The Shorse Starter Edition Series

I am reaching it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The base abilities/qualities are starting to kick in.

Details on how are not important since everyone would feel it according to one’s current life.

But what i do i want to share which i think its pretty cool is that i feel like i am embodying both shark and horse. More like a suit, like if it was shark bones and horse bones.

I dont know what shark is doing to my chest but its been craking and expanding, hurts at times but then i feel the expansion big time in my lungs capacity, also like if diaphragm and ribs were not so close to the actual lungs and heart, i feel space there all around, which i think is incredibly good both ironically to protect them (heart and lungs) but also to let both expand capacity as well. It feels strange. I feel different.

And i do feel the lungs and heart expanding, and that translates into being able to expand love way more (from the heart area chakra) but also more blood circulating, and breathe way deeper inhaling more life (literally how it feels, not more air, more life) and energy around and exhaling what needs to go.

Ive felt protection in 2 ways even tho is not directly mentioned in the description but it is there.

1- because Shark and Horse probably feel/know/believe they are badass to avoid/meet head on/win/escape. I feel like that.

2- i literally see/feel the horse’s legs kicking out whatever energy that is not approved by it. = any that can disturb my flow, focus, strength, but it first kinda kicks the ground like how horses do the scraping clopping like warning me, calling my attention, then its like a cloud of dirt raises with the clopping/ scraping then the lower energy/vibration is gone.

And its not necessarily that ive been in danger of an attack no, it literally just been the overall vibration of a person or a place near me or i am in, when ive felt that.

And ive felt the crashing water swirling when the shark swims or starts swimming fast and in that moment is its way to call my attention to move or do something, feels like shaking me energetically as if i was hooked to the shark then i gotta swim away hey :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: thats why it feels like bones/suit.

I feel in the preparation phase.

With the lungs/heart capacity expansion, both have it and use it, see how fast a shark swims and of course underwater and how fast and strong a horse races before getting tired.

Aint nobody got time… to waste lol with these 2.

And I didnt think to get abilities for this one, my plan was to get the other 2 and get the abilities to those and just enjoy this one because of the description.

But yesterday when i was reading the description for the new ability the Gluttony one i felt like the shark telling me i want it i want it, gimmeee

Ive been feeling hungry energetically if that makes sense since i got this Servitor, like i will change my playlists tonight because i feel i need to increase that faster and bigger. The energy fill up. So i guess ill get the Gluttony one for this sharky eventually.

And 2, when reading the part of the movement i was like i waaaant.

I used to love running, walking, hiking but because of the ridiculous hot weather almost all year where i live i stopped it, i cant bother with the heat. And i miss that a lot, its my favorite sport.

I used to have a very recurring dream for years when i was a child/teen where id see myself in places ive never been or arid etc where i would barely walk, like start walking and speed up so fast then just jump high high long wide areas.

When i saw the movie jump i was like thats meeeee in my dream haha.

And in real life at times when running on a track id pushed myself to slow down or stop because i could feel like i could pick such speed that id end up on the floor destroying my face or with fire under my feet or feeling this impulse and desire to just rush then jump. It was scary.

Most of my body has the normal strength of a woman that unless i exercise its just little or weak lol BUT my legs? My legs are super strong, even if i dont exercise.

So i guess my legs are craving feeling like horses ones haha, i havent bought that ability and im already all pumped wanting to run and jump lol


And then my brain/mind…

The tranquilty, fresh cool sensation, clarity and focus? :ok_hand:
And ZERO mental fatigue, energy overload at all no matter what i do or how much i do.

What an incredible Servitor.

I am so in love with it!!


I’d like to buy it but I’m a little afraid of not being able to use it properly (and I am saving money for manly man/hyper masculinity so it would be really sad if I spend money for other field and than I can’t manage to use it in the right way). So I have some question to ask

  • Can I use an object that I don’t have to wear? Like a fossil or something like that? Cause from what I read people used rings or something like that.
  • the benefits in the description are automatic or do I have to ask him always to activate?
  • what if I can’t sense it? I guess even in that situation I could sens the benefits

I’m curious about this servitor cause this + resilience max + manly man (in the future) = gigachad mentality and resilience + physical benefits :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:


The process to create “SHORSE” is:

  • Hold the object in your hand and say “this is where the servitor will be created” and play the audio for 20 minutes (while we have the object in our hand) ?


  • Hold the object, set the intention “This is where the servitor will be created” (wait a minute for example) and open your hand and place, put the object near the smartphone speaker and play for 20 minutes?.

I am a little confused.

Thank you.


I think You are asking the same question in different threads and not following up


All I need to know is if it’s option one, option 2, or if both are correct.

Thank you.

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I think both are fine as captain said don’t worry too much because these are very smart creation

For your satisfaction you can do both if you want because you have the audio with you so you can play as many time as you wish because once the servitor is created that will be just like any music audio but if it will give you satisfaction you can try there is no harm in it.


could you tell me if I need to put it in a wearable object or everything it’s just fine? Cause I read that when not worn it appears in it’s ethereal form but I don’t know if in this form can give the benefits in the description. If the wearable object is important I will buy some accessories in the future so no problem.


I think when you wear it the passive effect will be automatic and when not wearing you have to activate/ask the servitor. But I’m not sure, my thinking is by wearing means it is closer to your body even in your pocket should work :thinking: if someone knows they can clarify.

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If I just need to ask I think it’s simple. I’d say something like “please could you follow me and let me gain the benefits while I’m awake?” once and It should work :grin: but maybe it would be too easy I think it’s a little more complicated


Nice :grin: so I just need to talk to the shorse and ask him to activate the effects if I’m not wearing the item.

Last question: if I want can I change the “house” of the servitor asking him to go in another item?

I dont think this is possible


well I have a really ugly bracelet when I’m home I wear it and when I go out I tell the shorse “yo my equine goldfish follow me (please :pleading_face:)” [brofist with a f*cking shores]

That’s the plan


Ok I played the track 3/4 times and I was feeling this fresh sensation on my back and I heard In my mind a distorted voice saying “shorse” and then Anakin so ok Anakin ahahahaha let’s see what happens. It’s the second servitor after a dragon golem I created some years ago. My problem is that I’m not so confident about the presence of these servitors, but If it worked I will surely see results in the next days. For the moment I feel grounded so maybe it’s already working.



don’t over think shit

my advice to anyone who’s worried about communication w the new servitors is to keep the imbued item on your person as much as possible and speak to your new friend as much as possible (no matter if you don’t feel/hear a response) everything will grow over time.


A few days ago I have created my Shorse servitor.
I was holding the item in my hand and played the audio 10x with the intention of the servitor to be placed on that item.
I did not felt any energy, nor the servitor or any energetic effects and I still do not feel anything today.
My friends, looking at a photo of the item, say that the servitor is definitely there.
I have mentally told the servitor to always provide to me all its features when I have the item on me or in my aura, and what I have noticed over the last 3 days are slight increases in my baselines of ambition and resilience.
So I assume this servitor is doing something as per its product description.
That’s all the changes that I can tell for now.

Questions to those who can see or sense the servitor:
How big is the Shorse animal when the item just lies around?
Is it life size like a real horse and as big as a whole room or is it of the size of the item?


what does this mean?

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It creates one servitor only. If you want for example two shorse servitors, you need to buy the servitor twice.


I see, so I can put it on a ring and use that ring forever? all the qualities mentioned