The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP entry #0.1 (Jan 11th, 2021)

Originally I wanted to start with a different release topic. However due to a triggering dream I had, I was made no other choice but to release this energy as soon as I woke up from it.

Topic - Relationship with Woman in my Family/Mother Wounds

(I did 15 releases on this)

Dream Summary: Aunt dropped one of the babies in the family, was very careless about it. I Was consoling the crying baby in the dream feeling very broken about it.

Before Session/Before Dream:

I carried around deep sadness and anger for a long time stemming to the situation of how I relate to the women/mother in my family. How they treated themselves and treated me and the rest of the kids, how they kept recycling that type of “abandonment” cycle throughout the family. I also noticed while I was tuning in, a lot of the anger I was carrying wasn’t just my own anger, a lot of it was theirs that I was carrying as well. Crazy part is In my awareness I understand being a good mother wasn’t really modeled for them. But I still had this resentment towards them living in my chest.


I felt exhausted immediately after. A little beat up. As always, a lot of crying lol. This was a huge release/transfiguration. Just turning all that sadness and pain into unconditional love and releasing that. I’m very vivid/psychic/empathic during tuning in moments so they create very vivid experiences for me and I can even tap into how they feel deep down during the “I’m sorry, Forgive me”. Jesus, it was like I multiplied the sadness and anger I was feeling. So it took a while for me to completely transform this energy. I feel better. Normally I would get a stinging sensation in my heart when ever I think about them or talk to them. The stinging sensation is no longer there. & Guess what happened next! later that very day, I got a package in the mail from the same aunt I had dreamt of and she gave me 6 different gifts! (I hadn’t received a gift from her since I was a child!) I was speechless and in utter shock. We sat on the phone and had an amazing conversation for hours later that day after the release. (I haven’t spoken to her in a few years) You can’t tell me this was a coincidence. This is really magic. Thank you Angel :pray:t4:


While you’re waiting on Angelgome to reply perhaps I could offer you some suggestions.
It sounds like you’re still in your head trying to figure out am I doing it right, is this the best way, should I do it that way, etc. Try and let that go. If you’ve been stuck there for 20 minutes and can’t release the feeling then finish it and start a new session. Experiment to see what might work for you.

Another thing you could do is think about whether the anxiety that’s stuck is the exact same anxiety that you were working on. What I mean by this is that you may have different types of anxiety for example you might feel anxious about pronouncing words correctly. You might feel anxious about what others will think of you. You might also be anxious if you want to impress someone. While it’s all anxiety, there are different aspects to it. It might be helpful to break down the anxiety topic and work on each aspect separately if you can’t release it all at once.

Hope this helps. Good luck. You’ve got this.


Oh wow @PeachiMichi that’s so awesome. What a breakthrough. The gift and talking to your aunt on the same day - so powerful. Very happy for you


Thank you :heartpulse:


Thank you @Sazza, will do.


Saturday - Overcoming Procrastination

The whole last week I avoided a conversation, that needed to be had. Thought about this after the zoom session and noticed the bothersome feeling, that made me avoid the conversation. After going through the four steps I felt release and could finally get up and get it done.

The talk went really well and was it was super easy. (my mind made it so much more difficult) Some form of fear is always at the root of procrastination …


Two emotional issues overwhelmed me, when I was hiking through nature. (were not on my list)

My subconscious, probably let the most pressing emotions come to my mind, since it knows that I am now better equipped to handle these.

Monday – Session 1

Before the Session

Felt good and energized, but my mind was all over the place.

First Part

Took a glance at my list and picked the topic, which created an immediate gut reaction. Focused on the feeling and quickly completed the first two steps. Thought, that I was more or less done after the second step. But when I started to evoke the feeling of love I noticed the big difference between second and third step.

It felt like I was filling an emotional space with love / gratitude and both took me quite a while to fill. Way longer, than the other rounds.

At the end I felt a surge of happiness and got a massive boost in confidence. When I reviewed the topic in my mind, felt calm and at peace.

Moved on to the next topic, but I couldn’t really grasp the feeling, even though I felt the anxiety yesterday, while writing the topic on my list.

– Interruption sth. else required my attetntion

1 Release in ~15 minutes

Second Part

Still felt joyful and good from the session before, so it took me a bit to grasp the feeling of the next topic.

Managed to catch and focus on it. First release was rather easy. I expected this release to deal with a very similar issue, but feeling it out made clear, that the related issue needed to be worked on as well. So I started focusing on the related issue. This was the most difficult release until now. Took me three rounds to free up everything.

But even though the release was succesfull, there was still a feeling of distress. I checked, but it wasn’t coming from the already released issues. Probably a new issue came up, which wass closely related to the last two. After one longer round this one could be released as well.

Finally I focused on another situation, that happened in the past. Step three and four took longer than usual, but I managed to achieve release.

After the session:

  • Feeling more joy and very peaceful.
  • Less reactive in my thoughts
  • Greater mental clarity

4 Releases in ~35 minutes

Day 1 Results

5 Releases in 50+ minutes.


Scribe’s HPP Entry#1

How many topics did you release today? I’ve released four topics so far, today, but still plenty of day left. One was related to resistance over working out at the gym. Three other’s were specifically related to resistance to following through on topics related to work projects.

How did you feel before the session? This being the first day of the work week, I was rather stressed, very quiet and really feeling anxiety toward what was facing me for topics at work…almost a hopelessness of “what am I doing this all for (referring to the day job)?” I seem to have overall resistance to working my way through deliverables on projects and I also procrastinate escalating updates to senior management.

How did you feel after the session? I feel better, was able to dispassionately send out updates on projects. This is a daily issue with me so it will be interesting to see how I do tomorrow with the next set of project deliverables. I got my workout in, despite heavy resistance and felt better about it afterward. I’ve been carrying around the same extra 30lbs of weight for over a decade so it will be interesting to observe whether there is positive movement in the coming months toward weight loss.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how? I find spending some time in the Thank you stage very helpful. In this way I had some prior experience of doing Most Benevolent Outcomes and really feeling that gratitude. I’d say the part I struggle with is resistance to amplifying the uncomfortable feelings in the Please Forgive Me stage. The process is getting easier, but I also have to be mindful not to speed through it without feeling the actual emotional state changes.


Day 1- journal

  1. I released 4 topics today. The need to always do stuff, wanting money, wanting success and feeling like I do have my own, like I’m behind everyone else.

  2. Before the session I felt my mind wondering from thought to thought constantly. It was overwhelming chatter. It made me feel anxious and as if I wasn’t doing enough. I felt like I had to plan something else or make another to do list in order to be productive.

  3. After the session I felt more calm and peaceful. The mind chatter seemed to be muted. I also felt like I could breathe deeply without feeling like it’s a struggle , if that makes sense. I don’t feel like I’m in a rush or a race like I did before.

  4. The process is get easier the more topics I went into. I also felt like an avalanche effect on certain topics like wanted success I felt the am I worthy feeling come about amount some other topics that are on my list. It felt like I dropped the toilet paper and the roll was just unraveling and I couldn’t stop it. I felt myself trying to control what my mind and feelings were focusing on and that was delaying my release. Once I finally gave on trying to control how I should be focusing on a topic the release was a lo quicker.

Things went from being mini movies on topics to little snapshot pictures that would just fade away.


Had a bit of release today on my legs throat chest and stomach area. It felt taxing but is a good exercise for will power too. Felt like my solar plexus chakra had a workout.
Overall the sensations were diverse. Cold energy left, heavy shakings, some burps especially when I was working on the stomach area.

After the sessions I felt calmer and also reacted calmer and different from certain situations but I also feel that some topics were just the “surface” or the symptom of and underlaying topic that I didn’t fully release yet so on some things I feel different from others although the feeling that I released is quite similar. Dunno if that makes sense.
Thanks for the system will continue


First of all, deep Gratitude Angel, since Satori three weeks ago I have been feeling like a dead person rollercoasting from Bliss to “Deep-ression” (cf. always back to identifying with the Dying “Gremlin” - even more those last days), and Damn today I am finally ALIVE again !

How? HPP-ing the Gremlin itself :pray:
(thanks again for the idea @abro)

You’ve truly found the way to Make Enlightenment happen with VERY limited suffering (HPP -> Vibration training & Fields -> Satori = :heart: ), and now I am looking forward to Master those.

HPP Entry #1

How many topics did you release today?

Hard to count, with the Bliss & excitement I have been going on Streaks and not caring about the content about what’s coming. I am still lacking method & rigor regarding that process and this will be one of my focus of tomorrow :slight_smile:

How did you feel before the session?

Fear, anticipation of failure, un-confidence, tiredness after yesterday’s epic journey of targeting Depression and partially failing.
(Fyi: now I have been feeling that epic fail was due to wearing 24/7 the Schuman tag for the last days, generating a hard-core detox. With “trying to do HPP right” and other pressures I was putting on myself, this was just too much to process)

How did you feel after the session?

During: Bliss, Excitement, Joy.
After: Peace, Joy and a bit of Anxiety (Next on my list as my Bliss is mixed up with deep Emotions)

Now certain that Bliss is NOT Freedom.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Fuck yeah!
Beyond pure energy, I am still having a hard time to “feel” & discern feeling, but the process has been working greatly so… I’ve been starting to HPP the “I can’t feel”. Big one, I’ll get back at it tonight & tomorrow.

Another beautiful re-discovery is that I can kick out Thoughts, Emotions, Beliefs with a Strong Intent.
Trying to stay focused on HPP for now though.

Much Love to all of you :pray: :heart:


HPP #1

How many topics did you release today?
Wrote out my list of 20 issues. I did about 4 topics today. What was interesting is that I would finish one topic and then another feeling would come up having to do with another topic which I then worked on. I added them if they weren’t on my list.

How did you feel before the session?
Was feeling anxious, upset, anger, and tense. Had resistance even going into doing this exercise.

How did you feel after the session?
During the releases, I saw my breathing get super shallow between I’m Sorry and Please Forgive Me phases. Afterward, I felt a deep release, was calmer and those feelings melted away like ice cream. I feel a sense of more connectedness. When I thought about the topics I worked on, I didn’t get upset. So, pretty good.

EDIT - More topics are coming up so I’m adding them to my list. I’m up to 25 atm.


HPP Entry #1

{Pictured above is a bracelet of the four Ho’oponopono statements written in braille from Dr. Hew Len’s website that I’ve had for a while– I’m not vision impaired, but I know braille and I thought it aligned with the concept of feeling the statements on multiple levels}

I have been an avid fan and user of Ho’oponopono for nearing two transformative years, so I was pleasantly surprised to see Angel’s SEE curriculum began with the process. His approach – specifically to feel the words as you clean/release – deepens the technique to a remarkable degree.

I began with my list of twenty topics, which primarily relate to emotional trauma and broad, and quickly came to the realization that broad topics can require more effort than specific topics to get to the root feeling since the associated emotions evolve as you go. This has led to me adding more topics to my list as I go. Using a random number generator as a divination tool to pick which topic to clean first (lol), I released two topics yesterday and three today to start the week. As expected, evoking the emotions of my first topic (relating to betrayal) caused discomfort in my chest/heart and throat, but as Angel described the only way to a solution is to work through. It took around four sessions to get to the relief I was aiming for, but some of the other topics I’ve done since have required more persistence.

The topics I tackled these first few sessions are as follows:

Past behavior of intensity/overthinking

Prior to yesterday and today’s sessions I felt a bit off-kilter. I’ve woken up the past few days feeling a little anxious so some of that persisted to the point where I began the releases. Honestly, that anxiety made it easier to get into the feeling state so I had no issue diving in. Once I achieved the release, however, the days lightened considerably. As of now, I find the ‘I love you’ portion is where the primary shift in feeling takes place, but the ‘thank you’ at the end really seals the deal in terms of letting go. The relief I felt so far has been subtle, but I’ve worked with these topics in the past. When I get to deeper/more pertinent trauma I expect a more tangible sense of relief.

Keep up the great work everyone!


Guys I’ve gotta say. After spending two hours trying to painstakingly find these tiny emotional blocks that were affecting my speech, it improved by a lot but not completely.

Then I decided to deal with a memory in which I had extreme difficulty speaking and…I just burst into the most intense tears ever. I’m 22 now and I haven’t cried like this since 13 (I can say I’ve literally cried twice since then till now).

Lots of pent up emotional trauma from little failures here and there, to 3 massive failures, getting rejected constantly by other people, losing friends, parents who are although loving just don’t understand my situation…yeah life has been tough inside. It seems all of that manifested as a speech problem that appeared to come out of nowhere.

I wonder if that counted as an emotional release lol


HPP #1 - Monday
Today I decided to work on the elephant in the room. The loss of a loved one.
Overall I felt okay as I sat on my bed but at the same time I felt a bit hesitant as I knew I was about to rip a plaster off an old wound and expose the raw pain beneath it. Had some major resistance trying to discourage me. Negative thoughts like "You don’t need to do this right now… why don’t you watch that movie you recorded you can always do this later…why do you even want to do this, what’s the point…there is no need, life is good and you are doing good, why rehash old memories…etc etc.

Let’s just say that releasing that pain hurt like a B#&@%! The pain was mostly centred around my heart. Felt like my heart was in a vice grip and being squeezed very tightly. All I had to do was say “I’m sorry” towards the pain and the water works started flowing. Saying “please forgive me” just intensified the pain more and by that stage I just wanted curl up into a ball and sob my heart out but at the same time knew I’ve done that exact same thing many times in the past and the pain always remained. Saying “I love you” to the pain caused it to dissipate in strength but at the same time I also felt it shrinking away from me. I could feel myself tightening up and pulling my shoulders and arms closer like a “please don’t touch me” type of move. Which caused me to say I love you with more passion but also more gently if that makes sense. This went on for quite a few rounds when I then noticed I was crying more as I was saying the words “I love you” like I, myself needed to hear those words, that I needed more loving and so I spent more rounds on just loving myself. Landed up hugging myself, resting head on my right shoulder and just rocking side to side as I loved myself also landed up giving myself a stiff neck :sweat_smile:.

There were times when I didn’t know which pain I was working on, the loss of a loved one or my need to be loved and so I found myself just releasing whatever pain surfaced. Sometimes the pain felt like it was a dark cloud that slowly dissipated into wisps each time I said “I love you”. Towards the end it felt like the pain was imploding into itself and getting smaller and smaller. Saying "thank you at the end of each round brought a lot of relief causing me to let out a sigh and feel a bit more lighter than before.

When I went back and checked it was pretty hard to bring back the pain felt on that awful day. But then I started having feelings of guilt for not feeling any pain :woman_shrugging: so I did a couple of rounds to release that as well.

How do I feel afterwards? I can honestly say I feel good, yes my eyes are all puffy and swollen but I am also grinning like an idiot as I type out my journal so all good. There was a time near the end where I felt my heart chakra expanding and contracting, like it was pulsing, a beautiful feeling.

I found if I closed my eyes (not always) I tended to picture the pain in images, I would then need to remind myself to focus more on the feeling itself. Having my eyes open and focusing on a spot helped me to zone into the pain. This is all in hindsight, most of today’s session was done with my eyes closed.

I’ve never worked on my inner child before. I wonder if that was a younger me that was desperate to feel loved or is it the adult version of me? I think there is still more work to be done or should I say I feel that in the future more of this will start surfacing.

Sorry Angel I was only able to release one topic from my list but at the same time it did take quite a while to release. Will continue working on some more topics before I go to bed.

P.S. Typed this up around 8pm my side and then just before I wanted to post it I thought I’d read what others had written in case my layout was wrong or I had forgotten to write something and guess what?? the power went off!! If it was possible to kick myself I would have :stuck_out_tongue: Was only off for an hour and a half, big relief that I manged to post!


HPP Entry 1#

I released two.

I used this morning anger towards my cat and other things to release that.
Also did hard release about “shame” and “sadness” about feeling like everyone understands but not me.

I felt good. I met some friends. Had a chill work day. The training on sunday made me fall asleep almost instantly. Also others words dont hurt as much.
After session i feel bit emotional, heavy.
I guess i should releaase more. Want to cry a bit.

When i did anger releases, it was easy. I really cant really 100% to feel the anger as i havent done much work.
The shame part when i did “I love you”, was the first hard release which i have experienced. Very heavy and will adress that more.
I love the blank.
This release is very addictive.
Probably the best addiction ill ever have.

Edit: Im shaking like crazy when i do the releases. These electro stimulations made me tired.
Also, when i feel “thank you”, i smile like I smoked some weed.


HPP Entry #1

How many topics did you release today?
Wrote out a list of 20 topics and released on 4 topics for today.
I struggled a lot to even get started with the exercise. Picked out the topics I felt needed to be addressed the most and grudgingly started the process.

How did you feel before the process?
Felt a bit angry and just did not want to start at all. Also, I felt unsure about the entire process even if I did notice some results during the meet on Saturday. Seems as if I wanted to look for any excuse just not try and go through with all of this.

How did you feel after the session?
Noticed I felt lighter immediately after each topic. Also, I became exhausted after one of the topics and felt very tired when I completed all 4 topics. When some of these topics surface in my mind I have an I don’t care attitude towards it and they don’t bother me at all. Another thing I felt is my energy sensitivity went up.


HPP Entry #1

I have released 4 topics today. It was surprising once I started writing a list that memories, that I’ve pushed to the surface came rushing back and it’s very interesting to see common themes across several of them. Mainly shame and guilt.

I got to work on them today and boy was that an experience and I’ve tried that many different avenues across the years, some with more success than others. Nothing however has been this simple but so effective. The first topic involved a couple of cycles but was mainly due to being in my own head but once I’d settled and totally relaxed and embraced it, that’s when the magic started.

I had chest convulsions and felt all around electric on every release, especially the last topic as that was something that has been eating me up for a very long time. All to do with a past relationship and the business I was getting up too behind their back. It was such a release and relief that I can actually let it go and not have to carry it around with me like a war wound and allow it to define me subconsciously.

Amother experience I had was the vivid colours I was having onwards from “Please forgive me”.

I saw the most vivid colours I’ve experienced outside of LSD and the inner peace which has come over me is crazy. I feel so much lighter and unburdened. I didn’t realise how much I was walking around with these heavy chains but carrying out the HPP method destroyed those shackles.

What I would add is how much my mind started to link topics and show me other memories related to it.

I’m working my way up to doing the HPP on my childhood sexual abuse. I’ve cleared 95-96% of it previously through other healing experiences but there’s that 4-5% still clinging onto my back.


HPP #1:

Released 7 topics in the late morning.

Beforehand I felt very nervous and anxious since I’m not that great at expressing things so I was really worried about writing all of this down. Despite that, I also felt hopeful that this process would help me in the long run so I was ready to get this started.

The topics were mostly work related and trying to oversome the social anxiety I experience throughout the day.
During the first topic, I heard a thought saying to stop that “You don’t have time to do this, stop doing this” that stuck around for a little bit but after a few cycles, just stopped completely. I also felt very lightheaded after feelings were being released during a couple of my heavier topics. Also, had a couple of hot flashes during the releasing process as well.
Also, some hidden emotions crept up during a couple of cycles that I didn’t even realized I had repressed and I started to tear up towards the end. It was really surprising to me but it felt good to be able to tackle these issues head on.

Overall, the session made me feel very satisfied and ready to tackle the next batch of topics for tomorrow but it left me feeling a bit exhausted. It did become much easier to focus on the feelings as each topic was being released and it felt like a huge mental block just melted away after a certain point. It legit felt like a weight was being taken off my shoulders and it felt absolutely heavenly.


HPP Entry #1 - Monday

I did 3+3 (morning and evening) releases.

I was feeling pretty good early in the day, after the morning releases I felt joyful and optimistic about starting my day. All the day I felt nice and I’ve noticed pleasure in talking to people (usually I’m not so talkative).
Finshed the evening ones some moments ago and I feel happy and at peace.

I’ve worked on 1 anger, a bunch of anxiety and 1 shame. Releasing anger felt quite different from the other ones cause I felt a lot of heat inside the body (spreading out from the upper chest and throat).
For the others I felt more shivers like sensations.
“I love you” felt like a big exapansion and “Thank you” like smooth out things and being at peace.

The process defintely get easier the more is done to the point that for the last ones was a bit difficult to feel the neg emotion cause I was so filled with love, was like an immediate release… it was as if I can say “I love you” from the beginning and BOOM :joy:

I must add to this that I’ve choosen 20 topics from “easy level” to “mid-high” and today I’ve done only easy ones.


HPP Entry #1

Yesteday, I started a growing list of topics and sub-topics. Whenever I feel something bothering me, I write it down.

How many topics did you release today?

  • I did 2 sessions today, working on 2 things. The first one was a sub-topic of my list that I released almost completely, but I discovered something big underneath and did not have time to release that during the first session. I planned to work on it during my second session but something happened in the meantime that shook me up emotionally, so I worked on that. I did not release it all but I went from a strong emotional pain to a rather calm state. Do not worry about me though, the situation is actually probably more strange than dramatic.

How did you feel before the session?

  • Before the first session, I felt both confident, afraid of not succeeding and a little overwhelmed at the idea of confronting big emotional issues. Just before starting, I thought of something old that still made me feel embarassed so I decided to start with that : it was still an issue but it was light enough for me to feel safe.
  • Before my second session, I was quite a mess mentally and emotionally.

How did you feel after the session?

  • Wayyyyy better after both !

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • I did experience a big emotional release and sense of relief during the first session. It took me several cycles for that, following my discomfort and tensions wherever they manifested in my body. When the last one was done, the sense of relief that overcame me was way stronger than the little releases I had felt since the beginning of the session, which I interpreted as me being done with the topic. Or so I thought at first. Underneath the overwhelming relief, I still felt a little pinch in my chest. I checked it … and it was the very small tip of a big iceberg. It is a related issue, obviously, but my embarassing sub-topic is still released : when I think about it, I don’t feel embarassed anymore. So, yay for victory ! \o/
  • While working my cycles during that first session, I tried to center myself on my heart. It proved to be way easier to be in a loving state. Before long, I felt a white sun in my chest that absorbed all the shadows and discomforts as I was working on them. I also tried to reach the state I was in yesterday and succeeded a little but it was not as powerful.