Discussion for other Creator Channels

Yeah I gotta try that one too!


For this particular issue, you could consider a family constellation.
Back in my home country there is someone who is specialised in these cases that I went to many years ago…
before I read her book I thought these stories were bs to be honest. Then as I was reading the book I was crying 50% of the time lol. I recognised myself in all the behaviour patterns as well… I still do in some smaller ways.
It was a very helpful experience… it’s an effective way to deal with this.

Also whatever you do, maybe you could try pairing it with ‘become whole’.

(I would just caution to go to someone who is an actual doctor / therapist )


Conceptual Realizations field would do that for you and make you recognize those patterns without the need to go on expensive family constellation therapy :wink:


Right right conceptual realization for everything :sweat_smile:

While I don’t doubt it helps recognise patterns, I think such therapy holds added value as you physically experience meeting the lost twin within the constellation (plus whatever else comes up), you all move to different places, say things etc.

Of course no one HAS to go to therapy session (btw it’s not that expensive as you don’t need a string of appointments, just a session), it’s just my recommendation to consider 🤷


I thought personal therapist field is more suitable for it

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They can just use Smart Cord Cutter

Family Constellation’s therapy results are the same achieved through SCC

I mean the field is for much more but it helps with the family cords


Thank you, Monkey! :hugs:


Honestly guys the new PI field is working soooo good. He is also sending me extra help (energetic support) regarding this issue. I truly feel freer than I have in a longtime. I don’t feel the void that I had no clue why I had.
But regardless I use SCC and Conceptual Realizations pretty regularly anyway.


I came across QI’s game changer track which claims you can listen to multiple fields, binaurals, subliminals, etc, all at the same time without cancelling out each other, but i’m wondering if this also applies for Sapiene Medicines tracks as well? I am looking for an effective way of listening to multiple tracks at the same time without losing the benefits. With so many tracks and so little time each day, it’s nearly impossible to listen to each one daily. Just wondering if anyone had experience with this track. Thanks!


I totally agree with lunamoon’s opinion. I am personally apprehensive of family constellation.

I suggest the following stack to replace FC. Economic, safe and can be done anywhere individually. Captain got us all covered.
Smart Cord Cutter + Ancestral Knowledge + The Honored Ancestors

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Oh no no, not me.

FC are incredibly good


I’m sorry for misunderstading your post.


All good frend

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do you get results from diffrent chanels besides sapien ?

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i only use Sapien and his channels, tools.

ive seen you the past 2 or 3 weeks asking every member you come across here, i think is time you read the whole thread and take notes what others say about other channels etc so you dont keep asking that, we all see and read the post, if no one has replied is because majority in this forum use only Sapien.


I’ve got results with most other creators, just at different speed.

At the end you need to discover for yourself what works and what not.


do you know MEF dynamics ?

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I told you already i don’t like his stuff.

Do you really want fast results with everything?

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why dont you like his stuff ? You did not answer to that .

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Uses on his gumroad page shady stuff (probably to sell his “fields” at a higher price) and made claims that A and B-list celebrities would use his fields.

This alone should be enough but the field quality itself is also nothing special nor do i had any proper results with his stuff.

Is there a reason why you are so heavy focused on MEF?