The Womanly Woman

For sure, thank you.
I get it’s annoying to hear questions like that sometimes, but everyone has a different concept of feminine/masculine and even energy, I just wanted to know what it was in the context of this field.


@Dr_Manhattan Does this increase breast and hip size? or just make what you have fuller? I don’t want either to grow in size.


It can depending on your regimen but not in 1 day.

You can listen once or twice everyday or every other day if you want.


Thanks! And this will limit the size increase… correct? Like I mentioned, I don’t really want increased size in either areas.

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It should be fine, enjoy the other benefits and keep an eye out if you prefer.


I loved reading this comment, it wasn’t about getting stares or attention. It was about self love. Nothing wrong with wanting to look better


I have several questions

So, by using this field, female already post-menopause can possibly resume menstruating, and female who are not there yet (not menopause yet) can extend menopausal age?
(or not experience their menopause at all…)

Is this field good to female at any age? When you were in the process of making this, did you have any idea regarding age group of female that is suitable for this field?

In regards to female reproductive organs cancer like ovarian cancer or cervical cancer, is it safe to use? Of course if one already is diagnosed as cancer, better to avoid using it.
My question is this field should not trigger growing undetected abnormal cells, right?

Thank you


Hey there @candy

Yes, you it can restart the menstruation cycle and it will definitely delay the onset of menopause.

I did have a an idea of age range going from puberty to woman up in their 50’s as long as they are reasonably healthy.

The upper limit really depends on whether the woman in question feels comfortable having periods again. I don’t think many would like that.

Like any field containing growth factors, healing fields with stem cells, while they won’t cause the formation of tumors, they will speed up the growth. Not a radioactive kind, not over night.


I don’t think that many woman have undetected malignant cells, you know, if there are no symptoms it’s probably not that bad and if anyone of you feels concerned, you can use the cancer audio at the same time.

Same for men.


Your answer is always perfect, thank you :grinning:

I’m thinking if someone who is at post-menopause limits use of this field (like minimum use), menstruating may not resume, yet she’ll get some benefits from this field
Because Captain’s fields are really strong, (and I’m very sensitive to energy) I try to keep minimum use. Use fields less frequently, or shorter minutes, still it works for me somewhat.
Looping audios is never my thing. LOL

I’m not aiming at meno-unpause, but the concept of this field seems very fun to me
Also, I thought it may help me put some weight, help bone health, you know what estrogen does
(Remember, in other thread I requested the field to maintain healthy body weight because I’m skinny, and healthy bone)


Hi Candy,

You raised some interesting questions. I am also wondering @Dr_Manhattan, if this field could potentially replace the Bio Identical Hormone therapy that women may start around their mid-40’s as the peri-menopausal symptoms start.

With BHRT in the US, they usually start on testosterone pellets which helps with fatigue, improves stamina, aids in exercise recovery, and helps ward off weight gain around the mid-section. This therapy usually is followed by adding estrogen pellets and progesterone tablets, depending on the blood panel test.The goal would to age more gracefully, minimize the side-effects of hormone decline and improve the quality of life.

Unfortunately, once a woman starts supplementing, their bodies are less likely to produce these sex hormones anymore and going off BHRT cold turkey would be very disruptive. With this field, I am thinking it might help women transition from BHRT to having their own bodies recover the ability to maintain their function as long as possible.

And in case post-menopausal women’s menstruation were to come back, well, I guess it would be a good sign that more youthful hormonal levels are resuming.

It’ll be fascinating to read the testimonials…


I thought of similar thing, I thought this can be used like hormone replacement therapy as well. In fact, it seems Meno-Unpause field and Estrogen boost from YouTube are somewhat helping the conditions from hormone decline.
At the age of 60 or 70, it may not be a good idea if one still have period, but with moderate / minimum use of The Womanly Woman / Meno-Unpause / Estrogen Boost, they may help aging related conditions, and if one can live actively in her late stage of her life, that’s great.
I think many female can enjoy aging process with these fields


Ma’am we don’t provide medical advices around these parts and if any FDA related agents happen to read this thread, F off :sweat_smile:

Kidding, now seriously, BHRT is just a fancier type of hormone replacement therapy, for female health and fertility they would act on Estrogen, Progesterone etc… Which we already provide in the cleanest way possible.
As for the Testosterone which woman do need in small dosage, you would need to figure out whether you really need to supplement it on top of your own endogenous production.

If you do there are energetic ways around here.

Yes, it won’t reduce your own natural production and it would restore it to higher healthy levels if they were to lower or be lowered.


I think so too


Or perhaps for women of that age, using that alongside Eternal or other eternal-like fields might work the best.


By all means, let’s not underestimate the importance of testosterone in a woman’s physical well-being, and the impact it has in their relationships. This beautiful lady here provides a pretty entertaining testimonial:

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Fellow ladies, I would love to share an issue I have, around birth control and physical intimacy

(Note: I didn’t purchase this field yet)

I’m 21, a virgin, with concern and mental obstacles around intimacy…
Some around body image - and I work on those separately.
The other concern is that I am not on birth control pills, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it when I grow up, and I’m trying to understand it better…
My issue with birth control pills is the hormonal changes, and my fear that it’s unnatural, and that it’s messing with my body’s natural way of alignment…

So I’d love to know if this field has anything to do with the experience of taking pills
(I wonder if it is counter productive to use this field simultaneously with pills, or what are the effects…? Or on the other hand, actually help)
@Dr_Manhattan @Dreamweaver


Yes, your thoughts and intuition are right


The unique makeup and desires of each person will determine how well this field will fit. I think it might be a tad bit more involved than on the men’s side, as in more elements to the decision. Absolutely perfect for some; for others, there might be more to consider before coming to a decision.


For birth control consider a diaphragm and anti-spermicide used together.

No hormones.
U only use it when it is needed.
Use it every single time.


It’s very complex, there are different types of birth control pills. Many (most ?) contain synthetic hormones which disrupt a woman’s endocrine functions and make them temporary infertile. Yes, it has many side effects many are not immediately obvious, but it impact the development, the brain, sleep, personality long term.

It’s factually speaking unnatural and can’t be said to be healthy at all.
Now it has its advantages, personally I am not affected so its not a political thing for me (don’t anyone come at me).

The Womanly Woman on the other end is made to boost well being and fertility in a completely natural way (albeit facilitated by morphic fields)

Using both is most likely “safe” (in quote because I just said hormonal Birth pill are unhealthy) now the exact interactions of both:

Those synthetic hormones are going to compete with the natural hormones, infertility + fertility. Then your receptors will be directly activated by-passing all that and the fight would ultimately be won by Womanly Woman if you use it independently of what hormone latches on it.

You mention that you are a virgin, if that’s troubling you, a comforting thought will be that man typically view it as a sign of purity and are biologically hardwired to seek it (the ancestor of DNA paternity test). Hence the virginity requirement for marriage in most civilization and cultures before the modern age and traditional mothers slut shaming their daughters. Men find it attractive for long term relationship and commitment.

If it’s your body image, you should focus on self-love, emotional healing, limiting belief removal.
Then there are also the possibility of safe physical improvements with fields. Which this one also provides to some degree.