The Shorse Starter Edition Series

These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
This a smaller base ‘starter’ type, depending on your budget.
New to these types of specialities? just wanna try it out?
then these starter editions are just what you need.
Having only one upgrade slot.
Its perfect for creating a specialized being for one specific upgradable task each once this one slot is filled it will not be able learn anymore. (upgrades, base ones come with seven)
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.
A family family favourite, nobody forgets their first ride on a shorse.
In the fascinating practice of chaos magic, servitors are crafted by blending the attributes of various beings to create entities with unique and profound influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the essence of a shark, symbolizing tenacity, adaptability, and relentless drive, combined with the grace, strength, and freedom of a horse. This extraordinary combination results in a servitor that embodies both relentless determination and graceful power, offering transformative benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of drive and ambition. The shark’s tenacity and relentless nature infuse the individual with an unyielding determination to pursue their goals. This servitor instills a fierce sense of purpose and direction, enabling the person to move forward with unwavering focus. The shark’s adaptability ensures that they can navigate obstacles and changes in their path with ease, continually pushing towards success.

Simultaneously, the horse’s attributes of strength, grace, and freedom bring a sense of powerful elegance and boundless energy. The horse’s strength provides the physical and mental endurance needed to sustain prolonged efforts, while its grace ensures that these efforts are carried out with fluidity and finesse. This servitor empowers the individual to approach their ambitions not just with relentless drive, but with a sense of harmony and balance, maintaining their well-being as they strive for success.

The servitor also promotes a sense of freedom and independence. The horse’s spirit of freedom combined with the shark’s self-reliance creates a powerful force for personal autonomy. This servitor encourages the individual to break free from limiting beliefs and constraints, fostering a sense of liberation and self-empowerment. The person becomes more confident in their ability to carve their own path and make independent decisions, leading to a more fulfilling and self-directed life.

Furthermore, the servitor’s influence extends to enhancing the individual’s ability to take decisive action. The shark’s predatory instinct and the horse’s swift agility enable the person to act quickly and effectively in pursuit of their goals. This servitor sharpens their ability to make swift decisions and take immediate action, ensuring that opportunities are seized and challenges are swiftly overcome. The combination of the shark’s relentless pursuit and the horse’s dynamic action creates a powerful force for achieving goals and overcoming obstacles.

The servitor also enhances the individual’s physical vitality and stamina. The shark’s continuous movement and the horse’s powerful endurance provide a robust foundation of physical health and energy. This servitor can inspire the individual to engage in physical activities that enhance their strength, endurance, and overall well-being. The combined energy of the shark and the horse promotes a lifestyle that supports both physical fitness and mental resilience.

In terms of personal growth, the servitor fosters a continuous drive for self-improvement and mastery. The shark’s relentless pursuit of its prey symbolizes the individual’s pursuit of personal and professional growth, while the horse’s grace and strength ensure that this pursuit is balanced and sustainable. This servitor encourages the person to set ambitious goals, strive for excellence, and continually push the boundaries of their capabilities.

Socially, the presence of the servitor enhances the individual’s ability to inspire and lead others. The shark’s commanding presence and the horse’s charismatic energy make the person both respected and admired in social settings. This servitor fosters a sense of leadership and influence, allowing the individual to guide and motivate others with confidence and authority. The person becomes a source of inspiration and a beacon of strength, attracting supportive and empowering relationships.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a shark and a horse creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together relentless drive, graceful power, personal freedom, and decisive action, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive in all aspects of life. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with determination, elegance, and independence, leading to a more dynamic, empowered, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


@Allurre @Seraph :shark: :racehorse:


Was just buying something else there :sweat_smile:

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Lol, I know where my 2nd ring is going.


Thank you so much.

I love them.

:joy::joy::joy::shark::horse: i love it




no more Shorsing around!



Now this is fascinating. Will have to pick this up and pair with Resilience Max


Yeah, the whole of this servitor seems to be “can’t get started, well, get off your ass and go” paired with everything you’d need to actually make that work excepting maybe luck.


Just activated my shark-horse

Feels great, already a very noticeable mental boost. Immediately puts me in the zone… wow. I think this will pair very, very nicely with Resilience Max+


Thank you so much for this! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


lol :rofl:I did expect there would be an aquatic animal servitor
but didn’t expect there would be a shark + horse
this is funny :shark: :shark: :shark: :racehorse: :racehorse: :racehorse:

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I just got my Shorse , closed my eyes held the tag in hand played the audio.
Was having vision of petting it and when i opened my eyes and saw the time, it is 11:11 taking it as a sign.


Despite a previous post stating cold and hot work better as yes/no interactions, I use physicality as a response (muscle testing almost). I relax all control over both hands and tell my servitors to close the right for yes, the left for no. Up till now, it’s never worked, just more of a tingling sensation in one hand rather than the other.

Shoresy (points for the reference) however is able to begin a closing sequence and responds VERY well to spoken dialogue. To a point that I can get a solid yes/no on whether or not a command is fully understood and even gleam impressions of why it isn’t. Considering this is day 1, I expect that to only grow with time. I’m pretty damn excited about it.

Thank you again Captain, the entry-level/starter-editions were a stroke of genius and kindness and I really appreciate it!


My Shorse is on a Barbie ring lol :rofl:
I love my Shorse.
I felt so funny when i played the audio.
Today i feel like a new born and i was literally ill yeasterday.
I used some other fields and received healing,but i feel the presence and Shorse did a lot of work to prepare me for a tough day .

Presence is very real and my mood went from -1 to + 10 :horse::shark:




The audio reminded me of an especially cheesy spaghetti western crossed with a big top circus.


Put this on my ring and I can feel it buzzing with energy :laughing: