Main Function: Acceleration
Supporting Field #1: Active Motor neurons Recruitment trainer (comment below)
Supporting Field #2: Increased amount of TYPE 2B muscle fibers
Supporting Field #3: Superhuman Sensorial Perception; This feature should streamline and work on the whole process (Stimulus → Sensory neuron → Spinal Cord or Brain → Motor neurone→ Response.) for all senses.
Second Function: Force production
Supporting Field #1: Automated Legs and hip flexors workout
Supporting Field #2: Core strength limit breaker
Supporting Field #3: Fa jin gong targeted to muscles and tendons for extreme levels of explosiveness
Third Function: Smooth / relaxed running.
Supporting Field #1: Enhanced Blood/oxygen deilievery to Type 2B muscle fibers
Supporting Field #2: Wind Assistance (comments below)
Supporting Field #3: Perfect running technique knowledge instilled onto every part of our being.
Description of Contents:
Active Motor neurons Recruitment trainer:
This smart field will train all the motor neurons in our body to learn to recruit 100% muscle fibers when we choose to push it.
Wind Assistance:
The NFT owner will have a personalized assistance that would provide his body +2cm around his body with tailwind push, the range could be +1.0m/s - +4.9m/s while reducing headwind in front. This would work with the individual speed. (to ensure they can run at those speeds and not fall)
Automated Legs and hip flexors workout:
Using the concepts of Arms shredded & Jacked but applied to mainly the hip flexors and all of the leg muscles including the Feet.
Core strength limit breaker:
Push the NFT owner core strength beyond humanly possible
Audio + Mandala