The Solidifier

How much did you get?

Is there a chance your teacher could grade on a curve or maybe made a mistake when grading?

Some goals require absolutely no resistance in order to make them happen, for example

When we have zero resistance toward a goal, we automatically do what’s necessary to be done as long as you take the action. See if you can think back about any resistance you felt (nerves, doubt, overwhelm) between when you set the goal and when it didn’t happen


From the description you don’t need to do anything…

"The Solidifer

This art piece is meant to provide a representation of a black hole’s event horizon. To capture your goal and give it power and energy to manifest into reality.

For use as NFT owner, hold the idea or thought of what you would like to work on then place your thinger on the black hole. It will be actively worked on from that point on, if you wear it or not. To set a new goal, place your finger on it and say the word ‘clear’. The old one will be cleared and it is ready for a new one. Uses woven worlds, and a few newer ideas and concepts. It is meant to be used as a ‘manifestation’ item."

So what if I had the same goal is jagolo but didn’t know the first thing about their field and didn’t study? For physical goals I imagine the NFT guides you to take the necessary action but we don’t see it as action because it’s so natural. more metaphysical goals are the ones you don’t need to take action on. A goal of growing my hair will never happen if I keep cutting it (resistance)


You don’t need to do anything for The Solidifier to work, but it does not have unlimited power. Help it!


Yeah well I think it depends on what we ask of it. You’re example is of course right but I want someone to message me there’s probably nothing I can do (does that goal count as metaphysical?)

I wonder what good thing that set you up for…? :wink:

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great advise! Her fault and loss for messing up. No offense!!!
The solidifier is solid :sunglasses::crazy_face:

@anon36260187 upon doing a quick reading of what happened in this situation, it seems you have an immense fear of getting a low score which manifested you getting a low score.

If you did not have the fear and you were free of resistance its likely your goal to manifest a good grade would have happened. It may have resulted in you guessing the right answers or remembering things differently during the test or any number of things could have happened.

Your first step to getting a better grade is to let go of your fear of getting a bad grade. Just as @Violet’s post shows, you can manifest the right situation but if you’re internally blocked its not going to do you much good.

Try and view this test as one event in your life, let it go and focus more positively on getting a good grade while actively lessening your fear with a field or any method you possess. Even if you fail the next one you’re working through this important issue and once its gone, its likely going to be gone for good. Then from here on out you won’t encounter it in your future.

Take note of the concept of mental revision as advocated by Neville Goddard. I’ve had it happen in my life that I got 1 grade and then while manifesting abundance and luck in my life, a teacher accidentally hits the wrong number when typing it in to the computer. A 79 goes to an 89 or something similar. They may cut you some slack for participating in class more, or for asking questions, etc.

So while the chances of these happening are quite low, they do happen, and you’d be surprised what can occur when you’re manifesting something and you’re aligned with it 100% internally and have such a huge energy source giving it strength.


I did not see you messing up as being negative at all @Violet , I just felt it was human and used you for that example as it was most recent. I’ve done the same thing countless times and can remember a few different instances where this occurred within the last week :smiley:

I’m still working to grow just like everyone else and have to take responsibility for my personal flaws when they come up too.


Not really you. Read the other 3
i didnt ask to be put on the spotlight lol

I write stuff to give insights because it helps the creator right but like
Im not asking to be used as an example; especially on that lol. It was / is a very personal goal and its really been devistating i messed up. It doesn’t really need to be rubbed in my face; especially when I chose to disclose something that’s been a very big battle for me, eh? It’s only going make the person want to recluse
Theres no need to say the blackhole doesnt want me lol

Carry on of course.


My intention was not to nitpick your situation, I was showing how internal resistance can block people from their blessings. My apologies if you felt that I was trying to attack you


Do you guys find using this works better with a very specific intention, or a more vague intention to be more open about the outcome?

:joy::joy:Did you got it?


Does having printed mandala with use makes it more powerful or the potency of just having ownership of this nft and having mandala with us is same?

you don’t need to carry the nft/mandala, or even print it. it’s used just by setting the intent with your finger upon it. I highly doubt carrying it increases its power or gives other benefits, apart from maybe communicating with the underlying intelligence of it (that is, if you got the sensitivity), since that is not what it’s made for.


For this NFT alone, even working solely with the image will be powerful.
Cause it’s a manifestation tool.
Other NFTs, it’s better to own a physical copy. That will make it more tangible in our reality. Cap had said in some thread.


Here’s a little testimonial with this gem.

I am currently focusing on working with the Negen-Lingual NFT and the Solidifier. I have both printed out and on me. For the Solidifier, I have set the intention “I am completely connected to the energy in the Negen-Lingual NFT, and I have completely installed and integrated the energy of the Negen-Lingual NFT into me.” This has definitely helped me feel the energy of the Negen-Lingual. After setting the intention, I usually just put the NFTs into my pocket and go about my day. One day I decided to actively focus on connecting with the Negen-Lingual. For some reason, I thought maybe holding the Solidifier behind Negen-Lingual might do something. I think it did because I felt the energy of the Negen-Lingual a lot more than usual. Like I could feel my brain being worked on. I still need to do some more experimenting because the increase in energy sensitivity to Negen-Lingual may have also been a result of actively working with it. Nevertheless, the Solidifier is an absolute game changer.


What do you mean by set the intention: verbally or in writing?