The Solidifier

I put my finger on the black hole, and I say that intention thrice while focusing on Negen-Lingual.

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So you say the intention?

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Can I print multiple copies and place on each of them an intention? I want to accomplish multiple goals at the same time.


Up higher in the posts (helps to read the entire thread) Desiree suggests:

based on what the instructions say seems to work on one at a time, how the concept defines ‘one’ tho is another answer

very possible to have one complex goal with a few sub ones working within the same concept!

If you can formulate a goal that has various parts to it, you can submit that as a single goal.

And no, more than one copy does not work for multiple tasks. The only instance where I think it might is if you formed a group with friends, each of which have purchased a copy, and you work on a goal together. This might be a bit tricky, though, so don’t quote me, lol.


@T-Rex you are out of pocket, watch yourself.

You guys can easily manifest with this but playing God with every circumstance in your life of course is going to be severely limited by past beliefs whether it be past setbacks, religious conditioning, or other psychological sabotage.

I highly recommend doing shadow work before manifesting the big prizes with this one.

Trust me then you can easily manifes the impossible, especially if circumstances make you think or feel other wise…

I.e. a broke kid manifesting billions with a networked deal etc, a third war country citizen trying create millions.

And let alone money the list goes infinitely


Okay the office lottery pool didn’t win. :man_shrugging:

But there’s this week too. :sunglasses:

I cleared that goal and set the intention that I was superb at my job, and had a pretty good day.


Spot on


Yes, that’s what I’m seeing for myself as well. I need to clear all the internal/external blockages getting in the way of my ‘big prizes’.


Maybe luck fields are better in this case because it’s more about a game of chance…


I agree with you bro but this is the solidifier, it is automated no matter the beliefs and such, and btw my grade got curved up to a 90 so it’s not over yet guys


Does the soldifier works on just one intention of ours or can we put in multiple intentions one after the other without clearing the initial ones that we affirmed for in the start ?


So, it seems there is quite confusion on here…

This is The Solidifier, no just ordinary, typical manifestation method in which our beliefs, blockages, visualizations, affirmations, feelings, self-sabotaje, setbacks, conditioning, … are of great importance.

This is a Black Hole with massive incredible force of gravitational attraction…

At least my point of view


That shadow aspects is depends though. I was quite literally had depression and blockages. When using cone of power and the manifestations still works fine.

I’m pretty sure this one works even better.


To be honest I am almost more interested in seeing what the Solidifier can do than the lottery. Would I like millions of dollars? Yes. Do I think this is the smartest way to go about it? Eh, maybe not so much.


But say theoretically if every person had a black hole that could manifest anything they’ve ever wanted, whenever they wanted. Wouldn’t that cause chaos? There is still order in the universe and maybe even an hierarchy. Isn’t the universe always recalibrating to maintain that order? I’m sure certain things can be manifested at will. Their effects are either in an acceptable time line and maybe their potential is more likely. However some ideas may have larger repercussions and are not ideal for the overall order?

To manifest at will still requires a certain amount of potential. Enough time to build up this momentum too?

Maybe, the Solidifier is so new it’s like driving a new vehicle. Have to get used to the force.


Cap’n said above, one goal at a time.


Yes. Captain said: “One goal at a time, but you can make your goal complicated and reliant of a few things.”


“I know someone close who won the mega millions” :slight_smile:

we can all do this and all benefit :smiley:


Amazing! using the Solidifier?