The Solidifier

The field is intelligent enough to understand what you’re asking for. Even once you set the intention, I believe you can continue working with the field to clarify and modify things. It seems like it’s very flexible and is meant to make things as easy as possible. If you want to manifest food, @anon25711007 is an expert and has alot of tips in the Cone of Power thread.


Is there a way Imogen can have a little pizza shield next to her name


This field making you the real witch In real life! not only this field work on your personal needs. But you can also use this to cast good spells to people for good luck. It’s just amazing. You can actually do anything with this though.

I’m talking about ( cone of power btw)

Even attracting new partner if that’s what you want


I was kind of wondering about the difference between the Solidifier and Cone of Power.

Solidifier does one thing at a time, I am wondering if Cone of Power can be used repeatedly for multiple things?

Anyone using both? What are the differences?


In my experience. It can. But you have to give 3 hours gap. Cone of power is a traditional ritual that most witches use.

This is as an example of cone of power ritual. Where they dancing. Together. Manifesting one desire. And then lifted the intention up to the universe



yo wtf this field is insane. I just took the easiest anatomy lab exam of my life and ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT, I will let you guys know about scores


I have a plan. I’m not ready to do it yet but I’m sharing it in case someone wants to try it and let us know what happens. I’m going to listen to Cone of Power and the entire time meditate on the intent that my next use of The Solidifier succeeds in its manifestation extremely well.

Immediately after that I’ll use The Solidifier for my goal.

And I just may do energy body clearing beforehand just for good measure. Get all the gunk out of me first.

I want to feed that Cone of Power directly into the black hole. Because science.


Someone manifesting for the rise of humans vibrational state on earth? :slightly_smiling_face:




Went to bed with this last night, my finger pressed against the black hole.

Had visualizations out of this world, a state where my future perceptions became almost life-like.

I was hyper-phantasic for 4 or so full minutes, an energy surge of sensations extremely intense.

Day by day my belief is being rewarded with the Sapien Medicine community,

Just got Woven World contentment too, so the trilogy is complete.

When the event materializes I will be sure to update here.


Does anyone else feel like they’re observing the black hole when they close their eyes with this?


Love that you’re sharing your experiences with this! It’s fascinating to hear all the details


Since you dont have to wear this, would it make a difference if I wouldnt print this?

One could simply set the intention by opening it on a screen and then placing your finger on the black hole right?




Thank you Chad

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It’s mentioned somewhere in the 280 posts


Does it have ti be the word “clear” idk why i thought it was “reset” lol

Question about this. If you ask the Solidifier to help you with something long term, do you have to wait for that to manifest before you ask for something shorter term?

Like if I wanted … a villa by the sea like it was mentioned here before and I ask for that.

Can I say “clear” and expect the Solidifier to keep working on that, if I wanted to manifest something today, like I’m going to use something small let’s say i want to manifest a hammer

Or will the villa be cancelled since I asked for the hammer?

This has been touched on elsewhere in this thread, but I still am not clear on it.


Since these fields work on intention (because a bunch of us speak different languages and AFAIK the fields themselves don’t even speak a human language) it was probably not that big a deal.

But now that you now aware of the instructed word, wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power towards the achievement of your goal? :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry to intervene amidst the very informative discussions happening here (I stalk this everyday :speak_no_evil:)
But wow! This thread and field just blew up! :fire: it’s in so much demand rn. I always thought Eternal will have demand but this is wow especially once people got to know how powerful it can be thanks to the discussions going on. Im sure many silent members are following the exchange of knowledge happening here
Each day we discovered something new about this field and what a marvelous thing Captain came up with