The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP #2:

Released 6 topics in two separate blocks in the afternoon.

I didn’t have any nervousness about today’s session, unlike yesterday. I was ready to get this process started and was kind of excited about it. I did have a headache but I decided to start the session anyway before it went away.

All of my topics today were work related, continuing that list that I started yesterday.
Compared to day 1, the process was so much easier. No where near as much mental background noise to block out and being able to focus on the feelings was a lot easier too. In particular, I could feel the “I’m Sorry” and “Please Forgive Me” parts much better today. Still felt lightheaded after each topic though and the headache that I had got worse to the point where I had to stop and wait for the pain to subside a bit. The hot flashes that I felt yesterday were also a lot more frequent today as well but that wasn’t a problem.

I also began to tear up a little bit at the end of almost every cycle today so I had to compose myself for a couple of minutes before moving on to the next cycle.

Overall, the session felt a lot better then yesterday to the point where I felt like I was going to just fly out of my chair at points due to how well I was feeling at the end. It feels fantastic and I’m very happy with the results.


HPP #2 - Tuesday

Today I’ve done 3 topics, plus their subtopics that have come up during the process.

I’ve done the releases this evening after a day of work and I felt quite tired in the beginning. It has been since a week or so that I wake up very early in the morning and I can’t get to sleep (maybe plasma protocol…)

The release of the single topics take more time than yesterday cause some subtopics come up, but I take it as a sign of increased sensitivity and getting better with HPP.

The first one was about grief and it took a while to completely release. After that one I wasn’t feeling any reaction to the event in itself but my mind kept telling “It will come up again… it cant be completely gone…” so I decided to HPP’s the “doubtfulness” about the successful release. This gave me more memories of times when I was doubtful about whatever I was trying to accomplish (I take not of these for later releases)

After this one the other two topics gave subtopics too but it was more easy cause I have already started the “love engine” ahah

After the session I felt lightness in my chest but I still want to relax in my bed and take a good sleep.


HPP Entry#2

How many topics did you release today?
One about skin issues, and semi-one about low vibe feeling that i left unfinished after last session. This bringed up one trauma about crying which i released about an hour.

How did you feel before the session?

Agitated, feeling low vibe, sadness, anger, anxiety at the same time, but not as before. Anxious. Had some pain in heart region and small feeling that i might die. Today I could control more easily the anger.
How did you feel after the session?
Bit lighter. The “sad” energy in my eyes is a lot lighter. I would say I feel more focused. Anger is gone. I dont feel the low vibe feeling anymore. But still feeling like i want to cry, but a lot less then before the session. Couldnt do more, as i need to sleep. And peaceful, like i dont care about most of the problems anymore.
Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
When doing 'i love you" feeling, to the crying trauma, shed bit of tears. This was more tears than yesterday.
The process was a lot harder then previous. The more i did it, the more i had thoughts:“Yoooo, fk this shiiiit” etc. Something was resisting hard.
Anything else you wish to add.
So whenever i close my eyes and just breath,My 3rd eye and root chakra is vibrating/having pressure a lot/hard, which causes involuntary movements. And when try to do/do the focus on the feeling, its just going crazy. Both the movements and pressure in the 3rd eye is distracting me from feeling the emotion, so if anyone can give some tips to maybe calm this down, please pm me.


HPP Entry 2

How many topics did you release today?
Today I’ve released 3 topics along with anything related which came up during the 3.
I mainly focused on work and my unhealthy relationship with it along with my lack of sense of worth.

How did you feel before the session?

Been a nice steady relaxing day today so I was already very relaxed, calm and stress free with nothing going around my head.

How did you feel after the session?
Floating on air. The feeling of lightness has been a staple since starting HPP. I’ve developed anxiety and high levels of stress from my current job, I havent felt at all tonight since doing the HPP and my body and being feel at one and very peaceful. Almost like my mind and body are working together in harmony rather than at war with each other.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
The process is getting easier more so just being in the moment with the feelings and memories rather than the mind racing and going a million miles per hour. Very deep sense of relief and closure and again very vivid colours whilst carrying out the method which brings on a state of pure joy and ecstacy.

Anything else you wish to add.

Just how amazed I am at the process and how effective it has been and will continue to be.


HPP Entry 2

How many topics did you release today?

Managed to work through one trauma, and made progress with the biggest problem (feeling lost / nothing seems to matter) on the list. So 1.5

How did you feel before the session?

Felt refreshed and energized.

How did you feel after the session?

Lighter, much happier. Felt a major shift in my whole energy body, especially in my solar plexus and throat chakra. But was also a bit frustrated, since I couldn’t get full release of my main topic.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

A trauma, which was also on my list, popped up, when I was working on my main problem. Switched over to work on the trauma and during step 2 I had a major emotional release, cried quite a bit and two sub-topics popped up.

Today’s work has been more difficult. But these were much more complex topics than yesterday.

Anything else you wish to add.

This was an extremely long session. I chipped away at the main issue, didn’t get the final release, but already feel much better about it.

Looking at my list doesn’t frighten me anymore.


Message of the Day:

Troubleshooting/Comments of the Day:

As you can see even “numb” is a feeling. Good catch.

This is exactly why I kept telling to just get to work and stop asking so much. You’re finding your solution in the work itself not in talking about it. I understand that you have your past of lack of support but there’s no amount of “likes” or conversations that is going to ease that hollow space inside you. This work can and will but you have to do it. More silence, more work, and more enjoyment of the fruits of your labor.

:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

Work Work Work Work.

Once again, stop posting every thought you have or insecurity.

Here’s a challenge… For tomorrow, you’re only allowed to post ONCE, ONLY YOUR JOURNAL ENTRY. NO UPDATING… JUST ONCE ON THIS THREAD.

Everything else, find that urge and release it.

If you fail, you’ll go to the back of the line of Satori :wink: Test me I dare you :upside_down_face:

And this is why HPP Releasing is limited, you’re working on what you think you need to work on but the subconscious has crevices and caves full of surprises so we use this first step to learn to identify these feeling along with gaining the power/realization that we can truly let them go. So to expand on your new habit of using different words, It’s not the words… it’s the feeling which is why we will be dropping the words soon :slight_smile:

The fight the ego will put up is instead, it will get easier the more you let go of the need for the mind. Realize that it was your mind that kept you locked up, if you were to do a full focus on feelings instead, you would have conserved a lot of energy. Focus is part of the next session. Keep working at it.

I answered this for you already. This is what you’re doing with this course and in you thinking the same thing, you’re literally stopping the progress to that. You want to get better at energy sensitivity? Feel energy… aka feelings/emotions. Feel your obsession over that topic and let it go. You don’t get good at running by thinking you have to get good at running, you just have to run. Everyone else getting results are getting energy sensitivity because they focus on the process. Listen to what I said in the message of the day. Slow down and let go of how you think it needs to happen.

And this is why we must have the courage to explore and not identify with these situations, you just don’t know what’s in there really and it’s honestly not your business to know, just let it go. When you do, new experiences pop up like your Pineal starting to say hello :slight_smile:

See how you can quantify the progress almost like leveling up your abilities? Have fun with this. Keep going hard and go even harder.

Until we hit the core this will continue :slight_smile: Keep going, this is all leading to the last step but you have to get good at this.

In your wanting of it you create a perspective as if you know what deep will look like, you’re probably at the verge of it and in your judgment of what it should be, you miss it. Let go of the terms, ideologies, and all the other baggage that doesn’t serve the purpose. You go on cycles of pretty words and then beating yourself for not getting what you think it should look like. Believe me, what you’re calling Bliss is not what it actually feels like or is experienced as which would be a bit more accurate. When you get to the point where you do not have any thoughts, can’t feel your body, and sound is all you’re experiencing then talk about bliss. Do the work as it is structured. There’s a lot of you that says self-esteem issues start there.

Welcome to palpable progress :slight_smile: Results is what matters. Self confidence included. You’re building courage friend, keep it up, keep it going, and face even more.

Thank you for the proper format. Good work on starting to apply it on a moment to moment basis. Keep it up, crank up the work a bit and you’ll find a lot more benefit.

Nice to have power over these things no? Along with realizing that the higher you go the easier it is to take care of these things and shift what was once heavy into a better experience :wink:

Let’s clarify, The Stories are the ego stories of the past and the identification with them. Your psychic gifts kicking in and your communication with your higher self is not part of that statement. Go be great. That is the equivalent of me hearing my higher self on my process of going up (I’m an auditory/kinesthetic primordial). Overall you’re digging into the real stuff, the things that have defined you to this point, and facing it head one. In loosening these things up, you’ll see that you’ll progress so much faster. Keep it going, go harder, the best part is that with this method, you get rewarded near instantly. Great work Michi.

You’ll get there you’ll see :slight_smile: It’s one of the stages we all have to end up in. If not here, in Enlightenment for sure. Also where you are going to experience more orgasmic releases haha it’s like your whole body releases. You’re doing phenomenal, keep having fun and being light-hearted about the process but serious about the work :wink:

The ego is tricky isn’t it ? :slight_smile: Don’t let up though just because you had a big situation pop up, look at all the courage you’re pulling out of yourself. The more you release the more you’ll be. Keep going!

Good dig deeper, listen to the message of the day and consider what it is said there.

Best part is that this will continue to intensify. Keep going, you’re doing great!

Awesome work here! Pull back the identity from that little voice and feelings. “Love engine” haha! I like that.

Look at other stories, push through until you feel a good feeling at the end of the session. The point is to release to feel better not to release for the phenomenon.

Great work! Keep going up in momentum.

And so that’s why I say that the things you have to work on will naturally appear but momentum is needed along with the ability to work a list. Good work.


Haha posting this one today so it doesn’t count as the one post limit tomorrow. But I accept your challenge for tomorrow haha. The only thing that goes up on the 13th of Jan (UK time) is my journal entry without updating.

I really hope you were referencing this :rofl:


Now go work and :shushing_face:


HPP Entry #1

For Sunday and Monday, I have been releasing things constantly; watching how I speak on certain things and noting the thoughts and through them the feelings associated with it. I would start seeing I’m sorry flashing in my head and that’s how I’d know something had to be released. Attention to my bodily reacts too were indicative of the presence of something that no longer has to be in this way… I’ve also released feelings of abandonment off my Maltese dog as the cats and himself have just returned from a long 9 month trip and released mine with him off letting him down.

I have released four topics for today; being self-expression and fear of open expression, fear of failure and fear of success, the feeling of being ‘socially used’ and emotional patterns of self-betrayal.

Strange how it took only a few minutes on the session yet 5 hours of release when went through differently. I really wanted to dive in with those topics and situations associated and it took some digging in to find different root feelings…

I was feeling alright before the session because I released the night before— I kind of did not want to go about the releases… I had just released so many things, but it was time to go further…

During the session and on the thank you part for the first one of self expression my arms were moving as it they were opening up to the openness and the forgiveness that came through. I will still have to work on this one more because it relates to more than one incident. But this one relates more to “writing” and “talent”. I felt a huge strong belief in myself powered up by feelings of desire, the latter shortly went away and was replaced by raw openness. This one session is how I was able to do the other ones that followed, with an open desire.

As more sessions went by I was feeling the emotion and its physical associations and drawing the energy of each phrase to that part and lifting it off my body while filling it with acceptance so it doesn’t divert away to shame or anything.

I felt like I was there; inside, for every moment of it despite the spacing out…

After the session I felt lightheaded… and I feel more free in my body too.

No emotional releases whatsoever as they were all gone through during the sessions. In fact I kept experiencing more of those feelings of openness and I felt like I was surrounded by everything I could dream of and not.

Entry #2 comes in a couple of hours!

The shift in feelings and energies from one state to another; the instant switch in feelings and mental states as the words come by going through yourself is something that keeps inspiring me!

Edit: @GoddessAndGodOfAll You have your ways of letting me into opening up even if most times it doesn’t seem like so; for your presence was all that it took to have me truly wanting and even pursuing to have this experience in a shared manner and that kind of shared growth is something I’m forever grateful for.


HPP entry 2

Today I released 4 topics. I woke up in a bad mood today. I think because it is the anniversary of my fathers death, even though I wasn’t really sad, more kind of grumpy. But my fathers death was my big topic today. I worked on this for more than 10 cycles. The last cycle was intense with heat waves from my heart area filling my whole body and feeling electrified after the cycle. for now it is good, but I guess this one is not totally released, but for now, no bad feelings comes up when I think of it.
Today during another topic I had some pressure in my third eye during the “I love you phase”, got stronger and stronger while it lasted, but never felt bad, was more like a pleasant pressure. Went away when I entered the I thank you command.
After the session I feel good, happy and when I think of my father I am thankful for the time we had. I am really impressed by this technique. So yes this was a big emotional release today! I felt less tired today after the session than the previous days.
Today I also tried this in real time, meaning that I did the technique while I was talking to my girlfriend, and something she said upset me. I had troubles holding the I love you feeling long enough until it “ate” the unpleasant feeling completely (while I was still listening to my girlfriend), but I will keep trying once there is another opportunity


HPP #2

How many topics did you work on?
2, one an actual memory/a sequence of memories, and the other a concept

How did you feel before?
Calm and composed… as usual lol not much is happening these days in the outside world and im in a good place in my general progress now

How did you feel after?
The same, perhaps slightly relieved.

It felt a bit more natural / simple today than yesterday. I still didnt have any great feeling of relief… but i did realize that I think I have healed a lot already from the memories i was working on today. I can still, with effort, bring forward some bad feelings, but it’s not so easy now. I think I will leave this topic for now. For years I couldn’t think about this without becoming an emotional mess, this is why a wanted to include it. But I think now whatever is left is not so important anymore.
As for the other topic / concept, I think that’s one of the 2-3 big underlying themes in my ego/“programming”, running through my entire life… i could list 100s of memories here, but as I think I have identified the concept, I’ll work directly with that. I’ll keep working with it tomorrow. I did get some release so that’s a good sign I guess.


Scribe’s HPP Entry #2

How many topics did you release today? - I released another four on my list, but also used it three other times for in-the-moment issues that cropped up at work.

How did you feel before the session? - Today I felt pretty good, which I am thrilled by because I’d been in a deep fog since Saturday. In fact there was a moment last night where I walked out to check the mail and thought I would slip out of reality. It was surreal.

How did you feel after the session? - Felt great. Strange unintended benefit, as I hadn’t done any releases on any physical stickiness but I was stretching out a bit overhead and was utterly amazed at my range of motion improvement. For context, I am in my late 40’s and I’ve always had range of motion issues. It was nice to feel my body be a little more free.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how? - I have not had a big emotional release but I also haven’t dug into any deep-seated issues…and I am not sure I have any, at least not that I’ve listed. I do find the process getting easier. On day 1 I needed a cue card to remember the lines…now I don’t.


HPP Entry# 2

How many topics did you release today?

Since I was relaxed to start with, I would say today was more than yesterday around 11 topics because the release was happening slightly quicker, fewer cycles since most got released in the first go, although I did spend extra time to really experience more each HPP commands building-up as I didn’t want to lose my momentum.

How did you feel before the session?

Calm and optimistic since I knew I wanted to prepare myself a bit better, so by revising a couple of times the instructions and getting really motivated by the message of the day 1 which is such a blessing as encouragement and troubleshooting off I went…

How did you feel after the session?

Way lighter with lots of love to give lol although there is a bit of pressure in my chest, not sure if it’s because of overwhelming the state of gratitude or the energy is not dispersing.

Setting the intention before the session of not duelling with any drama that might arise was a bonus, no time to entertain such things, definitely speeds up a bit. I went in with 5 minutes of mindless meditation and then started each topic.
Midway in the session, I noticed the negative emotions would pop in even before getting the full details about the memory, that said I tried to amplify as much as I could feeling the commands and bit by bit I became aware of the space, a gap between them, subtle but was there, almost like a “switch” in the emotion.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Yes, I look to the people that I caused distress or any wrongdoing with different eyes thinking about it. Managed to release my trauma issue, there was not much left when I looked into it since I did some work on it yesterday to my surprise… I’ll be writing to the person since I’m at peace with it, feels liberating and pleasing overall.

Anything else you wish to add.

When the opportunity presented itself as the day went by, I would spend multiple times 2 minutes doing a quick gratitude meditation by being grateful with the things I had, it helped and made the experience of the releases be less painful.


HPP Entry#2

How many topics did you release today?
One regarding feeling less than but this feeling triggered three memories that are still bothersome. The first memory in my early teens brings up feelings of anger towards a person. I felt this in my head mostly but it wasn’t intense. I released using all steps. I feel lighter with this. I’m not sure if other factors matter ( like this was something from my early teens and also, the person passed).

The second scenario took place in 2016. It felt this all over my chest. I was able to do first two steps but began to cry with the forgiveness portion. last two steps not so. Easy so I took a break.I found some quiet time after work and I got through the last one “I love you” and that made me cry.

The third memory was also recent (2018 )and this is a rough release. This made me recall feeling less than but also hurt deeply and mad. I recall feeling helpless. I feel this in my head and chest. I released the first part but did not get to the second.

I did not have time to complete this with limited time today.

How did you feel before the session? Not too great. I was listening to a song randomly that triggered a negative emotion from 2016 so I decided it was a good time to try releasing. Especially with the second memory that is connected to the third.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? No deep sense yet but the crying helped I feel alleviated

Is the process getting easier, if so how? The first two steps are easier to get through. The last two steps to release have been challenging to get through so far in the initial attempt.

I feel less triggered by the idea of the first situation. I feel sad when I feel about the second and I could not get close to feeling better about the third due to my personal schedule today.


HPP Entry #2

I released 4 topics today. One topic was about a traumatic memory involving my mother. Another topic was about a fender bender that I caused. A truly embarrassing mistake. In addition, I released a feeling that arose from a friend making fun of an insecurity. The last topic was about an ex boss that insulted me behind my back.

I came into the session feeling relaxed. I was instantly met with an obstacle. I was finding it difficult to identify my feelings. I kept calm and continued, and then gradually I started to get better at identifying my feelings. I have yet to experience a one-and-done release with a topic. Each topic always requires multiple cycles.

I teared up a little bit today during some of my releases. I’m proud of myself for that. However, I know that’s only the top of the iceberg. I feel like a hand water pump that has a clog. A lot of water wants to come out, but only a little comes out!

While releasing, I started to notice my third eye and heart chakra. I’ve always read about these, but I’ve never felt them before. So it was cool to experience that. However, there are major blockages in these areas!

After the session, I felt peaceful and a little bit floaty. I also love the feeling of saying “I love you” multiple times to the feeling I’m focusing on because I can feel the love amplifying stronger and stronger.


HPP Entry #2
Today I worked on mental cloudiness, self doubt and the self pressure of wanting results now. I started my release early in the morning when I woke up as I was still riding the wave of yesterday’s release on procrastination and was ready to take on the day. I knew the things I had to get done but was having trouble thinking clearly and doubting myself and if I could really do them. As I released over and over and different topics came up I was able to allow the feelings to settle in more every time resulting in deeper releases; and giving me a bigger sense of emotional release. The feelings were mostly in my stomach almost as if I had this really big knot. After the sessions that knot turned into a surging feeling of joy, happiness and I felt really energetic. Every release compounded on the previous one as it was creating this ball of energy and made it so much easier to focus. I could not bring up the feelings of self doubt or wanting results now. I was thinking much clearer and with the release came patience and understanding.


HPP Entry#2

How many topics did you release today? 10

  • a feeling I awoke… hopeless and lost
  • More resistance to the process (busy day)
  • Fear over finding my own place to live
  • An interaction with my son made me feel wrong, somewhat broken
  • A feeling of too busy, no time
  • Tiredness
  • Loss… money mostly
  • A real chunky one where I thought I saw my ex
  • Going backwards (I’ve had to downgrade my car)
  • Seeing my exes name pop up on autocorrect all freaking day!


How did you feel before the session?

Tired! I woke up exhausted but knowing I had a full day inspecting properties, tying up many loose ends from my previous situations

How did you feel after the session?

A solid sense of freedom! It’s great actually, palpable. I’m finding myself really looking forward to the “I love you” step, like a very real sense of anticipation like I know what’s coming. This step really has the power to dissolve so much! I’ve had to go through the steps 4-10 times sometimes to get the full dissolving, and I’ve had to be bossy with myself to stick with it but so worth it.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Yes! I woke at the witching hour, 3 am and cried. I think being asleep allowed it to come out with much less resistance

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

It’s becoming like shorthand, which does have a downside… meaning my mind thinks it knows everything now and wants to rush through things rather than feeling things through. Again I have to be bossy.

Anything else you wish to add.

I’ve been experiencing mini satori/toad medicine like states throughout my days. This is telling me that it’s clearing the junk, on the surface and starting to allow those natural states that f samadhi to emerge a bit. I’m really into this! These are amongst my favorite things in life


HPP Entry #2

How many topics did you release today?

Today I released 5 topics ( more like 20 with all the side topics it brought up lol). Today’s topics covered addiction, abandonment and insecurity. This one was the hardest for me so far. It took much more focus and a constant reminder to stay focused.

How did you feel before the session?

Before my session I was a bit tired, I got good sleep but I felt a bit off. I’m going back through my addiction withdrawal cycles with my damn vape pen… again. Which mostly causes irritation and lack of focus. I also was feeling a bit down on myself about my weight. Nothing will make you feel not so great like seeing a good ol’ side profile picture of yourself. Nonetheless I drew my bath and began. My goal today was to let the process take me and try not to have so much control over it. Another big thing today was I just wanted to be honest with myself. Drop the stories and dive into the things I love to put into a deep far corner. The things in the corner love to make their own story about what they are overtime. Gives you this feeling of comfort by ignoring it. Some weird shit.

How did you feel after the session?

After my session I felt a bit drained. The topics I covered today were a bit emotional for me and brought up a wave of emotions. (Tears,laughter, anxiety). After all was said and done I found a new spark and motivation to make changes, bust most importantly a true self acceptance and love for myself. My confidence has always been pretty high naturally but my confidence was coming from the wrong place. It was coming from an old story of me, not my current reality (dillusion). Today I feel I made a positive change in the right direction. I feel I released on all my topics and got awesome results. I have a few more sub topics that came up during my session, and I will hammer those out in an hour or so. (Needed food and to take a deep breath).

Is the process getting easier?

For me the process is feeling natural. It’s more of a muscle memory thing now, when I’m diving into a topic and it starts spiraling into a rabbit hole I just reset and go along for the ride. Deep breath and carry on with my commands. The action of doing it is becoming something I’m enjoying. The time I put aside to just be in this world is a highlight of my day now forsure.


HPP Entry #2

Today I was feeling very tired even though I didn’t do much all day.
My guess is that perhaps I have been exaggerating on the number of fields I have been listening to.
I also stopped wearing Abundance, Glory and Intercession and decided to just stick to SLR (maybe I’ll put this one aside too, I’ll see how it goes).

Despite the exhaustion, I found it much easier to focus on my emotions today.
I started to focus on lighter topics of my list (such as embarrassment situations) to gain some momentum and move to heavier topics (childhood traumas).
My first release was quick, not as quick as I would like because I needed to repeat every command a few times in order to feel it, but at least it didn’t take me nearly as long as yesterday, so that’s some progress!
I did the same for the next 3 topics but instead I repeated the commands in my head instead of saying them out loud.
I feel like if I repeat the commands out loud I’ll focus on the words and lose my focus… (Does this make any difference at all?)

I also seemed more aware of my body today.
For example, yesterday I was too focused on my chest and stomach areas, so I ended up missing some other signs.
Today however, I noticed that some emotions were making my shoulders contract, but it was so subtle that I wouldn’t have noticed if I didn’t scan my whole body for signs.
I felt that paying more attention to my belly breathing also helped focusing on other parts of my body, for some reason.
Another thing that I felt more pronounced today was how the command “I Love You” made my legs tingle, that was interesting.

In general, the lighter topics were somewhat easy to release, but focusing on my childhood traumas gave me a hard time.
I couldn’t feel anything no matter how bad it played in my head, it’s like I’m trying to make up something that isn’t there, like there’s nothing to grab to, just “emptiness”.
That said, I tried to release that “emptiness” and I did feel a bit of relief afterwards, however I can’t tell if it helped the trauma itself. How can you tell if you didn’t feel anything in the first place?
Have I dettached myself from the situation or am I just suppressing it? Hard to tell, but I’m thinking this one will require much more effort.

Either way, I released 4 topics of my list today and I feel more calm overall. Now let’s move on to bigger and worse things. :stuck_out_tongue:


HPP entry #2:

How many topics did you release today?

I released 2 topics, working on a few more that came up during my release.

  1. an Anxious feeling thinking about anything related to my ex.
  2. frustration in not getting this down right away.

How did you feel before the session?

a few hours before starting my daily release I noticed a thought “ugh it’s so hard to feel” so I added that to my list of things to work on. As I’m getting ready by dimming the brainwaves down a bit to be in a more meditative state I get a message from my ex’s sister and my heart legit felt like it skipped a beat. I responded quickly and took the opportunity to hold that situation and work on it.

How did you feel after the session?
The first thing I did was look over to the message I received and notice I didn’t have an automatic response to them. It still feels unreal how within a few minutes my heart is skipping a beat to being able to read messages and not associate the emotions I was having before. As for my second release “frustration in not getting this down right away.” I think about it now and it’s like zen you’ll get it when you get it down. More of a flow sorta state with this practice now.

Any big emotional releases?

During my “I Love you” phase of the method, it felt like energy was leaving my heart through my arms and out my body. A sense of lightness came upon me, it’s hard to fully describe it but feeling so much better and secure emotionally.

side note
Oh boy, 2021 started off a bit rocky but honestly I’m 100% certain it’ll be a great year major thanks to @anon22855873 for helping the community with this. OFC @Captain_Nemo for all the work you do and the bit of encouragement you present at times. I feel a surge of personal growth within me ready to happen.