šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

he turned off all his comments now on every video

plus keeps uploading moreā€¦


can`t we all report the channel for copyright and shut it down?


That would be like cutting down weed
But to solve the problem, target the roots


This is a band aid solution my man, short-term yes long term not feasible.

This mosquito will just keep cutting corners and do this for all your products and every creator out there.

YouTube also needs to do better to vet people before they upload etc,

This is a major issue now with content creation,

We bring justice by exposing him, I sent you a message Captain on how to do this .

He wants to make a point and stir up waters but we are the ones with the guillotine machine.

Letā€™s make it happen @SammyG @Dreamweaver


I know

But i feel leaving it up is gonna cause probs.
People also email us all the time, trying to get refunds and free audios.
Refunds for nfts they minted themselves and asked why its not working.
I cant understand the rationale, as to how it works around that pirated things work and I can refund something you never bought from me. (I think people remint and resell and then direct them to sapienmed for refunds).

People start giant threads about wanting a refund for a product they used every day for a month since they bought it, but the product wasnt for sale for about a year.
I dont really know what is going on lol

But right now, it is also a safer option.


Iā€™ll look into the future of these transactional methods and payment procedures.

But again as always youā€™re call man, I think we should expose the youtuber nevertheless.

Because his intentions seem more then malignant, and just like the blacklist you made with charge backs, if we donā€™t shine a light on it now, this ember will grow to a wildfire of other parasites.

You set the example for one, ā€œnipping in the budā€ - then the rest follow suit.


when black marketed cell apoptosis to hair follicles :rofl:


Queu 1922

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What is the timing. I come here the exact day this thing gets shut down.

@Dreamweaver is there an alternative to skyscraper. Iā€™m using your height booster 2.0 with HGH currently. Results have been underwhelming on other height audios so far, and so thought Iā€™d give you a try


Well surprisingly this became one of those rare NFT.

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@Felix_the_Cat is this you?

Iā€™m a big fan

close, but no cigar


How about this?:

Selling everything through the Sapien Shop / Soundweave only and a strict zero refunds policy.

A clear writing on the website that no free audios and no refunds are being offered and that any such requests will be simply ignored.

In the same way that people cannot simply go into a movie theater and ask for free movies or refunds for already watched movies.


I kind of get you but how would it not work if the audio is the same? I can understand if he switched it up and tricked people but if he genuinely kept it all the same why wouldnā€™t work so heā€™s benefiting all these people for free and has betrayed everyone else!

Morphic fields are programmed intention basically energy programmed by a master mediator/ top tier psychic to achieve a certain purpose. Do you think it is just some audio with affirmations or just sound resonance in the body or some kind of synchronization?
None of this, to perceive the morphic field, to be able to make changes to it, to attach it to a sound vibration, all of it is difficult work requiring years of practice to master.

So in the same manner protocols are put in place so that only legal users who have purchased the audio can access the energy of that audio. So thatā€™s why that guy is scamming you. do your due diligence to understand how all this works


Thanks for breaking it down really appreciate it!

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Can I also ask another question, Iā€™ve listened to this NFT for 2 weeks and took a 2 week break does that have an affect if I start listening to it again does it start where it left off or have I lost the momentum as I remember someone saying that.

there should have been some work done so the energy will be easier to integrate, but think of it like going to the gym, if you stopped for 2 weeks do your muscles stay the same? in the growing phase momentum is important but once you have achieved your required height then you can relax.


41 copies of this NFT have been minted and now exist.


People need to learn that all human growth is a marathon not a sprint.

Just with height alone, and the singular process of the chondrocyte switch you should be at minimum checking at the 3 week mark.

Thatā€™s not set in stone but just a ballpark very fitting I think.

Time has a weird way, can get all philosophical here with perception and reality of our growth process but the point is have some self control with the confirmation of everything.

No matter how long it takes, if itā€™s bound to happen , then donā€™t sweat it my friends.

Itā€™s all in your head anyways.