šŸ—¼ THE SKYSCRAPER NFT (Private Project made Public)

Positive consequences for me, thatā€™s how I know itā€™s working beautifully :muscle:

Had same effects with brain and body fields.

All part of the growth process part and parcel


As someone whoā€™s nearly 2m naturally, I want to say: use this with caution, you really donā€™t want to get too tall. Over a certain level itā€™s just a huge nuisance.


So then how does this regulate height growth?

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Good question, it is left to the user I guess to measure the height and stop using the NFT once desireable height is reached?

Moreover few inches would be good but growing a complete foot tall over your previous height, I wonder how would you feel if you were to achieve that? :thinking:

Your friends and colleagues will definitely see you as some freak with some snake oil :joy:


Yeah I donā€™t think most people here want to grow a whole foot or anything. The field should be intelligent though that it knows how much growth is wanted by its user.


Yes, on a side note YT gave me a recommendation of a guy who was undergoing a surgery for breaking his bones to grow taller, felt bad for him, I wish this NFT reached that poor guy in time.

Yeah thatā€™s crazy. Has anyone grown from this yet or is too soon?

May be too soon.

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Nice find!

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Iā€™m pretty sure this field will know subconsciously how tall the user wants to get. I communicated to the field my desired height anyway just incase.


Too soon but Iā€™m definitely feeling the work being done throughout my whole body.


All my shirts are starting to shrink big time (pun intended)

The bathrobe that even I had intentionally decided to order extra large, has started to look smaller.

Was preparing dinner, and my mother had an awe-shaped smile, saying that I had started to look very much ā€œbiggerā€.

Taking pictures on my stadiometer, once I get the results I seek hopefully can post a more concrete before and after transformation.

What a time to be alive :)


Can clearly feel this working in my knees, lower part of my spine, and shoulders :grin:


Does it seem to be making you bigger all over in proportion to your getting taller?


Yes, my frame is looking massive, with height, traps,etc.

Wider calvicles,etc.

I have pictures gonna share when time is right.

But no giraffe here.


I finally took the time to read the entire description. I swear someone is going to grow 9 ft tall with this.

Will the growth stop when we take the nft print off of our person? Because I donā€™t want to join the nba.

How can our muscles keep up with the bone growth? I donā€™t want longer bones tearing my tendons.

Do arms grown longer too? Or just legs? Hands get bigger to match? Feet as well :foot:?


omg the attack on titan series will stay in my consciousness forever. the images are soā€¦ unforgettable. I actually see the titans when communicating with my chakras sometimes, or when I am dreaming. dark stuff.


All of that is taken into account. Everything will grow proportionally and symmetrically. And I think the subconscious and field will know what height the user wants.


Iā€™m surprised at how energized I feel with this. Maybe itā€™s taking in morphic energy to fulfil the task. Or releasing physical energy (fat?) to do it. Or itā€™s the hormone support. Thatā€™s the one Iā€™m most betting it is. Or the combo of self confidence self esteem self love.

I think once we reach our desired height weā€™re all going to wish to continue with something like ā€œThe Endocrinerā€. Getting used to the hormonal support, methylation etc will make us want something to continue with when we donā€™t want to keep growing taller.

A general endocrine system, hormonal optimization and healthy cells nft not limited too much in number of copies.

My appreciation to everyone involved in making this. Every time I reread the description Iā€™m seeing more how much homework went into this.

And for not making it out of reach for everyone. Youā€™re my heroes in that regard.

