The Solidifier

It’s a beautiful image, hence why it’s one of the only official images I left in the other thread opposed to leaving it in a spoiler.


There’s 992 copies left.




Using the Solidifier to completely let go of your desires.


Desire letting go of desire? Not bad



If you have so many desires, how can you manage them, that is, can the field make discernment?

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This field here teaches patience :) knowing that you can have your desires in an instant compared to other ‘manifestation’ techniques while being urged to look into the priorities of your goals— it’s a valuable lesson.

My first day experience with this was actually pretty fun, but just as much as it was fun it was full of revelations.

Do you have the field yet? :)

I’ve noticed how the assured knowingness naturally makes you ask the question: what is really a priority for me?
Is my goals the same way I imagine it to be?
Or is it a want that takes over and contacts all the possibilities and wants I think exist?

It’s not like one of these things you can see in the description, but it is my own experience.


Just a tiny niggling doubt… can someone use this NFT to achieve physical goals? Like instead of listening to facial symmetry, can we set the intention to get 100% facial symmetry. Or anything like desired hair type, etc. Not asking about building muscles cause for that work has to be put in. But things like facial symmetry or hair type isn’t in our control mostly?



But when desire struggles hard with what you want to accomplish as a priority, in this case, how does the field behave?


I’m also using this to achieve attractive facial features, I feel more attractive than before, nothing else

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Good for you, mate :+1: :heart_eyes: I hope you get your ideal level of attractiveness


It´s a good start…


make that decision and decide to set powerful intentions every morning of your life.


  • Today it is my intention to be grateful for everything I do have to really feel deeply all the blessings in my life I take for granted and to actively search for things throughout this day I can be grateful for.
  • Today it is my intention to be patient at all times especially when I’m challenged in the toughest of moments.
  • Today it is my intention to be present especially when I feel like I have a lot to do.
  • Today it is my intention to be kind and compassionate toward others to always put myself in other shoes and not judge anyone as I do not know their situation.
  • Today it is my intention to be playful and light-hearted to laugh more to have more fun and not take life so seriously.
  • Today it is my intention to love first and to put love and those I love before all things, especially material things and money.
  • Today it is my intention to believe in myself unconditionally to know I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

Well, solidifier has failed for my goals once again

I’ve set this goal for a month, to get High 90s in class I didn’t expect a 100, besides that I studied my ass off with brain fields and yet im stuck right now with an 82, I don’t think the field helped with anything at all tbh, just with me studying my hardest. Now I don’t even think I’ll make it to the nursing program and I have two exams left, so I’m low on motivation especially after seeing my last test grade which I studied hours for.

I don’t expect 100s to flock left and right but the purpose of this field is to align your goals Am I right?
I’ve gotten results from these fields and I share them but if something doesn’t work out, I share that too and this field isn’t really working on my favor or it’s too early to tell, same with any of the woven world audios, they have not helped me at all and that’s including woven millions

Please I know I can’t expect good grades within a week, this goal was upheld for a month with no other goals cleared and used,


Maybe something is contradicting each other

it seems this is important, have you try setting the solidifier for this ?


Well I need a certain grade in the class I am in to be even considered,

Yes this is extremely important because this will define my career until something sparks with woven millions

I have to say I have been at the point of no return with fields lately even with the point of no return field played daily

I will say this is the one of the first fields that simply aren’t working on my favor

I’m sorry if people always wanna hear results but this is simply not working for me or I am just being impatient

And please don’t tell me about blockages, the field is supposed to work with you without you blocking anything or blocking at least that’s what it seems like


Suggestion only…
Use the solidifier for the Nursing Program, after that dont use ANY other field.

feel free to ignore :smiley:


Ok I will listen but what If I want to use solidifier for my normal life goals, such as gaming, social skills,etc?

Plus the nursing admissions aren’t until fall, but I have to take this summer class with a B or more
right now im at a 82, 83 is B, two more exams left, I will report back

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