Another Copy Paste NFT Project :-(

@JAAJ LET IT GO man, stop trying to force outcomes and rules. There are already established rules, prodecures that are followed. A lot less projects are being made these days, not because of lack of submission but rather cause somewhere in that process it was deem unoriginal or something else. Work with the NFTs you got to progress in whatever way you deem fit and allow the life on this forum to carry on and evolve.

You can’t force change.


Well, by that argument Arc Brain and Arc Light Body shouldn’t exist, because in theory the Arc Light servitor CAN do anything the Arcturians can—or at least enough to make those projects moot.

Infinitely teachable.

And yet the other two projects exist. So ‘can’ isn’t much of limiting argument.

And actually I read through Arc Temple project. It’s not a copy paste. For starters, it asks for direct contact—not a servitor. That seems like a big difference.

Arc Brain and Arc Light Body are downright passive compared to this field. Those fields just ask the Arcturians to make a great brain/light body field. This Temple Field wants people to learn from the Arturians. Learn

So subfields A and B of Main field 3 correspond with the Arcturian brain and Arc Light Body, though I think subfield B is unnecessary given what is in the other fields.

Now the preamble about the Arcturians being the oldest, wisest, kindest, etc., is a copy past of sorts, but that’s just their titles, like defender of the faith, first of his name and all that.

My read, for what it’s worth, is that the descriptions of the other Arcturian fields are vague and passive—nothing wrong with that—I wouldn’t presume to tell them what to do, but this project does not do that. It asks to learn from them—directly. I’m proud that our fellow forum members can garner such ambition.

To @Zen ’s point. That’s evolution.

Edited for clarity.


i think that, before rushing to talk about communist mentality and capitalist mentality, it’s not about that. Dream makes NFTs, but these NFTs are not painted tissues destined to be watched just for the enchantment of the eye and then put in vaults of banks, like investment gold . All NFTs made by Dream have another purpose , they are made to help people , in whatever ways they feel they need to be helped, either with illnesses or soul healing or body / mind / spirit developing and expanding. This is their real purpose, so, even if the NFTs are traded like material goods, they and their real purpose are way beyond that.
That’s why talking about them in investment terms is like… talking about the investment value of the shroud of Turin, or something


But as to @Jaaj ‘s point about using the free Arcturian field, that’s a good reminder. I do forget about those fields. Mostly, I use alien intercession and leave it at that, but I’ll sleep to the Arcturian sounds and see what comes of it.

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Arc Light is not a servitor.
This was a misunderstanding by _OM.
It is something much much much more powerful.

If you are “only” looking for an Arcturian made servitor, there is already the “Orion (Arcturian Servitor) NFT” available.

I am going to post some quotes from Captain here so that this old rumor that “Arc Light is a servitor” gets debunked once and for all:

So yes, Arc Light can do EVERYTHING that the Arcturians themselves approve of.
It also includes the “Light and Vibrational Guidance” part that was mentioned above.

So back to my point, the critiziced new NFT projects has ZERO Original Ideas that have not be made before and are covered by Arc Light NFT, Arc Light Body NFT, Arcturian Brain NFT and Orion Arcturian Servitor NFT.


I understand what you are saying.

For helping people Captain releases A LOT of free fields or for patreon price.

These are most of the fields available and that are out there.

As mentioned, those free fields also include aliens and other uncommon things, which the average human being does not need to progress.

There are also a ton of free spiritual fields, most people just don’t seem to understand their value and work with them.

When once asked about his pricing policy Captain responded:


Yeah. I was doing a quick read of the description because I was trying to grasp your point—and your heat. Because to my mind your bringing a lot of heat on someone who was did some work to submit a project. That’s all he was doing. I took a side because I didn’t like what was happening. Still on that side. So, I agree. It’s more than a servitor. More than a servitor that is near limitless. Okay. Not actually all that concerned with how great Arc Light is. The greater it is, the worse your argument is.

Again, by your CAN logic Arc Brain and Arc Light Body are also derivative and add nothing. I just don’t see CAN as much of a limiting principle.

Maybe the Temple project can just have the Arturian’s help to connect the user to the the civilizations the Arcturian’s themselves aspire to emulate—or would that not be allowed.

Disclosure—don’t own an Arc Light or any Arcturian NFT. From what I read, they seem like a nice species, maybe one of the best. I’m guessing they’re patient, kind, and respectful to those with less experience and power who are trying to make contact or learn from them. Has that been your experience with them?

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This here:

This is not just about Arcturian NFTs.
As you may have seen I am in general trying to fight unoriginal copy paste ideas or ideas stolen from existing projects. This is not related to only the NFTs that I own.

It seems I am the only one who cares and raises his voice here, while everyone else seems to be okay that the most generic, most basic, most unoriginal stuff is submitted by certain users.
Totally disrespectful.
Not only is this a mockery of the hard work and creativity of others forum members in the past, but also a disrespect to Captain to come to him with a proposal that has not been properly been thought and researched through.
Outsourcing their laziness is a form of disrepect.

And those who say “to simply let go”, have no basic sense of justice in my opinion.
When “shit hits the fan”, those are the people that you cannot rely on in real life because they will not back you up – because they don’t see and share the values that you are trying to live by and therefore they just say “why bother? let it go”.

The free Arcturian field on Dreams Seeds does this.
And again, how many of those people who voted for this new NFT project are actually or have actually actively worked with it? Only a few…

As before, I am giving the recommendation to create a unique project idea, that is throught through and researched to the detail.
Just like for example, Ugninis and Dr_Manhattan research their projects.
I have seen some of these, there are projects 100+ pages of research long.
This is what I call dedication, originality and respectful behavior towards the Captain to come to him with something nice.

In the end, this whole thread is my personal opinion.
I have certain values of integrity and justice that I follow and I am simply voicing my opinion here.
It is not my problem if others never raise their voice about anything.
Of course, it is easier to “just let go”.
But if you never stand up for anything worthwhile, then you stand for nothing.

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Why aren’t you then critizing those forum users, who enter EVERY single NFT project just to resell those NFTs? They never work with those in the first place, just making money…

I am not saying entering projects with the whole purpose of reselling is wrong or forbidden, but if you are going to critize the “investment argument”, you would probably need to critizise 70 to 90% of all NFT owners too, because almost everyone has at least a few copies stored up in order to resell them later…

In a sense, NFTs are indeed like material goods, because they are limited and only the actual owner can use them. This is a function of the NFTs themselves and it was purposefully chosen by Captain for certain fields to be this way. So NFTs having an “investment part” attached to them is natural and intended.

Yes, but also they will tell you in your face what you need to hear and what you need to work on. It is not for snowflakes and people who get easily offended. Basically, they are very similar to me in communication style, which is why I love them. I have parallel incarnations there.

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There would be no issues at all and a discussion like this would not even happen if everyone would simply research and submit their NFT projects like Unginis and Dr_Manhattan do it:

Original ideas, full of elaborated details and a lot of research.

I didn’t tell you to let it go. I said that the descriptions were different, and that I didn’t see the 95% claim that you were making.


I accept that you believe you are agent of justice, and, for the sake of argument, that your technically correct—the project goes over some line—can you see that your language MIGHT go over a line. Those are huge statements. Huge.

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i am so happy that those people do that, because , like this, more copies of these amazing fields will be made, and they will finally arrive (hopefully) to more people that are interested in them and use them for what they are, for their real purpose as fields.

As for the Arcturians, i am sure that the waves of ether brought the info to them, and they are reading this thread.
Their opinions about all the points of vue written here will probably be communicated if anyone cares to ask them and is able to receive their real answers.

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This was not aimed at you but a comment from someone else.

I have used this wording because it perfectly reflects my feeling about it.

This is like someone writing a novel about a wizarding school and naming the main characters "Horry Potter, “Hormione Gronger” and “Ron Wosley”. Of course, that person would be accussed by the book community of “blatant theft”, because everyone will see that this person did not even bother to even google those character names in the first place…

Or in other words: When someone enters a community, they should first do some research about what has been done in this community before they came in.

Please also note that I have written “would be blatant theft”, not “is”.
It is not a statement of a fact, but a statement of a possible “if, then” scenario.

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Right. It’s an if-then. If over 50%, then blatant. You said it was over 95%, so the ‘if’ drops out by your logic. I admit it’s a syllogism, but it’s your syllogism.

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I fully agree with you here.

I was just pointing out that the “Investment part” of the NFTs is nothing bad, nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be critizied for, because it is part of its natural NFT token design.

Yes, they do. I am also wearing the Arcturian Intercession tag right now and have the Arc Light NFT in my aura, so through that alone they would pick up on that. And then as mentioned, I have parallel incarnations there, so through their collective consciousness they see everything.

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Touché. One can tell that I was very emotional when I wrote the original post. I would probably word it differently today. I was emotional because I feel like I am the only one who actually cares about new projects being original and not copy pasted from existing ones…


That’s really the only reason I jumped in. I’m not after your badge, sheriff.

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They and the Lyrans are supposedly the two civilizations that are far enough away from us in terms of development that it’d take lifetimes to learn everything, but still close enough that we actually can. Anything further and we devolve into descriptions like “alien”, “fantastical”, and “incomprehensible”. At least that’s been my understanding so far.

eh, I’d argue, and if anyone takes the idea, I want a free copy :stuck_out_tongue: That an NFT explicitly designed around understanding the Arcturian tech well enough to implement human derivatives and focusing specifically on that (not a light body, not an evolved mind as they see it, just an alien engineering 101 course), it’d be original enough to get a pass.

Should we carry this on here or through discord?

I was quite direct when addressing you, if I disliked you or had Ill intentions with what I said I wouldn’t had said what I did nor tag you.