The Shorse Starter Edition Series

what does this mean?

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It creates one servitor only. If you want for example two shorse servitors, you need to buy the servitor twice.


I see, so I can put it on a ring and use that ring forever? all the qualities mentioned

Exactly :+1:

With the audio, you create 1 servitor in 1 item, and it will be with you forever :slight_smile:

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Ok I think I’m seeing results hahahahaha I have an exam tomorrow and I’m not in a really good situation (please send good vibes if you want :pray::joy:). Normally I would think ok that’s the end how can I pass it? Impossible. Since I created this shorse I have this drive, this fire. Today I woke up at 4.30 AM to study. I want to pass it. Let’s see what happens. Of course tomorrow extra loops of probability and luck and attract your desires :wink:


How did the exam go @riky?

I did not do it cause I had an anxiety attack so I retired. I could hear the voice of the shorse telling me WTF ARE YOU DOING but I was panicking (I think sleeping only 3 hours for 4 nights in a row has help). I have this problem with anxiety and fear of things I can’t control like exams so sometimes I do exam and I go well and sometimes I implode. I have to say that the shorse is helping me giving me a lot of energy and drive. Hope that a mix of stress and anxiety, resilience max+, the shorse and in the future quintessence of hyper masculinity could resolve the problem (i know that I have to take action too of course).


I am sure your Virtus brethren can help you with that. :partying_face:


Ok strange story. I was reading and responding here and (not having a shorse) was surprised to hear it speaking to me, telling me I had to get one and that it was waiting for me. Ok how could I not, lol. Put him on a titanium ring on my thumb. Feeling all kinds of awesome and productive. Close encounters of the Shorse kind :partying_face: :woman_mage: :mage:


Do you have Knight Warrior Mindset? Hard to feel anxious after a couple of listens to that.


It’s on the list of the fields to buy

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this is cute!

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got this. Always wanted determination, drive and ambition in life


Can I add Shoerse and Lion together on one item ?.

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I really don’t think that is a good idea.


Way I can’t get shop any more wen I press on choose servitor ?.

Shop is closed lol


Way , wen ?.



Is it permanent ?