The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

:boom: I AM I :boom:

Oh my word what an amazing experience!
I can still feel the orgasmic bliss flowing through me! Wow!! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :gift_heart:
Thank you so much @anon22855873, thank you!! :kissing_heart:


I AM… the one who needs another week off lol. It works better overall but I think I need another week.

I don’t have much questions I just need to work on my issues

If that is alright for you.

I could try to write it more journal like if you want


Nah I trust your sincerity, just put more effort into it (more hours).


Will do

lol the energy in your reply pushes away the negative things on me. My head went physcially back while reading it and I’m sitting more upright now.


I guess assertiveness goes a long way huh…




I am I :slight_smile:

I don’t really know what else to say.
It took a looong time so thank you again Angel for having the patience and taking the time.


Hmm I assumed that having all the material on the post would do that but yes thank you, I’ll change what I must.


I just want to confirm. By releasing heavily, you mean you want me to prioritise the goal that I chose or the general issues that I’m facing currently?

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Release that.



Btw for what it’s worth, I experimented heavily with the torsion and plasma fields the last couple of days for which I attribute my results to (and will continue to use if you don’t have any objection towards this).

Overthinking without being able to feel something? (example: “I can’t feel anger”), I go to the torsion field and think “I can’t feel anger” over and over and over again. And then afterwards I feel anger.

The plasma was a bit more complicated than that! Feeling and thoughts (usually sound). Focus on them over and over again like a mantra until the feeling literally disappears into thin air.

First session of plasma, towards the end, I saw a white light a little while before the negative feeling lifted off, from deep to superficial. Second session, I got very spaced out and drowsy, head felt like shaky cam and suddenly my issue was gone and afterwards I felt like I was on a psychoactive substance or something.

Results: I can bring up love easily without much effort anytime I want (except maybe in an extremely busy hospital ward). Thank you is also much easier. My mind has quieted down a lot. I can silence thoughts more easily. I am no longer frustrated with or impatient about slow releases.

Didn’t know if you’d approve of this method of mine but it was in your video so I took a leap of faith and went along with it lol. Hope you’re not mad.


I am I

I felt like waves of emotions. Kind of like my life sometimes happy, sad , angry and frustrated. Parts of me kept wanted to hold on to my feelings and not just let go.

Angel challenged me to continue to dig deeper. As I went deeper more feelings of safety, anger, frustration and feeling like a victim appeared again.

Once I felt the silence and was able to maintain the silence and understand that I am everything. I am everything that will be, and has been. I just have to turn the page and remember who I am.

At this point I feel just calm and at ease. The tension is gone. Feels like fresh air


Hi @anon22855873, can we now listen to the Journey of Forgiveness Guided Meditation?


You can do as you wish now @Jennyfire

Go explore the world with your real Self. Dreamseeds channel is an enlightenment playground. Plasma Light is fun with the I. Plasma flower is well you’ve seen my reviews.

Any other field that deals with helping your mind is now a lot more useful. Abundance and wealth mindsetting are nothing but one in a billion gems.

Use your sacred flower while listening to any of these and you’ll get a kick out of that too.


Ojas should be in your daily stack. Get into the I, sacred flower, and loop it 2-3x thank me later.



Thank you @anon22855873 for the time, effort and dedication you’ve put into this course!

It’s been just awesome to see everyone’s lives change for the better, and all of the growth and effort the participants have put in.

Well done, everyone! :muscle: :dizzy: :100:


Thanks bro! Just trying my best honestly.

It’s been challenging but also great fun to help out.

Doesn’t hurt that it has helped immensely with my personal growth as well.


I’ve been shedding an unusual amount of hair these past few weeks (like clumps of hair when i run my hand through my hair).

Is this a known side effect of emotional release (sort of like body getting rid of the old unhealthy stuff) or is it unrelated?

(I’m aware that correlation does not equal causation)


This is not so easy to answer, at least I don’t know about his being related.
If you cleared a lot of energy blocks, it perhaps could be that (sudden big change), but I would say it’s still unlikely.