The Welcomed


Playing while interacting on your store, or play it while focusing with intention on your store


Thank you!

I use this daily at work, creates a nice atmosphere, everyone is more gentle, the job gets done easily, unexpected things happen along for the better, but mainly, all this benefits mostly for me. I play the field with the minimum volume in my phone while I do my things. (Pairs perfectly with New Release : Unexpected Gifts) One of my fav fields :smirk_cat:


Did you get any results from listening together with Unexpected Gifts?

epic results, but I also use other audios like The Probability Wave , Wealth Generation + + A premium only subscription field , New Release: Woven Worlds - Millions , etcā€¦


One more question, how often do you play it?

Everyday, but the one I play the most is The welcomed bc is more suitable to play everywhere at anytime and the audio is just literally white noise, so itā€™s not distracting as other fields with music.


Thanks for sharing!

This field is true gem . Results are awesome i play it maiinly during interactions. You can observe in real time how people moods switch.

For this price this is steal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Can it change peopleā€™s mood from angry to calm and kind?

I didnt have such experience. But it makes people more respecrful,calm ,talkative, interested.

I observe switch from bored and numb to reactive and interested


Just to make them respectful and calm is already worth the purchase.
Does it seem to have a permanent effect?
Thanks for sharing.


Iā€™ve had good effects with this field too. More flow, more collaboration, more problem solving. I always put on loop low during any calls/pitches/meetings etc.


I use it while interactions. Sometimes silenly for hours in my office.

People come an go. Maybe if You play it every day to the same person it gets permanent?
Good question :thinking:


I dont think the field itself makes it permanent, because its not about changing peoples personalities.

More like changing the ambient affecting the moods at that moment when played and for the hours the effect lasts after.

But with consistency i do believe a heart to heart connection can be created when the other person stars embracing you, trusting you, accepting you and then it could organically change the normal behavior from someone towards you.

There are people that are very closed off and exude a cold angry mood but its nothing more than fear of being rejected or hurt but if you have the merits to be someone that x person can trust without the fields effect, then the field would help them to open up and once open, they would see that they can trust you (even after the field has worn out)


Great news, I feared the opposite.


What volume level do you play it?


Very low. Nobody can hear.
Works anyway


I dont know how ive forgotten to recommend this gem every time i go around bumping threads when there is a sale going on.

This field is a MUST have.

Its just proved itself to me again. Ive been looking for a new Job and applied to hundreds (yes not kidding) jobs for like a month, barely get calls back, this has never happened to me before, but i didnt feel like there was something bing going on i needed to address, no but it was just not happening, the interviews i actually got, i was told in 3 that i was over qualified, or i would feel that rejection from the recruiters like literally ā€œnot welcomedā€ lol mostly because I am not from this country even tho i have permanent residence they would still always chose a local first. Specially jobs from home.

I was listening to this field for (other big reason ill mention in a bit) yesterday when i was like HOLD ON how come i havent played this field these days when i know it has worked for others for interviews etc. So i looped it yesterday and today i woke up to like 5 emails with requests for interviews or to fill out tests for the next steps, 2 calls with an offer and they felt so genuinely engaged with me in the conversations, smiling, embracing me, laughing wot wot?! 2 of them actually said that if i dont get through the next stage they would look with other clients in case someone can fit me in. šŸ«Ø

The difference is huge. Huge.

But back to the other reasons why i want to praise this field.

It literally is to have you WELCOMED everywhere with everything.

Things i have used this for and it delivers beautifully:

To connect faster, easier and deeper to Deities, Servitors, Angels, yes even when having the NFTs or having felt already a good connection, when i meditate or play it before it goes ā€œthemā€ just listening looking from afarā€¦ to a CLOSE right around you approach with full listening intention, but it feels like if i was family to them, like the best friend, someone they fully trust and are EAGER to help.

When i bought this audio i was working on sales at a hotel, my ex boss bought it too after i recommended it because the meetings with the prospects would go so smoothly, it just simply becomes like being sitting having fun spontaneously with every one that is there, even when you are a complete stranger (and someone they know is trying to sell them something lol) the transactions would go through unless they really didnt have the money.

He still says hi to me sometimes and says that he forgets to play it for a while at times but its when sales are not doing good that he remembers :sweat_smile: and plays it and voila. The ambience changes, the sales room is up beat and cherful, just a nice vibe that of course leads to sales happening.

The music is so soothing and relaxing, it reminds me of the ones that feel like a whole energy of love wrapping you around.

This field to me surpasses Plasma Flower and any other for ambience and to raise the vibration, it feels more intimate, more accepting, engaging with exactly who you are, it opens up people, places, astral realms etc. The possibilities are endless.

So while sitting in my couch right after the last interview feeling like things are changing on my favor, it just hit meā€¦

All we need in this life is to be and feel WELCOMED.

Things fall in place from that point on.


I have this one too, do you use it only environmentally or for your aura as well? Iā€™m thinking it kind of does both