The Shorse Starter Edition Series

you know,
do some more etherforging
sweep up, let the place breathe a little and then reopen later again



I found the shorse to be a very good translator from simple spoken words to conceptual communication with fields, servitor and even Beings.

When I need to say something rather complex which i struggle to do it trough Conceptual Thinking I ask my dude to tell it on my behalf and it works very well.


Someone installed the Dimensional Pocket on the Shorse?

How it is going for you?

I have it on my Shorse and it’s working perfectly with it as well as the other servitors


The Aegis can be added to The Shorse ?.

Yes Any ability can be added to any servitor as long as you have a free slot.

Yes that’s way im asking as in description for Shorse is not saying how many slots if any ?.

One slot only so only one ability

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I just adopted this one, my first servitor. As the audio finished playing I felt such an impulse to start talking to the item and the servitor. Interestingly I shared so much about my own limitations in relation to the attributes of what this servitor brings. It felt like an open and honest conversation with a dear friend. lol I definitely felt like a mad woman but at this point I really don’t care anymore :joy:


I think it sounds lovely! :slight_smile:


aww sew kewt.

:speaking_head:its HUGE.

and growing.

oh and very vein lol

this is the second time i start to write about him or think about him while typing and i feel him reacting like uh ahem is about me right right?

and then it expands like “dont be short describing me eh”

to give you a perspective: (when im not wearing it)

you see me in yellow on top of it? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

it also feels like a wide uhm how to describe it…
like it has a wide aura.

when i wear it, i feel i am in the center of his torus and its not that big in total, Me, him his torus and aura. maybe like 2 mts all around, but i think its because its so massive and powerful it would fry Me. however i believe itll expand as i expand internally energetically, mentally etc at my own pace meaning without overwhelming me. not forcefully pushing it.

but… I am not sure if in the days the Kofi Shop was closed, Captain made an upgrade to them or something because for a couple of days i felt a big jump energetically that did tire me quite a bit in those days, specially mentally, but the whole body felt as if we could feel pain when the body is expanding.

and i was like whats going on? i wasnt doing anything different with my stacks etc.

after those days i started noticing the abilities more present, more focus, more determination, just more everything. and zero tired.

an its when i remembered reading around in those same days some other members mentioning about feeling tired as well, the type we feel when we have leveled up, then i said oh maybe it was that.



as usual, these are allll my own speculations, perception, feelings etc.

take it as just my experience for what is worth if it resonates with yours.



Thanks for your feedback Luna.
I wish I would be able to perceive it like you do.

When I wear my Shorse item, I do not feel anything special or outside of my daily baseline.

There might be some very slight increase in drive and ambition, however I am not sure whether this comes from Shorse as I am using several other fields at the same time that are aiming at also boosting drive and ambition :man_shrugging:

Honestly, I feel like I get more drive when simply listening to Mars energies.

Anyways, I trust that every field is doing something even when I don’t know in most cases what effect is coming from where.
The more vectors and forces I have pushing into the same direction, the better.
The compounding power of several vectors pointing all in the same direction :rocket:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Disputes Thread (Posts Removed Weekly)

Thanks for shark tooth recommendation, definitely binding this to one. Man no offense but these AI long winded details is getting tiring and burned out reading. I miss pre-ai days when reading was direct and to the point


I have the lion, panther and the shorse. The other two are less subtle to me in terms of personality effects, the shorse is more prevalent to me-

Me before shorse:

  • Comfortable/contented (perhaps overly so)
  • Lazy
  • Absolutely no ambition and motivation
  • Tired
  • Able to drone and happily spend the entire day scrolling tiktok / reading novels

After shorse:

  • Most motivated I have been in 7-8 years
  • Feel more energetic (combined with gluttony)
  • Takes real action to make changes in life trajectory (applied for and gotten a decent internship to boost my resume)
  • Feel bored with numb minding scrolling of tiktok (I still do for now - last week of freedom before I start my intern next week, and I actually look forward to it somewhat whereas before I would absolutely dread it)

@Dreamweaver it would be amazing if in the future we could expand the slots for starter edition servitors like the shorse, as despite it being a “starter” I feel it’s my main.


is it ok to wear three servitors at the same time, do they work well together, do you feel any kind of overwhelmed?


No overwhelm with shorse and Phoenix


Not overwhelmed, they aren’t exactly the same as using fields constantly but more like an extension of you I think?


So I can add 1 ability to it , like gluttony or dimensional pocket ?