The thing about 'Entities' & Curses

We fighten now though, told jer the cards said she disloyal. Had to put it out there

Oh, well, do you know for a fact her disloyalty or is it just the cards as your only source

Na its confirmed, it told me to play the field. She always bragging about other CEOs nd shit

That’s cold sorry about her disloyalty

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I want to share something: there are days that I wake up with a great feeling of being defeated, with many envious and spiteful thoughts, and a feeling of quite big anger, almost like wishing the worst evil to the people who I think have beaten me like my exes for example , like I feel a lot of envy for people who have a good social and sexual life, which leaves me with this feeling of being defeated(It’s like an irrational competition) and that I don’t deserve a good life in that sense… and sometimes I wonder if I will be the one that it is toxic and that it sends “evil eye” to other people…
because sometimes I see it expressed in people rejecting me very quickly without even knowing me, friends leaving my life, people ghosting me, rumors about me, etc…

so I wonder if this is due to entities, “evil eye”, I wonder if the people I feel envy throw negative thoughts at me too, I wonder where all this comes from… because I don’t want to be a source of negativity towards people…

So I would like to know if there is any field that can help with this or eliminate all these feelings/thoughts? (sorry if this is heavy guys)

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1st the Point of No Return field or the free stack

  1. Doing shadow work (face your shadow self). Devil reversed + ego dissolution
  2. Practice lots of unconditional self love, self acceptance, kindness, appreciation, patience like JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 🤍
  3. Jealousy Shield
  4. Self realization series
  5. Abundance Mindset + Spiritual Growth States of Being from Mind Settings album
  6. Anything that removes and protects or cloaks from or removes curses, cords, spells like Grace of Angels and Saints, Bhoots cahoots, etheric cord removal, letting go, forgiveness
  7. Guidance like Angelic Intercession
  8. Doing lots of detoxing for multiple levels via Mass Meditation field

You can use the :mag: search box top right


thanks i will try it out¡¡¡

and where is that field?

Not D_H here, but I don’t think that’s a field. I think that’s part of “Anything that removes…”


This stirred up an idea. If the magic mirror could be used to turn our reflection into an “outside observer’s point of view”; of our own situation, then it could learn how to allow us access to ourselves, such as a scientist would to study a disease (neutrally).

If we were to truly observe ourselves from a 5th Dimensional perspective, detachment would be an automated part of observation. It seems that so many are in search of these multidemensional “openings”, to advance. One thing that makes sense is to create points (all the way back to 1D). It sits outside of time, measurement and depth. Maybe by going back to such a basic perspective, we can understand such concepts within 5D? To my logical mind, that shouldn’t bear any rationality. But then, when concepts of 5D are contemplated, it seems to merely take 1D & create limitless versions of everything that 1 Dimension lacks, within each “point”. It would be akin to seeing grains of sand scattered; yet while simply observing the “chaos”, we are able to fully understand the entirety of all data, histories & lessons (even hidden thoughts stored within all grains at once).

A dream revealed how it looks and once I had awakened, it made so much sense. It literally gave one the perspective of omnipresence and effortless wisdom/mastery over all matter & lack of simultaneously. I wanted to return to such a state, because it was the freedom that many seek from limitation itself. It was effortless as well. Once experienced, it is pure bliss.

Sorry for the free-form thought. I just got inspired by what was written by Dreamweaver earlier & what you pondered here with focal points in relation to negativity.
It is my hope to spark others’ takes on accessibility to: ourselves, others, objects, places, existences & perceptions (inside/outside of time-lines) via other dimensions. The Captain has given us a rare glimpse into unlimited possibilities through awesome creations! Imagine how far “out of the box” can really go. It’s truly exciting!


Any type, form, approach and method of release will work for as long as you manage to succesfully bring the Subconscious Mind on board and convince to align itself to the change.


@SammyG What an incredible post! The concept of accepting the negative thoughts & energy that comes from within oneself and letting it pass by…
And using Dream’s fields to assist our being in the process of overcoming those feelings.

This is the exact concept I’m working on right now! The concept of, acceptance of reality and myself, as I’m right now (The current state I’m at- Physically, Mentally, Financially & the life choices I made so far.).
Dissolving those issues just by complete acceptance and directing the energy to positive thoughts without resisting to the negative ones. As Being resistance or going to war, with those thoughts, feelings, events causes ourselves to spend more energy on these instead of positive ones that continues as downward spiral of events.


@SammyG can you please indicate the audio that you mentioned at this post? would be great!

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Aura Repair


Glad you understand it friend. If you do, the understanding will guide you in the moments you need to accept most.

I think about this a lot honestly. I for one, am not shielded from bad things happening to me. Bad things still happen to me sometimes and I don’t think anyone, no matter how balanced or grounded they are, will stop having negative things occur in their lives.

But the difference is always in the reaction. Sure in the moment we might explode and lose it. We’re all human. It’s really a matter of being accept what happened, what is, the moment after. The more you fight what was/is, the more what you resist becomes your future. It’s one of the few things in life I’ve learned to be just about absolutely true.

This year for me has been lots of highs and lots of lows. Staying in the middle despite it all has always came down to accepting what is and remaining focused on what I want. Acceptance over time becomes a bit of a power that allows you to neutralize whatever mind state you are in and direct your mind how you’d like.


I do have a question for you guys though… what particularly makes it difficult to accept? Like, what gets in the mind and why your mind doesn’t allow you to?

From what I remember, it was just feelings like ‘how could i accept this thing i want to change about myself. These things keep me from being happy’ or it would hurt too much too think about or even come any sort of close place to accepting. The discomfort and resistance was so heavy, I didn’t have it in me to accept.

I want to hear more from you guys though.


A difficult question that I don’t have an answer to, unfortunately.
I simply don’t know.

I may be off topic here, and maybe your question(s) are in relation to certain topics mentioned in the previous replies (thus I will have to read them all again, to understand the context).

Maybe Investment is an answer.
How much we invest in an outcome…
Thus, anything thst hurts us or our expectations and investments, is hard to accept.

My own answer is actually non acceptance, if you want to change something, whatever it is.
I simply try new methods, new things or try again, etc.,until I see the results that I want.

To be clear, I have no idea if my reply is relevant, like at all; I see 3 choices, usually (to anything that I find hard to accept about myself): acceptance, Detachment (Detachment is simply the easiest Cope mechanism) or non acceptance/change.

(For whatever reason, my mind is foggy atm, probably because I’m tired, thus logic and coherence are not my strength, especially right now)


i think it’s the pain plus pleasurable motion that gets sticky in the body and the mind is clueless about how to deal with it, so, it just follows the motion,

this makes people do all sorts of stuff to get a bit of relief. drugs, sex, smoking, bad habits.

imo the best way to let go or accept something is moving your attention from it and ceasing its unconscious motion as a result.

attention must be trained as if it’s a life or death scenario.

otherwise it will get stuck within those gaps and holes of homogenic plasure+pain that leads to comfort and suffering.


I don’t agree with this and will make a separate post about this. In my experience negative things happening to you can be eliminated almost completely.

For me this works through realizing that none of these things are real and thus none are part of the real me. They are just components of an artificial temporary identity that I use for roleplaying this incarnation.

This realization allows to accept all the components for what they are: just building blocks and tools of my various experiences.

They are not me and thus I can accept them.


@SammyG Always comes in with some wonderful clarity… :relaxed:

This continues to be one of the hardest things I deal with. For me, in the past, acceptance felt like failure, giving up, being a defeatist. I would feel like ‘what’s the point then?’. Like you mentioned above about resisting, the more I fought the more I didn’t get anywhere. I’m slowly understanding the difference and surrendering to ‘acceptance’ but my heart and mind still fight it. I just don’t WANT to believe it (whatever IT is) to be true. How can I not have what I desire or deserve like others? It’s hard to accept these type of things but I know it’s the only way out.

I dunno… just some thoughts


Gonna answer all your responses later cause I asked for a reason. Doing research on this because I find it to be very important and just something that is excruciatingly difficult for most. And without being able to do it, it will continue to be a big wall to ones progress.

I did want to comment on this though

Have you completely eliminated negativity from ever happening to you? Or do you know anyone that has? It just doesn’t seem plausible. It’s like saying that nobody you know would never get sick or die. Or that wars, and other dark things happening in the world would stop happening. I do think it’s possible that you stop reacting to less desirable things happening to you (your stocks all dropping, you catching a bad stomach virus, book you wrote getting absolutely no sales, your health degrading over time).

And yes, you can be neutral about the people in your life or the world also running into less than preferable situations but it’s not going to stop them from happening… Heck the guy that many of you like to cite as the master of manifestation, Neville Goddard, died of esophageal rupture at age 67.

Negativity is part of the flow of life. You aren’t always going to have things go your way and you’re not supposed to. If everything always went your way, you wouldn’t really learn anything or grow. The challenges we face, the disappointments and failures, are not just obstacles but invaluable lessons that teach us more about ourselves, resilience, empathy, strength and so on. They are the crucibles in which our character is forged.

And to pursue a life devoid of negativity is not only an unrealistic expectation but a set up for contant dissapointment. Life is unpredictable, and the only certainty is change – sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. By embracing this reality, we prepare ourselves not just to survive the storms but to find meaning and growth in them.