šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Probably is, I listen around 1 hour, before 3 hours.

Maybe you could use the smart tapper to tap away your insecurities about your height.

Seems like you messure yourself quite often.

Anyways the height difference can be many things. You or her werenā€™t in the same position when measuring last time, your spines werenā€™t straight, etcā€¦ As long as you have growing pains you are probably getting bigger. I canā€™t see shrinking as a detox effect. If your bone is longer its longer. Old people get shorter because they loose bone density. I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case for you yet. Use hgh field alongside this and wait for results.

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Ok thank you, I will use smart tapper then. My biggest insecurity is height so naturally I am very detached to my outcome. @Bultar

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If someone can make the best field on the internet for height itā€™s Dreamweaver
I donā€™t see any other working height field out there.
Just eat properly, sleep a good 8 hrs every night, stay active, and detach!


Ya I trust Sapienā€™s work, but I donā€™t know if it is me that is preventing the results. I will try to better myself mentally. Ultimately my thought process towards height is very dependent. Thank you. Shamefully I feel suicidal because I am not at the height I want to be, being short as a man is very cruel. @Centaur

Thereā€™s no reason to ever be ashamed about anything that you had been given with no control over it.

Now with captains magic, you have some degree of control over it, aka consistency. Even with that growing after your growth phase is a miracle. Donā€™t be hard on yourself if your growth isnā€™t fast. Just do the only thing you have control over, and thatā€™s being consistent with listening


Thank you, of course I will be consistent :slightly_smiling_face: I think I will just stop observing my height everyday and stop focusing on the negative aspect. I trust Sapienā€™s field to make me tall. @Bultar

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Lucky. Iā€™ve been bulking hard with 3500-4000 kcal a day and have gained 20lbs of mass in the last 4 months. 5 pounds a month.

Iā€™m still lean, so Iā€™m asking that question as well. Abs are still visible without flexing, and my obliques still are lean enough to make that 3D effect

If itā€™s not an inconvenience to you, let me know your listening times and diet. Iā€™ll be able to optimize my regime further with that


I noticed I got shorter! One day I was 5ā€™ 7.25, and today Iā€™m 5ā€™ 6.5! The height fluctuates between these two and I doubt its spinal compression because I measure at similar times of day.

A guy told me he got a tad shorter before growing about an inch. Not sure how it works, but maybe sapien creates a foundation first? Regardless, I look forward to see results

Glad Iā€™m not the only one then, hoping a major growth spurts will happen like Anthony David lol. @Felix_the_Cat

Take advice from John Doe, make it ur pyjamas LOL

Or put the picture under ur pillow and see

Lmao Iā€™m definitely going to print my NFT, and have it on me 24/7. Listening for hours is boring @Felix_the_Cat

Just got my NFT printed and I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me, but my mandala is causing me so much pain in my body.

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Imagine saying that without context LOL nice



Anyone got results they can share? :)

the link doesnā€™t work. https://thesapienshop.com/products/the-skyscraper

@KumaraS New additional copies can no longer be purchased.

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Any sprouters yet??

Howā€™s the view up there


I will be honest with you, my expectation were high, and that led me to obsession and lack of self confidence with this field. I didnā€™t have a major growth spurt yet, but imma listen to this for 3 years. I got nothing to lose honestly. @Violet