The Shorse Starter Edition Series


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I played this holding the object in my mind then I played the sandman dust, it’s that bad?
It didn’t wait 20 minutes for the shore because it’s mentioned here but it’s in sandman dust thread.

Last night, I couldn’t sleep, even though I had been sleeping well for 20 days prior. I installed Sandman Sleep Dust on Shorce and felt its subtle effects. Today, I played the Shorce and Sandman Dust audio again on my Ring, but now I am not feeling anything. Did I messed up?

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Can anybody confirms it or should I buy again??

Edit-I am now feeling its effects. The fields seem to have reset.

No your fine.


That’s a nice glowing light there on the ring

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Thank you so much for give me assurance.but it’s effects are diminished…is there any reasons?
Please enlighten

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I’m not sure I do not have any new servitors yet

In what way are they diminished maybe your over thinking it ?

Initially, when I gave commands for sleep, my thoughts immediately became less, and I went into a trance-like state. But now, I haven’t noticed it.

Sometimes I play my morning stack and it hits really hard and I feel incredible after other times I feel hardly different…

Maybe the same thing happening either way still works.


Ego Dissolution might help

Check out forum threads about how to connect to your serviror

The more you focus on how you can’t sleep / have to fall asleep, the more you kind of sabotage it yourself.
Set the intentions, imagine and visualize that it happens and just let go. Is easier said than done


very good power feelings with my shorse, I just hope he ll kick my ass in no time.

Do you think an ammonite (a shelled cephalopod) fossil could make a decent home for a shorse? I bought a shorse to test out these new servitors and see if I can establish a connection. I’ve never had a servitor before because creating one while I’m still an “energy dimwit” didn’t feel like a good idea. Now I’m slowly getting there.

So. Would a mighty sharky horsey shorse feel at home in another sea creature or should I keep looking? :thinking:

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It seems to be a rather delicate home. It dropped wouldn’t it shatter or be damaged? Maybe a more sturdy home, wearable perhaps - titanium ring or ???



It’s coated and meant to be worn as a necklace. It feels sturdy enough but I’ll think of other alternatives. My main issue is with the shorse being like, “what, you want me to live in a mollusc? Pfft, you oaf, NO.” :sweat_smile:

The picture gives a pretty good idea.


and then you tell him “but it’s got a golden ratio spiral!”. Would be a lucky shorse lol


Can anyone check if the shorse is created succesfully ?

thank you in advance

edit : image deleted


Did you follow the directions? Then it’s created just perfectly!

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Without reading your text, I could already sense the presence of Shorse in your picture, perhaps because I have it as a servitor as well. Congrats!


Thank you @Rosechalice and @CardBarry