šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Iā€™m just throwing this out there for those that are looking to grow. The Taller 2.0 field still works very well and is free. I started looking at testimonials a few days ago and started playing it and I already grew half an inch. I also started taking glucosamine MSM calcium and K2. The original field is very effective. Skyscraper canā€™t be purchased but Taller 2.0 is still powerful.


The Grow Taller Field should only work for those who are still teenagers.

The Skyscraper works for all ages.

From my limited understanding atleast.


Well said.

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Iā€™m 36. It works for all ages.


Yo bro, Did u grow w this?

I didnā€™t get a chance to get it. I was discontinued before I was able to purchase it.

Can this work at any age?

Wow, nice forward facial growth bro!


Really man? Hehe thanks.

But in all honesty man Iā€™ve been so slouched forward, etc poor diet, my hygeine and all that mental health stuff the past 2 weeks.

Iā€™m not at my best here in this pic in short, really trying to get my jawline back, stop eating soft foods etc.

But yes before I go to bed, please people stop slouching so much in your desk chairs!

If you are a student or at your job etc. try to work standing and at eye level.

My posture has been terrible because of this and have been shallow breathing past month.

I know these little things add up to not only affect your height but overall appearance.

My energy has been low with this idk but many of you could prob relate. The energy of being ā€œtallerā€ or at your best.

Anyways time to recalibrate, but posture alone you can get almost 1 inch in height within weeks.


For a healthy back I highly recommend going swimming (which is what I do).
It streches you and your back (might help with growth too) and works like a spinal decompression ā€“ perfect for jobs where one has to sit all day.


I want to swim so much, but not a fan of the chlorinated pools bro, but I will figure something out.

Thanks man, letā€™s keep evolving.


Goal height - 7ā€™2ā€™ (~218-221 cm)

My bear keeps me motivated

**Anyways Iā€™m all over the place rn, gonna visit this thread again in the morning or so. Exhausted lol.

We make our own destiny.


I keep my skyscraper mandala by me all the time, but I donā€™t understand why I feel minimal to no effect from my mandala compared the audio, which gives me intense pain. I keep thinking Iā€™m doing something wrong lol. Like I first experienced sensation from my mandala when I first printed it, then I feel nothing.

Had this with most NFTs, just wearing mandalas feels way more subtle than audios.

Have you tried spending a few minutes daily to focus on it?


I tried focusing on it but I never really know how to apply even though I read a bunch of post on this topic. I just donā€™t know whatā€™s the first correct step to take.

I really envy the people who can create their connections with their NFT haha.

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Ah I see the problem now, I never introduced myself to my mandala, and connected with it. Now I feel some pain sensation in my legs when focused on it, I should have done this before. @anon75179789


Conscious awareness. Ideally do some meditation or pranayama before or while you look at it/ visualize it. Then gaze at it, try to take it completely in. The colours, the shapes, the whole image. How does it make you feel to look at it.

Not thinking, judging etc. just observing.

When I got dragon bone armor I was so hyped about it, had the image open on my desktop and did my best to just observe it. The colours, the shapes, how good it feels to wear protectionā€¦
I gave myself mental commands to connect with it, to integrate it in my aura, to amplify the connection, completely merge with it, etc.
Feeling grateful for having such a precious, high quality piece of energetic protectionā€¦

I really got into this feeling of being one with it for the first days. Then IĀ“ve stopped consciously connecting with it and felt almost like loosing it. But just a few seconds of focus on it makes me feel it again.

High levels of Ojas seem to help too.


Thank you for your wisdom. I think my problem was I was letting the field work on me too passively without me doing any little bit of effort until I took a moment to consciously acknowledge my skyscraper. It gave me a big sting in my legs lmao.

So meditation + OJAS should do the trick, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Stop obsessing over height growth and just let it happen.

Do you count every single breath you take?

No, autonomy takes care of it.

Learn from your younger self and stop going backwards with self-sabotaging confirmation.


Goes to everyone here who keeps fussing over the NFT and every single ā€œwhy hypothesisā€ they post here.

I care for others to grow too, but it does not help when you keep going into this vicious cycle again and again.

You only set yourself two steps back by doing so.

Old habits die hard I guess.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m in the process of healing brother, itā€™s not a ā€œmiracleā€ solution that I just stop obsessing right away. Iā€™m getting there, itā€™s a long road in terms of letting go and merging with acceptance. We are all learning here.

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