The Smart Cord Cutter Field

Good Luck :four_leaf_clover:

This one is after 22 weeks of Star Exercise :smirk:




I was watching a video on a reiki teacher who cuts all cords daily, friends, family, children, husband etc. her reasoning was because she came to this world alone and when it’s time for her to leave she’ll leave all of them behind.

I found it interesting and almost guided to understand her, seems logical to my brain :brain:. And today on my way to work I kept thinking about, wouldn’t this field greatly improve the effects of soul restoration, like majority improve.

I don’t got experience on how life would be if one were to cut multiple cords from generations.

Maybe someone else could help.


Youll know.

Ive done a lot through family constellations

Its just an absolute freedom

Thats why i mentioned the family or loved ones cords we called “bonds” are not necessary, we will always be connected IN love. But we dont need to be intertwined because its family. No.



This is what sits in the back of my mind

Thanks luna.

How do we cut ties with people we don’t remember or know anymore? A story from someone to help us set the intention?


I remember bugging Captain for a field based on the Family Constellations Therapy because its such an important thing to work on. Now that you made me remember about that Therapy i am so glad this field (not exactly or just for that) can be used just as much and that in itself its such a gift. Plus each therapy session can cost from 150 to 350usd and a normal person without much baggage would need like 5 or 6.

Sometimes, difficult psychological problems can be resolved easily with common therapeutic methods. Even if the work takes time, it can often be resolved with the first method your therapist tries. Sometimes, method after method fails, and you are left wondering if your mental health issues will ever be resolved.

Family constellation therapy offers a different approach that can help when it seems like nothing else will.

Family Constellations is a type of therapy based on the idea that problems sift down through generations to cause stress in the here and now. When we examine our feelings and perceptions in a “field of knowing,” we can break out of familial patterns that cause suffering. Working through our family constellation helps us to find the cause of our problems and resolve them.

This may sound surprising, but in reality, all of our families cause us stress. That doesn’t mean that your family is bad; it just means that family is a major part of your life. It’s just like having a good job or going to a good school. These are great parts of your life, but they can still cause you stress.

Multigenerational Impact of Trauma

Family constellations assume anything that happened in your family line can affect the way you think, feel, and behave now. One person’s grief, fear, or anger influences the entire family. Because family members are connected in the morphogenic plane , they all feel effects of things that happened to each of the family members before them.

Morphogenic plane

The morphogenic plane is an energy field that contains the memories and specific energies of a group. That group can be a family, a community, a country, or even the entire population of the world. Because this energy field contains all of the knowledge from the group, it can help us understand the sources of our issues, even if no one has told us the facts.

Orders of Love

several orders of love from which love follows. The two most important and basic orders of love are that (1) everyone in the group has the same right to belong and always does belong, and (2) everyone who belongs must be given their specific rightful place.

Excluded Family Members

You might think that your family would never exclude a family member, but unfortunately it happens all of the time. In family constellations, excluded family members are thought to affect the entire family, even after the family no longer has contact with them. Some examples of excluded family members are:

  • Babies who were miscarried or aborted
  • Babies or children who were given away for adoption
  • Family members who died, especially if they died young
  • Ex-spouses and partners from prior relationships
  • Family members who no longer have contact with the rest of the family for various reasons

These excluded family members continue to affect the entire family. If another family member takes their place, this new family member may take on their emotional struggles, addictions, or even physical illnesses.

Drive to Belong

Family constellation therapy identifies the drive to belong as the greatest influencer in the family. If someone feels like they don’t belong, they’ll do anything to get that feeling of belonging.

Hidden Loyalties

Within the family, we all have loyalties. Sometimes, according to family constellations theory, we have loyalties to family members who died before us or family members we’ve never met. These hidden loyalties can lead us to follow patterns, develop habits, and make unhealthy choices we can’t understand based on the factual information we have. Family constellation therapy can help us understand how these loyalties are driving us, so we can make different decisions.

Family constellation therapy can be used for a wide variety of problems, including physical, mental, social, or spiritual issues. This therapeutic method can help us overcome problems like:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Bad habits
  • Failure at work
  • Negative relationship patterns
  • Family dysfunction
  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Physical illnesses
  • Financial problems
  • Phobias
  • Excessive guilt


Sooo… lets just say that this field (along other benefits) can definitely automate Family Constellations therapy which in simple words is? Cutting unnecessary cords that block your progress in life and keep you repeating the same story you want to change.




Just like that.

Thinking that. Tho you dont need to. It does it for you.


Great review

I’m feeling so tired nowadays…Minor PB, mana circuits, alchemical elements, etc doesn’t help much…wonder if i should get this.

I also Suspect I could be infected or suffering from effects of vaxx…had been using Virus Disruption also


if you had the vaccine use fields to detox from the vaccine ( plasma proto manly for example )

the msuic is marvellous. Does Dream make the music on his own?


I believe Dream’s expertise is more on bees & mosquitos editing :smirk:


Hi, I don’t know why, but I keep correlating this to spell and curse removal- is this maybe the more advanced version of that? Because: curses can stem on for generations, cuts the cord that binds you to the spell your caster put on you, and so on )



Its just that those type of cords are the strongest and they get stronger from generation to generation reinforcing and blaming all negative in their lives to “this and that curse our ancestors had”

But there are many many other type of cords this field breaks all of them and when you remember that time is an illusion then you understand the even bigger potential and help this audio brings to us, because the “future” in all “versions of you” can be pulling you back and forth or stagnating as well the YOU here and now.




goodbye self sabotage!! Thanks Luna.


Just lost a friend I’ve known since childhood. Who’s been verbally attacking me and speaking down on me and my character in recent years. Went over to his house to chill, left before I could even smoke the blunt once lol. Just played torsion field. Time to loop this a few times :scissors::scissors:

Any other fields to regain my power would be appreciated.


Become Whole

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The Empress

The Star


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The Journey of Forgiveness
Vibration of Divine Love


Actually now that i think about it…

Just keep playing this one.


As it keeps chopping off unnecessary cords the You pure You will emerge beautifully to stand tall :heart:


is it necessary to think of someone before cutting of cords, or can we just play this field and it will automatically work on cutting off cords that need to be cut, without specifying which cords we want to cut?

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