idea of that. Even tried a release for it but I felt neutral all the way through. Maybe it might be habit from the old version of releases when I was required to go back into childhood and visit the triggers first hand. I was releasing ‘blockage to exercise’ and ‘having more structure in my life’ and my divine self said “Forget the how it happened, when it happened, or why it happened, just focus on transfiguring it”. My mind has habits of trying to make sense of every little step. Switched to releasing that before the rest and it helped.


@anon22855873, Bro I swear I made a list on the very first day

But going through the negative emotions that are popping up now and dealing with them immediately and seeing the immediate change just feels so much better and organic than accessing past memories. I do plan on doing them but only after I fix my speech which is my number one priority now (only because it is something I absolutely need and can’t deal without anymore).

This is the only reason why my posts seem so monotonous and repetitive like I’m not putting in any effort.

But if you insist that I change my topic now and again, I will.

Day 1

Day 2

Here are the links to my previous entries just to organise them a bit more.

Just a confirmatory post that I’m not slacking off, that’s it.


HPP Entry #2

How many topics did you release today?

  • Several releases regarding my impatience and “waaaaant noooow” about an order of tags :wink:
  • Several releases regarding my fear and guilt coming from procrastining on something.
  • Several releases regarding resistances about the practice.

How did you feel before the session?

  • Eager to start. I’ve actually been HPPing on the fly everytime I could. It is not (yet) as efficient as having a dedicated time where I can be in a meditative state, but I intend to get there (and there are sometimes little releases happening). Whenever I’m not HPPing, I still try to stay in a place of love, and, even when in emotional turmoil, I feel the love underneath it and I can summon it back relatively easy.

How did you feel after the session?

  • Even better. I was just bliss, love and trust, and buzzing with energy. When triggered, I let the feeling dissolve in love and trust. There were still remnants after, but I could wait before working on them without discomfort. And they didn’t stay in my head like they might have otherwise.
  • Now, I’m just happy and joyful about getting my tags :grin:

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • 2 releases were almost orgasmic !
  • Others felt great but not as powerful.
  • It’s getting easier, I could reach the high loving state I had experienced last sunday.
  • I think it was easier because I was already in a loving state of mind today. It allowed me to start my session full of trust and love, instead of having to work to get there.

Anything else you wish to add.

  • After my sessions yesterday evening, before going to bed, I realized I felt somehow bigger and stronger :smile:
  • Then, when in bed, I HPPed some more, not on specific topics but just letting feelings pop up and working on them. Nothing major came to me so I started to HPP my entire body and it felt wonderful, I was buzzing with good energy and peace and love. I felt great when I woke up today and during the day, even with some “annoying” stuff at work. The great thing is that I didn’t feel much bothered by that, I know I got triggered and added that to my list, but, most of the time, the bothers felt superficial due the love I felt today.
  • After completing my registration to the course, I started to do some releasing on some topics that triggered me. It was not real meditation time and I did not experiment big releases at the time, but I don’t get triggered at all or as much when encountering similar situations.

HPP #2 Tuesday
Today I did a few clearance rounds while at work. I can’t even remember what exactly but it was small things, more like reactions to certain thoughts. And I would quickly say ooh I can clear that and then do a round or two. Sometimes it was just once but never more that two rounds. I never really had time to go back and check if it was cleared. I thought of them more as light practice rounds. I like the idea that I can nip things in the bud as they are surfacing. I remember doing a round while someone was sitting at another desk filling out an application form. If someone had to look at me they would have just thought that I was reading something on my laptop where as I was staring at a spot on the screen and focusing on the feeling. I like that I can do this in public although I will focus on the more challenging ones in the privacy of my home.

Felt very resistant to starting my session this evening. I couldn’t seem to get out of my head and focus. Looked at my list and couldn’t decided which topic to focus on. They weren’t triggering any strong emotions for me to latch onto. By the way my list is good, the topics are valid I just seem to be resistant to facing them. Never did like confrontations and after yesterday’s session I was a tad bit anxious about having a similar experience. Was like a scared child that didn’t want to get hurt again. At one point I started questioning myself “Why are you doing this again, hey? WHY? What’s the point? What does it matter?” and oh boy those last four words triggered a surge of anger practically yelling out " I Effing matter, okay, I matter!!!" the pain was intense and the tears just started flowing as I sobbed. Again all the pain was in the heart area. It was almost a repeat of yesterday. I ended up loving myself just like I did except this time I was gently rocking forward and a whole lot slower. Just kept repeating the words “I love you” over and over to myself but in a more softer voice. I just felt the need to be soothed, that I needed a more gentler approach and so I took my time. I think I was loving a younger me, saying words like “I love you Jen Jen” but in a motherly voice. Spent quite a bit of time on this topic, I did feel relief at the end of each round but still feel like I haven’t completely cleared it, the roots are a lot deeper.

Even though today was similar to yesterday it was also different. The pain wasn’t as raw as yesterday or as intense but it was equally as tiring.

Overall I feel good, I feel like I’ve chipped away a huge chunk of something I wasn’t even aware was an issue. Baby steps but I’m getting there.

How many sessions did I release. Only one

Asking myself questions seems to trigger suppressed emotions. Wondering what else is below the surface.


Btw, I’ve succesfully released a negative emotion and I’m feeling some good vibrations in my tummy now but they don’t seem to be disappearing (been there for 30 min now). Has anyone else experienced this?

It’s almost like they’ve become automatic and self sustaining at this point.

Thinking about a memory and bringing up an emotion actually seems to amplify the vibrations and in more parts of the body other than my tummy. Very strange.

Edit: They’ve spread to my legs now with the same intensity. Haha what is happening

Update: They’ve finally disappeared after an hour. Now I can finally get to releasing more emotions.


HPP #2

How many topics did you release today?
I ended up releasing 2 more last night as I went for a short walk but I guess that can be added to yesterday’s post. Today I released 5 topics that were getting bubbled up.

How did you feel before the session?
Felt lots of resistance coming up. Feeling despondent. Didn’t want to do anything. But also felt a push to go do the HW.

How did you feel after the session?
Feeling a sense of calmness. Relaxed body. I noticed that I went between I’m Sorry and Please Forgive me for one topic multiple times. Also, did the same for Please Forgive me and I love you. Noticed that for one topic the feeling moved from my heart towards solar plexus so kept repeating it until it dissipated. Also, noticed that my body tenses up during I’m Sorry and then starts relaxing during Please Forgive me. My shoulders actually relax down more.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Don’t notice the resistance anymore. My body definitely feels more relaxed than before I started. Thinking about the topics, I don’t feel anything. It’s like ‘ok… next’.