The Tower of Power NFT

yes you can share the energy
it is yours to share
But she would just not be able to use or command it.


you are correct.


Thankyou for the reply :pray:


This NFT was in my old phantom Wallet. I lost access to the wallet. I hope I can still use this NFT even if I don’t have the wallet.


As long as u are a legit owner of this NFT, it will work for you.


I have some questions about that, too. So, was the tower empty to begin with, or did some type of energy already exist? Also, how do I get the type of energy I want?


Just building off this question Let’s say I play attract love while sitting with the NFT on Monday.

Could I then- tuesday, and pretty much every day after that say “activate attract love”, and I will be infused with the energy, not having to play it ever again if I didn’t want to? (Option A- you put the field in once and it’s there forever more)

OR would it be like, I play attract love on Monday, say “activate attract love” on Tuesday, and then have to then play attract love again for the NFT on Wednesday, in order to activate it on Thursday? (Option B- you must fill this up like a basket and you keep emptying and refilling the basket)

(Just a side note, I would play attract love every day even if I never needed to again, because I love it. I just used it as an example here)





Does this mean we can store the energy of previously purchased fields , NFT s and use it later from The Tower of Power without the need of listening to the audios?

Only concern is how long the energy, loaded on us with the Tower of Power, lasts on us and how to get rid of it when we dont’t it anymore or we finish our work.
Maybe using Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning is the answer for the last one.

Hi, have a related question.

I was reading Ring of Magi and tag thread on this forum.
Someone posted a question like
"If we want to store energy somewhere, do we physically have to go there? "
And I remember captain answered “No” (as far as my memory is correct. If wrong, please forgive me and correct me. Sorry if I’m misunderstanding @Captain_Nemo
So they understood like they can store the energy into the ring or tag by looking at the photos of the place

I try to go back the thread and find the post I thought I saw, but there are too many and takes time to go over again.

So my question here is if we want to store energy of somewhere (like some sacred spots), do we physically have to go there? Or photos of videos we can get on internet would work as well?


After reading Dream’s replies, I purchased this smart noded NFT

Before, reading the description I thought it wouldnt be helpful to me since I am 98% at home.
However since Dream’s replies, I realise, this is what many of us have been waiting for.
I am busy playing (while its on my computer screen and after I connect to it) different audios and having this NFT catalog the energy from the fields.

The questions are:
*Can it play back the energy from different fields at the same time?

*From your wording (as it being smart and noded) I assume we can share it (our energy/field “books”) with others that legitimately own this nft.



P.S. at this point the sale code still applies!


It is “smart” , so I would assume we could ask it to engorge us for a certain amount of time.


Since it’s noded… does anybody want to introduce it to the Major Blueprint of Power so we can spread the wealth? lol

–just kidding.


I think it already has major in it’s catalog of fields, although i think it’s only accessible to those whom have had major in the past

I think its still accessible once one no longer owns major, so long as one has owned major in the past i think it still works

Lots of “me thinks” in this comment lol

lol, this is me when i listen to fields/work with mandalas and try to figure out what they do ^


Well… I’ve never owned it lol so it probably doesn’t matter.

Maybe I’ll just explore different things and see if it works… treat it a bit like a shortwave radio and see what it will let me tune into lol


Well… that was interesting… I just asked it to imbue me with the major blueprint of power for the next 10 minutes.

I don’t know if I’m psyching myself out or if another NFT decided to fill in the blanks, but I’ve got some interesting new sensations going on, and the storage centers are being filled…

That’s pretty cool


I agree.
However it doesnt make sense if u sold the NFT that u still have access to its energy/field unless someone else has asked T.O.P. to copy/learn the field/energy while playing the audio and then we can access it for OURSELVES only (meaning we cant direct it to our S.O. for example). In that case it would function like a “lending library of energy”. We dont own it, but we can access it when we want by using/asking T.O.P.

Again, unless Dream responds, all conjecture.

However I did ask T.O.P. to engourge me with the energy of Major Blueprint (which I dont own) and I felt energy comes down for a while (with lots of weird gurgleing and noises (angry cat hissing noises when I no longer own a cat! and wet sloshing noises) coming from my right hip/pelvis area-a major problem spot). IDK for sure if it is indeed from Major Blueprint or not.

Very interesting indeed!


What does “smart noded” do?
I still don’t understand…

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Smart means that it’s able to adapt to things in an intelligent way.

Noded seems to be a bit fuzzier. The main idea is that all individual s who have access to the NFT can benefit from shared information.

When noded items were discussed in the past, it seemed like there were a bunch of individual items, and they were just linked to share information. But the idea that I’ve been getting lately is that there is one fundamental energetic construct and people own different “nodes” which serve as access points to it.

I don’t know which is true (the latter one seems more efficient :man_shrugging:), but the main idea is that every person who owns the NFT can benefit from what other owners have done with the NFT.