šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Iā€™ve been there man, done that many times over. The perpetual rock bottom of progress.

But the worse thing you can do is keep digging that hole.

When you are up to your neck in alligators, itā€™s easy to forget that the goal was to drain the swamp.

Just flow with the go.


Yeah, I gotta stop repeating this cycle. Being short as a man is cruel in this modern world but no point in whining. Moving forward as always.


Itā€™s all in your head bro.

Everything is.

Check your DMā€™s too.


Heard some people say Masturbation has an affect on height growth is this true?

yes from my experience. When I was on nofap for ~3M people were asking about my height growth suddenly and that too with no use of height fields. (me no 18-25 dude :stuck_out_tongue:)


Iā€™m confused is that a yes for an affect or no?

If you want my sincerest answer.

Donā€™t do it man.

Tbh it shouldnā€™t be a question at this point, but I wonā€™t hold it against you.

The fact that people have to ask scares me, because I would have been in the same situation if it werenā€™t for my own past rude awakenings.

Just focus on height man, you donā€™t have time or life to waste. @tomp27

And if itā€™s difficult for you, and you stumble along the way, just remember that you were doing better then you did yesterday.

Now time to grow man.

i hope there is chance to buy this again in the future, I missed it

waiting to come back into the shop please


Letā€™s goooooo!!! :tokyo_tower:

Got my blanket, when I get my cat naps.

Itā€™s growing time. 24/7.



Keep growing people.


I havenā€™t listened to this in a long timeā€¦ should probably get back on it.

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Consistency is the only way.


I been detached for a little while lol. I trying to enjoy the process rather than make it my main priority

Thatā€™s freaking awesome.

JON, I want to know if there is any limit to the different morphic fields one can listen to in a day.
Like in my case I have divided my playlist into 6 parts
1st- early morning ( it has stuff related to mindset )(3 different fields)
2nd- early afternoon(focusing on aesthetics)(3-4 different fields)
3rd- afternoon(for organs)(4 - different fields)
4th - workout fields which I listen to while working out. (again 5-6 different fields)
5th - post recovery fields(3 different fields)
6th ā€“ night time when I am asleep I do brain fields. (5-6 fields)

every field is played a minimum of 2-3 timesā€¦ and those which are really shortā€¦ are played moreā€¦
some are paid NFTs and other Patreon files.

so, @anon14224340 my question am I being aggressive here with my brain and body?
how much different fields do you recommend to listen in a day?

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Nice profile pic, universe


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I believe itā€™s up to an individual how much that individual can manage.

But thatā€™s just me.

Do what works for you and what youā€™re comfortable with, and ignore everybody else or the noise.


I will grow tall no matter what. I will go from 5ā€™6 to 6ā€™2. For now, I will report back in 1-2 years.


You will.


Howā€™s everybodyā€™s nutrition? My mandala causing me some back pain once in a while lol. Iā€™m thinking of going back to eating rice + vegetables and chicken since Ramadan is coming up.