The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP Entry #3

How many topics did I release?

I tried something different today and focused on not so well looking birth marks lol. Felt the energie there and where it goes in the body focused on that and released many things on the way… I’m not quite the best at keeping track on that I just feel where the problem is and often times after releasing it shows me another so I just do that until I’m mentally tired.

How did I feel before the session?

I was more energetic my sleep was better and felt more positive.

How did I feel after the session?

Overall better but also exhausted I cried today. Felt more things in my energybody “connecting” due to better energy flow. Also felt electricity shooting from the base of the spine upwards was cool but happened while I did the release

Does it get easier?

Absolutely it becomes more easier to apply because of the experience.


HPP#3 Wednesday

Today I decided to work on “being accepted” the need to be accepted for being me. Except I couldn’t seem to trigger the emotion to get the ball rolling. I thought of my childhood and all the times I was rejected or mocked for being different. Yes they were sad memories but still not strong enough for me to latch onto until I thought of my mom and what she went through. And as soon as I said “I’m sorry mommy” the pain surfaced and the tears flowed. “Please forgive me” morphed the pain but the “I love you” part hurt the most! I just sobbed and sobbed. There were times where I forgot to breathe such was the intensity of the pain. This pain was almost as strong as the pain on Monday. When I did take a breath and say “I love you” the pain did ease up but it took a long time of chipping away. Definitely felt relief after each round. It was when I said “thank you” that I took even bigger breaths and let out deeper and longer sighs. Am I breathing more deeper because I’ve stopped contracting inwards as I hugged myself or am I breathing more deeper after each session because I have freed up some space? I think the later because why else am I grinning from ear to ear. It was hard but it was worth it, I feel good!

For each round after the first round all I had to do was say “I’m sorry” and the pain surfaced again. Yes, it reduced in strength with each round but other times it would grow again. A childhood memory would surface and I was almost back to square one. Just like the first day I spent a lot of time just hugging myself and saying “I love you” over and over. Yep gave myself another stiff neck. Again all the pain was in the heart area. I Know I said on Monday that towards the end I noticed that if I opened my eyes and zoned in on a spot I could focus more on the pain. But what I noticed is that both yesterday and today’s sessions were both done with my eyes closed and sometimes opened but mainly closed.

Tonight I seemed to be all over the place and what I mean by this is that there were times I was saying “I’m sorry” and felt I was apologizing to my mother for what she went through and then other times I was saying “I’m sorry mommy” but I was apologising for things I had said in my youth. The “I love you” was definitely directed at me.

My mom is a white lady who married a mixed raced man which was taboo in those days. Even though we weren’t living in South Africa the Apartheid mentality still spilt over the border into Botswana. My grandfather forbid the rest of her family to have any contact with her, she was totally shunned by the white community. The coloured community did accept my mom but not completely, she was still considered to be different. I grew up not knowing which side I belonged to. Ten years later after my granddad died my grandmother reached out and made contact. It’s only in the last twenty years that she has fully bonded with her family and today she is treasured and protected by all of her siblings.

Was I crying for myself or for my mother? It seemed to be a bit of both. How much of her pain did she transfer to me during her pregnancy?
Wondering how am I going to get though my list if all I do is only one topic a night?
I foresee this as a long and ongoing process and that’s okay, everyday is more revealing.
Different memories are surfacing or should I say forgotten memories are coming up.
I think this process is triggering me to go inwards, I now want to know more about myself which is weird coz I should know who I am right?


HPP #3:

Released only 2 topics today. Had to deal with family and work so not as much time to do a session today. Will make up for it tomorrow though.

Before today’s session, I was tired, sleepy (just out off of work) but very calm. It was also cold in the room where I was in so I was also feeling a bit cold.

The topics today were life long fear related: fear of flames/burning and fear of drowning. Both of these fears were triggered by incidents that happened to me when I was a kid. Anxiety also popped up during the process so I had to clear that out as well.

By far, these topics were the hardest to release out of the ones I’ve done so far. Each topic took 6 cycles before I was fully sure that the process was properly done. It kinda felt like I was in a battle with the feelings themselves due to how intense it began to feel when focusing. Other than that, thoughout each cycle I was able to see all of the different pieces that made up these fears.

For example, when I was clearing out the drowning topic, the main feelings I focused on clearing out went from sadness to anger over the incident to sadness again to shame about the incident and finally to self anger. It was like after each cycle, a piece of the puzzle became clear.

When the anxiety popped up, it felt like there was a ton of pressure around my heart but after one cycle, the pressure instantly went away and I could barely remember that it had even happened. Very surprised by that.
At the end of the session, I legit just had to get up and walk around the room for a second. It was like a burst of energy that came out of nowhere. Surprised by that as well. Also, felt like flying out of the chair again at points as well.

Overall, I think this session went pretty well. Despite how many cycles today’s topics took, it is a lot easier to see how the process works. My mind feels a lot better as well and I’m able to think much more clearly overall.


HPP Entry #3

How many topics did you release today?

  • I was feeling bad when waking up today. I did a short session that calmed myself and HPPed throughout the day whenever I could.
  • I added 9 topics to my list today, whenever I got triggered by something. Throughout the day, whenever I could, I HPPed and I could release some related layers.
  • During my first evening session, I worked on one of the topics related, amongst other things, to my fear of failure. I could not entirely release the precise topic that triggered me in the time that I had, and that led me to a deep rooted bag of feelings related to that fear of failure. I worked on it in my second evening session and released 9 layers of it. Alas, I had to stop because I couldn’t spend more time on this session.

How did you feel before the session?

  • What I had released during the day made me feel great and ready to clear whatever still bothered me.

How did you feel after the session?

  • Partly relieved, some big weights have been lifted, but there are still more layers and I can feel them. So I did feel better before the session, but I’ll do my best to work some more in the little time I have left before going to sleep. I intend to fall asleep fully happy :muscle:

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • There were clear sensation of relief and release, although not big.
  • It was getting easier until I hit the big bag of fears. The weight of it was crushing my chest and it was very hard to open my heart and feel the love.

Anything else you wish to add.

  • Yesterday evening, I have very gracefully accepted a criticism that would have triggered me before. I didn’t feel the slightest discomfort and lovingly hugged my partner at the end of the discussion :heart:
  • Overall, I’ve noticed improvements in my thoughts and behaviour, they more often come from a place of love instead of a place of fear.
  • I don’t have much time to read the rest of the forum, but, when I do and someone is asking for advice, I just want to spam the SEE System :sweat_smile:

HPP Entry# 3

How many topics did you release today?

Since you requested to go deeper that’s what I went for, might as well face now my inner demons and make good use of the learning process, managed around 4 long painful releases, cycled a few times each one of them.

How did you feel before the session?

A bit emotional drained and tired, neutral I would say, though I hit a roadblock so just went into releasing mode and that did the job.

How did you feel after the session?

More awareness in the body sensations and deep relief, I stayed longer in the happy zone in the last release since it was so comfortable and energy was going around my legs down to the ground, sort of grounding…

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Had some resistance at first since some memories have been buried for a long time, with persistence in the feeling stage I managed to clear it, much-relieved with a sense of feeling good about it, had a burst of happy smile most of the day

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Improving, got the change on the fly to do the release/clearing 3 times in different situations that I was involved today, the feeling was fresh so it’s becoming more and more a must-do routine for sure.

With today’s longer repetitions the process is certainly becoming much familiar.

Anything else you wish to add.

While doing the HPP protocol my mind did start going overdramatic, I came to realize by putting a bit more focus in my breathing while doing each step of the HPP protocol my body completely relaxed and got in tune with the process.

May I ask @anon22855873

If one has a dozen or even more memories about let’s say feeling “loneliness” moments, does one has to go through each memory individually to release it?


Message of the Day:

Saturday Session Time…
  • 11am
  • 1pm
  • 3PM

0 voters

Troubleshoot/Comments of the Day:

Very good work although no need to look for the root as mentioned in my message of the day. You might have heard it but just confirming it.

Yes the “big ones” will pop up later when needed but good work. Third eye, :wink:, hint… love. Thank you sir, my pleasure to help.

Identify with the good feeling of the process more and you’ll get more results along with speeding it up.

The process of being more of you is very real and palpable :wink: Wild how we store all these energies and it makes us stiff no? I’ve had bones pop into alignment from releasing. Great work brother.

You can give what you are :slight_smile: and you disregard what you’re not :upside_down_face:. Real energy sensitivity is kicking in and therefore you can see why I can pull off the field testimonials I have more on this next session. Great work. Compassion kicking in.

Review the technique. You’re adding your own understanding. Find the feeling of “Not enough time/ I don’t have time” and let it go. Busiest people accomplish the most.

Great work man. Now you’re getting the real experience. Energy sensitivity kicking in. Hint… Love. Welcome to the beginnings of freedom.

Energy transmutation at it’s finest :wink:. Go harder.

You’re starting to get my reasoning now? Methodical process to achieve these states. Ego kicking in “I GOT THIS!” attitude, no worries part of the process, just let it go. Get ready to get rocked in next session.

Things I’ve seen for months, now you get me?

When tired, it’s easier to calm the mind if you set a purpose :upside_down_face: Hence why the instructions is to say it internally. Energy sensitivity kicking in.

Welcome to the beginnings of Freedom :wink: My pleasure :slight_smile:

Read the last messages of the day, review the instruction, all questions I’ve answered. Focus on feeling, Say command, feel effect, next.

This is the problem with constant talking. You have two ears and one mouth, use them proportionately (internal included). I gave you your answers and instructions so you save yourself some time. How about you pay attention to the instruction I gave you and you answer those things yourself. Nowhere in the course did I say we are working with sensations, I just explained the structure of feelings. In the future, it’s best to review the material you’re trying to learn. Rest up, heal up, but overall good work. Keep working from silence. Words are unnecessary and you can answer all your questions without my attention to them. Become independent or else you’ll always be weak and a victim.

You have access to the video and all my posts.

Welcome to the beginnings of freedom :wink: Makes total sense, no worries. :slight_smile:

Energy sensitive kicking in :slight_smile: hence why the next step doesn’t really have many words. Correct, Welcome to the beginnings of freedom :wink:

Feels good to feel good no? Time is only felt through thought not feeling. “Time flies when you’re having a good time (Feeling good)”. Phenomenal work bro. Carl Jung minus the masochism :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Welcome to the beginnings of freedom but definitely Welcome to TRUE control :heart:

Don’t worry you’re at the right pace. The Angst of the Seeker as I’m coining it lately. Sit back and keep working.

Go into deeper topics. Challenge the “Masochismo” concepts of society the more you open your emotional spectrum the more you’ll find and become free of.

The better you get the faster you go since your ego is getting out of the way. The best part about the past is that it’s over.

The more you release identity with the emotions the less they will become important. We will go from Emotions to States to Stateless but a place you can choose what you wish. This is why this is the path of freedom, we are eliminating the ego and it’s vehicles so we identify with who we really are. Phenomenal observation Pia. :heart:

Now you’re getting to the real work :upside_down_face: That’s why it works for everyone, it’s simple so long as you get your own ideas out of the way. Keep going and go harder with courage.

Yep it happens but just follow the process as explained don’t add your ideology to it. Whatever comes up, the same process over and over. Hence why this works is also energy sensitivity training.

Great work, you don’t know this but you’re literally going on the heavier releases which is very good. Stiff neck is a sign of going up in the chakras, at least for me it was. Throat tension. I appreciate the history! “We are all one and the same” :wink: Take my word for it, you’re doing fine. Just keep releasing and practicing that love feeling intensely.

Welcome to the real work and energy sensitivity :slight_smile:

This is part of energy awareness as well, great work. Get through those layers asap they can grow back if you don’t continue to release them. Mission accomplished :smiling_imp: teaching people freedom is easier than their ego makes it to be haha , thank you Saan.

Good work! “…way out is through”. Loneliness is a multi-layered state that you’ll continuously release as you continue to go up the denser ones happen once enlightened as you begin to live from the Real Self versus the Ego. Release everything you can find always, that’s the rule for everything. I’ll put it like this, I’m pretty sure I’ve revisited most or my memories with any type of emotional baggage. Make it simple… Your job? RELEASE IT ALL.

Numbness is a feeling too. That’s why the process is not easier, you don’t have to “make use” just feel the effect move on the to the next. Love step is the one that matters most.

You ask, I’ll deliver…

Need to feel importance or recognition which is a cycle of approval. Need to be a star (be a source of something). Statements with a false sense of objectivity such as “Self-Esteem has been rebalanced” how do you know? you have full view of your subconscious? if so, teach us… It’s supposed to be unconscious for many reasons.
Dependence of sensationalism so hopping around from one material to the next. Lack of identity, you chameleon from one identity to the next depending on the environment. Part of the sensationalism habit is also the need to add an emotional charge to objective information instead of taking it from a neutral point. Those are your main setbacks according to your writing structure and messages I’ve seen.

Isn’t it great how this process builds upon itself? :upside_down_face: Welcome to the beginnings of freedom and Welcome to Control :muscle:t4:. It’s nothing but a pleasure friend, You’re the one doing all the work I’m just a messenger (definition of my name :wink:) Keep it up you’re doing phenomenal!

That’s great to hear bro! So most of your upcoming steps will be on the achievement of goals and all the things that stop you from getting there. Go harder, go deeper, and in the next lessons you’ll shine. You got this!

:shushing_face: :joy: Don’t start an early revolution. Nothing but a pleasure brother.

NOW! you’re getting to the real work. Keep going!


HPP #3 - Wednesday

Today I worked on 3 though topics and some smaller ones during the day.

Before my main session I felt quite good and eager to start

The 3 evening topics took a while to release (all about loss of loved ones), took multiple cycles and often an emotion changed into another less and less “negative”.
I find “emotional numbness” sometimes confusing, one can think it has completed the release but it’s not the case, you have to go on with that feeling too.

Today I’ve also “casually” released during the day whenever something came up, it’s a lot easier cause you don’t have to remember and you have not fixed that energy yet.
It’s also useful to bring up memories of related situations.
(Also tried on physical pain and it removed 60/70% of it, probably the emotional charge around it)

This evening, after the main session, I feel happy but at the same time quite exhaust.

Today I don’t feel the process was easier, but the topics where more heavy too.
I’m starting to get more the difference between the first two steps, and this make them more useful


HPP Entry #3

How many topics did you release today?

Released some Doubts, Fear and worked a lot since yesterday night on Self-Esteem topics (thanks again Angel - if you have other “straight-shooting” I couldn’t be more open to it).

How did you feel before the session?

Since the Self-Esteem has been rebalanced, I am feeling so much peace when I sit and do something in alignment. This is new.

How did you feel after the session?

More Peace, some joy during but went back to Peace straight.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

No big emotional release but this deep peace is something new.
The process feels much more effective, but I still have a hard time to generate & discern feeling.

Thought it works whenever I do a command, and the Love definitely polarizes even if it still feel empty & peaceful.

The harder at the moment is to connect with the memories, I mostly connect to Emptiness and sensation are often very light.
Not sure yet if this is due to my extensive work up until now, or my subconscious blocking feelings & memories.


Thanks for the shoutout man! Back to releasing now!


You’re pardoned for this one message now :shushing_face:



Thanks Man, truly appreciating your depth.


HPP Entry #3

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on just one. I wanted to work on two, but this one ended up enough for the session.
My topic was fear of failure. It’s quite tricky because I don’t have the symptoms like anxiety, I don’t “freeze” in situations, I have a good job and (in normal times) good social life, I get what I want most of the time so "why would I be afraid of failure, since… I do not fail. "
I realized the other day that this was the issue. When I am not sure that I REALLY want something (as in not willing to put in whatever it takes to get it), most of the time I dont bother at all. I realized that I approach job hunting the same way as I approach dating, and this is the common theme. e.g. I am looking at job descriptions but not actually applying. And even when I’m considering an application, it’s to jobs in other countries that sound really interesting but I wouldnt actually care if it didnt work out.
So… this was not originally on my list but I realize now that there is a fear of failure deep down holding me back, it’s a major theme running through all areas of my life, so I want to release it.

How did you feel before the session?
I felt good, as usual. I did had a pretty “procrastination heavy” day but in the end got most things done that I wanted.

How did you feel after the session?
It’ weird because it’s like i got relief in some parts of my body but not the throat, i feel like I am being choked.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
So… in the second round I started to feel pain around the throat chakra, a lot. It went to my tonsils, ears (felt like an ear infection pain), and even muscle cramp in the neck. I spent more time on the “i love you” part, invoking the feeling. my mind, being visual, jumped to a few things that i do love… and there was some relief. However, the pain in the throat area stayed through all the loving feeling.
I did several more rounds and at one point I noticed discomfort in other areas as well, I could release those okay.
The throat one however in still with me now, albeit only on the throat and not so prominent anymore.


HPP entry 3

Today I woke up with a smile on my face :) I think yesterdays releases had their fair share on this. Even before I got out of bed I released the memory on always waking up in a bad mood and with low energy. I started to do this process while I am going about my day. But I still need to close my eyes to do this properly, when I try this with eyes open I lose focus. I sat down in the midday and had a longer session of releasing, including working on some heavier stuff like being mocked at school and always feeling like the outsider, because we moved about a lot so I went to 7 different schools till I graduated. I had a feeling of being just being accepted afterwards and that I am fine how I am. In total I worked on 11 topics today. The releases weren’t quite intense as the one from my father yesterday, but every single one lifted some burden of my chest.
After the longer session I felt free, light hearted and just happy. I noticed that sometimes I have a really nice energy around the chest area since the course started, which gets more frequent every day.
Every step of the process is getting easier. It feels more like play now and less like doing work following instructions. Especially the inner resistance to feel the bad emotions got much weaker.

I grew up depressed, I completely broke down in my early 20s and had my fair share of therapy and also some antidepressants. My life already got much better and I haven’t been to therapy for years. Discovering Dreamweavers work lately changed my life dramatically and rapidly.
But doing this process made me realise that I just learned to cope with all the “bad things”, I just learned to live with it. But now releasing the emotions in an active process I feel like am finally actually healing from it. I know there is still a lot of work to do and some heavy topics on my list but having this tool feels so empowering!!

What I want to add today is: Thank you Angel for helping us on our journey!!


Scribe’s HPP #3

How many topics did you release today? 'twas only 2 items today, and I would say they are not yet completely cleared. I plan to do another session tonight after the kids are in bed. After Angel’s video from Day 2, I went back to my list of 20 items and re-wrote it (42 new items), trying to get deeper, and uncovering bigger issues. Quite frankly, I’m fortunate in that I grew up middle class, was never molested, never any major issues like that, but there are numerous incidents that I perceived as verifying my unworthiness, of feeling ugly due to rejections by women, of feeling inadequate, of feeling like my presence was absolute boredom to the company I was trying to keep. Some of this stuff is hard to clear.

How did you feel before the session? Heavy anxieties about work again today. Literally very depressed about work and the prospect of having to continue to work for my employer, for the salary (one-income household) and for the health insurance. As I said in my previous entry, I’m not a kid, and the thought of trying to start over at another company scares the hell out of me.

How did you feel after the session? I did some clearing on this feeling, this despair about work, and then I realized the commonality regarding my feelings about being trapped with work…I fell trapped because I feel inadequate to find something else better. I feel I don’t deserve it. This is a bit of a breakthrough, but the inadequacy is something I am going to have to work on more, I can see. The process is getting easier, and while I wouldn’t say I had a big emotional release, I did have a big epiphany about some of the sources for my feelings of inadequacy.


HPP Entry #3

I released 4 topics today. The topics were situations where I felt embarrassment, shame, sadness, or jealousy.

Before my session, I meditated for like 15 minutes. Thus, I came into the session with a clear mind. I wasn’t thinking at all. I was just feeling. On a different note, I was having trouble identifying my feelings. I would feel the feeling, but the feeling didn’t feel like a feeling I would be able to identify. The feeling just felt uneasy. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I found the process to be a lot easier this time. It might have been from the meditation before, but I was feeling overall peaceful even when I was releasing. Notably, I came out of my session feeling even more peaceful. It kind of reminded me when I first listened to the Vibration of Creation. I still have not experienced a big emotional release, but I was able to release topics in fewer cycles as compared to past sessions.

I was listening to some of Sapien’s audios while releasing, and I could feel the energy… I’ve never felt the energy before. It felt really nice. I also felt my heart chakra again.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you for everything @anon22855873!


HPP #3

How many topics did you release today?
I ended up releasing over 8 topics. I lost count as once I started with a few, more and more came up. Btw, I’ve done HPP in the past so I know how to go digging deep and releasing. I remove my stories from my feelings and focus on releasing those. I’m just not adding the stories here. :slight_smile:

How did you feel before the session?
There were some sadness and feelings of procrastination bubbling up. I didn’t feel the resistance like I did yesterday which is good.

How did you feel after the session?
Definitely felt a lightness and also a rawness which I don’t believe is a bad thing. It’s just a deep wound that was released. Just need to do some extra self care. :)

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Definitely felt a deep release with lots of tears today as I started with one story which brought up several topics, cleared it, and went deeper which led me to a childhood memory that needed healing. I find myself just randomly releasing now on the smaller things which is opening up the way for the deeper stuff.


HPP Entry 3

How many topics did you release today?

Today I’ve released 5 topics along with anything related which came up during the 5.
Today’s topics all centered around my childhood and the limits that it and I have imposed on myself for years. Wearing it like a badge of honour rather than thanking it for the lesson and experience and relinquishing any power it had over me.

How did you feel before the session?

Since starting HPP, I’ve had a consistent happy serene period. Normally I’m up 70-75% of the time and down the other. So I’ve been really good, happy go lucky rather than focusing on the negatives and holding onto stuff that simply does not matter.

How did you feel after the session?

I keep alluding to the feeling of lightness I’ve had since starting the method but it’s a mainstay during the session and in my life now. Any subconscious stress and anxiety has also dissapated and its as though I’m looking at everything from a new perspective and everything from a colour perspective seems more vivid and clear, much akin to when I’ve done Sananga and everything looks crystal clear. Only with this method, I’m not dropping droplets of fire into my eyes.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

The process is getting easier and easier with every session and has actually helped me focus so much more not only during it but continously throughout the day and kicked my ass into shape about certain things in my life which I know benefit me greatly such as meditation but which I’ve been lazy with as of late.

Chest convulsions and spasming, almost as though the inner demon is doing everything possible to escape from anymore HPP and as has been my experiences since the introduction on Saturday, very vivid and intense colours.

Anything else you wish to add.

Deep gratitude and thanks to Angel for this method and for allowing me to take part and also for the collective community that we are and I feel very blessed to be part of it.


HPP Entry#3

How many topics did you release today?

Just 2… but they are a huge 2 for me, so I decided to focus all of my attention on them

  • the core wound of unlovable
  • the wound/belief that I have FUBAR’d my life, that there’s no coming back

How did you feel before the session?

I woke up this morning feeling really tired, exhausted s a bit lost. I’ve been really focused on finding a new house and car, as well as tying up many loose ends. The feeling related to topics 1&2 were VERY present for me. Heavy, emotional and demanding me to listen to and believe them. Listen yes, but believe?.. fuck you distorted patterns and reflections from others. Not today.

How did you feel after the session?

There were many sessions, I was and have been running these 2 all day. I’ve been alternating between no charge around these, to the feelings sneaking back in again like ninjas 🥷 sneaky bastards! I’m committed to clearing these patterns though, they have cost me so much! :tired_face: very deep seated and strongly linked to my sense of identity

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Relief yes, but not a huge emotional release yet. It’s coming though, I can feel it. It’s unraveling

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

I feel it’s getting easier in the sense that I feel courage to tackle these big issues. Things that really hurt me and hold me back… and affect my quality of life

I really feel I’m hitting some deeper levels with this… it’s a bit scary, but I want liberation!


HPP Entry#3

How many topics did you release today?

Today i worked on 2 topics:

  1. betraying another person.
  2. the thought of doing this seeming unfair.

How did you feel before the session?

I’ve been having this thought in my head over and over again trying to understand why I betrayed someone dear to me. A sense of being lost with my actions of the past.

How did you feel after the session?

After doing my first session I thought about the situation and I didn’t hold a guilty feeling for myself, a sense of “you’re growing” mentality hit me. Soon after having this hit me I thought of “hold on” this doesn’t seem fair to let go just like that… that’s when I went back in and accepted the fact that it’s okay for me to let go and not hold onto negative baggage even if it seems unfair to the other person (Me associating how another would view it as) I feel calmer knowing that I’m on a better path now.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?
The process is getting easier for sure, although not at the point where I can be standing and just release but close to releasing a topic within a few mins (5 ish) while in a meditative sorta state.


HPP Entry #3

Today I woke up feeling really emotional or really sensitive to emotions in other words. It was like waves coming in and out as I still felt motivated and looking forward to getting things done. The feeling of procrastination has faded, and I’m not waking up in that mood where I have to push myself in order to get things done thru the day. My thoughts and actions are gravitating from one to the next as I get things done. I mainly focused on how I felt today as it brought up a lot of hidden/pushed back feelings and I released on those subtopics. After multiple releases I’m finding myself pulling away from thinking and more into the feeling and what it’s telling me and how it makes me feel; like it’s speaking to me internally. It’s a feeling of something or someone speaking to me, I am also getting images as if being guided. Overall each released gave me a sense of relief and clarity but still working on it. I like going thru the steps and the feelings and emotions it brings up as I say each word. It mostly starts off with heaviness followed by that heaviness leaving the body and once I say I Love You a sheet of ice crystals start covering me from the midline up towards my shoulders and neck. At one point my shoulders got really cold and every time I brought up the feeling I felt it on my shoulders. The process just becomes easier and more interesting by the day as feelings settle out.