🗼 THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Any results?

you can try quadible integrities growth plate reopener video on youtube. There are testimonies in the comments of people past puberty claiming to have grown between 1-6 and more cm. One guy in his 40s said he gained 3 and a half inches over the course of 2 years. Quadible and sapien are the two channels i can confirm are legitimate. Though sapien is more effective in my experience. But the growth plate reopener looks very promising. Quadibles audios seem to take a heavier toll on your spiritual and physical bodies as well so I suggest using only one, maybe 2 quadible videos in a “cycle” instead of using a bunch at once. The less you use, the more effective each will probably be. Combine that with this NFT, sapiens height booster and hgh video on youtube, plus a calorie/protein/meat heavy diet, you will certainly grow.

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Thanks, my growth plates are still open btw.

I’m trying out this combination with Smart Stem Cell and I’ll keep you guys posted on how it goes. I’m thinking of adding Manly Man to the mix later on

If any of you have other fields to recommend that would go nicely with this one, feel free to share your suggestions!

My logics here

My understanding is that the body’s growth depends on its underlying vitality. In other words, the body aims to be as efficient as possible in managing its energy. When it comes to growing the body, it may not be the body’s top priority because it requires increased vitality, which might not be readily available.

So, Smart Stem Cell comes into play by supporting and healing the entire body while also providing additional stem cells for growth. This way, the body can address its energy needs and still have the resources to focus on growth.

For Manly Man, I still need to think about it, but I guess its action of masculinizing the entire body will further support this idea.

how old are you?

27 :slight_smile:

What you said about nutrients is very true. Also, you may want to try the youth recapture anti ageing audio. It helps program your cells to be as they would when you were in your late teens.

Is there any way to test it again? Wish to purchase.

Can someone tell, why is this project discontinued ? Is there any reason for that?


So it doesn’t work? Afaik he didn’t actually discontinue it but was asking if he should…

It works if you are the legal NFT token owner.

The illegaly uploaded audio on YouTube does not work.

I assume it was discontinued because among the first 41 people who purchased the NFT while it was available, there was a traitor who illegaly uploaded the audio.

But don’t worry, justice will be served in the sweetest and most painful way. The energy signatures of people are not anonymous.



is there somewhere I can buy it?

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Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread - NFTs - Sapien Medicine

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thanks but its not selling skyscraper, only seeking

2 users listed it for $280

hmm are they just downloading it and selling it? is it legal?

They bought the nft from the shop or other user

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Anyone grown taller from this then? Surely someone over the age of 20+ who owns this + plays audio consistently has grown at least half an inch :sweat_smile:

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