The Self Refresh

That makes sense, given some of the items mentioned in description. You might want to try Unbreakable’s method:

and see how that works for you instead.


Your stacks are my holy grail
Thank you for it :3


Yeah, with Tibetan Rites

I’ve never felt more at peace from opening my wallet and going broke on these fields, because I’ve never purchased anything before that felt even remotely close to being such a valuable long-term investment in myself, my health and even my wealth.

Broke today, still happy. Wealthy next year, even happier (not from wealth itself, but from these fields in combination).

@Anon38164362 Out of curiosity, what measurement is used to determine the price of a paid audio?

There are some extremely valuable ones for super low price for example. And it almost seems like the most useful ones range from $10-150, like for health, spirit, healing etc. Then there are ones that are “luxury” ones so to speak, which are all quite pricey like the Muscle ones.

I have no complaints what so ever on the pricetags, every audio I purchased are worth every penny. Just curious.

Is it the intent of the audio? How complex it is to make? Time-consuming to make? A combination of all?


What’s the difference between Point of No Return and this one?


luxury items and things beyond the human experience are generally expensive.
Health stuff is usually free or has free or low-priced equivalent.

Such is the measure loosely used.


This as a Refresh Self field , would it be beneficial to place it right at the end of a playlist stack ? , As a integrator/distributor/refresher function to harmonise us into the optimal best version of present being with all the fields that were previously played in the stack before this field ? My guessing is that’s one of the reasons why it charges our 3 dantiens to support the changes the rest of the fields played before this are doing on our bodies and there’s also the reason for harmonising and better integrating into us ( sought of like the acu automaton field) that the function of Grounding is in this field . What do you guys think ?


I have a doubt, is this field the ideal continuation of BoL?

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I don’t really know bro :blush:. But to me it looks like a nice integration field to harmonise the previous fields that were played prior in its stack ( like the acu automaton) on to our bodies and do it in the best way as possible and also realise and come into existence/express that optimal state of beingness ( of all the fields played before it harmonised optimally for each individual) into the present state of the individual’s physical existence. That’s what I’m hypothising , I could be wrong though :grimacing:


I just acquired this Gem with our discount!
Thank You for your generosity and great healing, Captain & SammyG! :gift_heart:

Since some are sharing ways to stack this one, we listened in this order today. I just purchased Self Refresh a few moments ago, so it went after the morning ones. It felt Really good in this order, too!

Plasma Flaunt
Navapashanam Energetic Elixir
Self Refresh


That’s the pattern I’ve noticed. Thanks for the clarification - makes me feel even better supporting you guys.


I would say that it depends on your stack.

With the understanding that this is a brand new field and I (as we all are) are just learning about this field, I would play this field after any “clearing” or “removal” fields and before any “add wanted qualities.”


I’d personally quibble with the notion of “ideal,” but I, personally in my early stages of experience with this field, would play BoL before this in a stack.


Thanks for suggestion.

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Before purchase:
theory is it will help with impulse control (OCD), adhd (inability to focus), executive functioning, and with my daily stimulant crash
I specifically waited to get this until the above would happen (the stimulant crash)
So since it’s already starting to kick in I will purchase now
Wish me luck!!
(will update post- listening)


Have you tried dopamine repair/dopamine reflux? Since the stimulant crash is due to the lack of dopamine. Assuming you’re on vyvanse or adderall - jesus i hated those pills, i was diagnosed with adhd and was on vyvanse for 1.5 years before i quit cold turkey and did not give a fuck about what the doctor said. I solved my adhd issues with a ton of meditation, extremely pure diet and a ton of excercize and cut out all shit that had to do with social media, video gaming or any form of instant gratification.

Adhd seized to exist after that, one of the best decisions i’ve done

Then i’ve “relapsed” now and then recreationally to amphetamines, but due to the fact I quit cold turkey on such strong meds and many other things, it’s very easy for me to come off the recreational periods.

But yes, if you want to fix the crash, you basically need to run brain regeneration/youthful brain/dopamine reflux. Everything that has to do with influx of dopamine and repairing dopamine receptors - that’s pretty much the only thing that will aid crash.

I strongly recommend some amino acids to help with rebuilding of dopamine levels such as N-acetyl-L-tyrosine and DL-phenylalanine. Polygala is great too.

This is the absolut best/cleanest nootropics-vendor in the US. I even purchase from them and I live in europe, so I pay a shitload of fee for shipping, but no other vendor comes close to them in quality so there’s no choice.

Buy N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine Capsules 350mg | NALT Capsules (you can see the reviews, first one even states he/she takes it after ADHD meds wears off)


Have been using this for the past week and it’s been exactly the kind of the pick me up I need. I’ve been sleeping very late and waking up very early lately and playing this field gets me to the mental, physical and spiritual state I want to be in at the moment. It truly is a refresh but even moreso and uplifter to an ideal state of being. Really been helpful. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes a lot more obvious. Depends on how much is needed at the moment. Loving this one.

I tried Self Refresh with cold water and automated tibetan and felt like I was on stimulants for hours. Felt like a cells were in a rave lol. But I won’t be using those too often as I’m actually doing the practices. I highly… highly recommend cold water and tibetan rites. Those are two practices, that if done daily, will improve your state of mind dramatically.


What are your thoughts on looping cold water therapy while taking a cold shower? Have you tried it?

I’ve Been taking cold showers daily for over a month now. But man, i wish the water got colder here in Miami lol maybe this would help make the experience more challenging? I remember cold showers in California where insane lol down here it’s so - so, it was only tough in the beginning… Waiting on winter to kick in


That is so true lol
So I used to fill my tub with buckets of ice emerged in the “cold” water lol
Definitely works

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Hmm… I’d like to try that! Great idea.

And lmao to that hot Miami water :sweat_smile: I was in Florida a few months ago and tried to take a cold shower and was like ‘wait… that’s it? That’s as low as it gets???’

As @Violet recommends though, buy ice and fill your tub with it. Or… wait as winter comes around. It’ll get tougher.