The Solidifier

makes me wonder now, do you not see XYZ anywhere then? or just not in yourself?


Oh wow… that’s great that it worked!

I wonder if we could remove a morphic field from an object? For example, if you added a field Schumann Resonance to a ring and now you want to remove it… would that work? :thinking:

@Dreamweaver @SammyG What do you think?

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I had a quick testimonial. Yesterday I washed my hair and didn’t dry it properly before I left my house in the morning. I didn’t think it would be a problem because it was warm outside, but I ended up being in a meeting in a airy conference room way longer than I intended.

Later on that evening, I started to feel the onset of a mild sore throat, but I didn’t think anything of it. When I woke up this morning, the feelings were more pronounced. You know when you’re getting a cold and it’s not full blown yet, but if you don’t do something to stop it, it’s going to take over to a full blown cold. Usually no matter how hard I fight or what I do to prevent it, it eventually develops in a cold that I have to fight off for a few days. I picked up the image of The Solidifier I printed out and just said, “my body is healthy and healed”

I went to sleep for about 2-3 hours and when I woke up, the itchy throat and cough was gone. The cold onset was stopped right in it’s tracks! I’m so happy because this week and next week are so important for me socially…getting sick is NOT an option. I was worried I’d possibly get others sick and miss out on events that I have to get to. No worries with The Solidifier…



With this field I’ve noticed that’s it’s great to let metaphysical goals stay for multiple days before you clear it. I manifested a metaphysical skill and it seems like this field is taking it to new heights rapidly as I practice and learn more. I felt I had mastered it on the first day of using this but it gets better every day


gotta get rid of those XYZs

i usually make them hard to remove, its unlikely another person can clear it,
even if they think they did or whatever they think.

but give it a shot with this.

then check the item again in a week or two to make sure.
cause they recover.


How would u go about doing this?
Does dream do this himself? (I know he use to but them stopped, But am guessing their is some kinda NFT that allows this?)

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The target is physically gone from my life. I assume it’s still out there somewhere just not around me.


What are y’all recommendation if I want a new car + house. Should I aim for those specifically or something higher? I have bad credit from student loans and other issues on my credit thats giving me a hard time getting a right apartment and newer car.


I am not an expert, but since you ask I will share my humble perspective.
I choose to manifest a way of achieving a higher income so that I can then enjoy its perks.

But you can choose to manifest a better credit if that is the real reason you have a difficulty obtaining a car and apartment. Targeting something this specific might make it work faster


Put a new goal for anatomy summer class, to get a specific grade that I need to get into the nursing program.
I shall update in the next month but I already see a increase in work ethic and a few things in studying skills.

Took out brain work and brain dancer, this field is gonna be solo solo


Cool! Will give it a try. I’ll have to send you the image to double check though. lol! Thanks, Captain!

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There are NFTs that are item makers… meaning you can imbue the field into another item. Search item makers on the forum and you’ll find those threads. Schumann Resonance is one of them.


Fascinating. Very powerful indeed! :mage:

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Interesting. Did not know that.

Thank you.

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:


Update - I gave this NFT what I considered a medium-level task and it has done it in 2 days. :sunglasses: :heart_eyes:

EDIT - This by far is the best fast-acting field for manifestation, imo. I can’t thank @Dreamweaver enough for this and his magic. :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

On to my next item on the list… :spiral_notepad:


congratulations spelled out


Thanks, Rose!


Can someone detail how exactly to use this, all the way down to the exact phrasing, or visualizing? Lets say I want a free hamburger just as an example, how would you use the solidifier for that. Picture someone giving you a free burger and then press the button? Think about getting a free burger without visuals? Say I want a free burger? Just picture a burger without thinking about its value/money? Say I have a free burger? Say I will be getting a free burger?

Can anyone give some clarity on how to use it properly? Thanks


Try anything. From what I’m seeing there’s more than one way to make it work so don’t get caught up in the technicalities