The Womanly Woman

That would really be better,
Thank you Zuzu

Same for every girl, that would be much better.
Also a break from Womanly Woman and condoms also would minimize the chances of pregnancies.


When u are having sex on a regular basis (with a regular healthy partner)
u might also consider an IUD. This is best for monogamous partners.

Please do some reading on the pros and cons for both.


I would avoid birth control pills at all costs.
They create a large array of serious side effects and issues for women, that compound with time.
You can not play with hormones with pills and not create serious side effects. I would also avoid IUD as these have side effects.

I highly recommend you begin tracking your cycle (there are many free phone apps you can use).

If you track your cycle diligently, you will be able to tell easily the day you are ovulating, the day before your period is going to begin.
You will know what days you are fertile, what days you are not.

If you enter a relationship that becomes sexual, you will have understanding around fertile days.

You will also create a connection with your body, with the natural female rhythm. This will bring a deeper sense of confidence, assuredness and appreciation for your body, your feminine nature and yourself.


Thank you everybody for all the replys, I’ll make sure to keep on reading and doing my research :+1:

I bought the audio today - first impression: it calms my body instantly. I didn’t even notice the anxious state I was in before…also, the skin all over the body, from head to toe is feeling warmer from the inside… Very calming sensation

Will be interesting to experience this one for the long run and see what it does!


Dr_Manhattan, This field sounds very powerful. I am in my early 60’s, totally healthy and physically quite active but not sexually active. However, there is estrogen reactive cancer in two of my siblings with breast cancer and as a result I have never had hormone treatment of any type. Sapien fields are usually very safe with no side affects unlike prescribed drugs. My question then is would your field be safe for my specific situation being advised not to take hormone estrogen due to family history? Thank you for Your amazing work.


If you had cancer, I would dissuade you to use it until after you used the cancer field and had a check up with your practitioner. If you don’t have cancer, you should be fine.

Now, as far as we know you do not have cancer at the moment and you feel fine. However there is an element of uncertainty. In that case it is up to you to decide if it is worth it, potential reward vs potential risk.

However, there is an anti-cancer field which you can use as a prophylactic measure to hedge your bet and you can limit the risks by using it at low dosage. It is up to you to decide if it is acceptable.


Second impression:

Still experiencing what I wrote above ^^

  • blood circulation is much better! (my blood circulation is not so good in my palms and feet) this field feels the same like the blood circulation field in that aspect. (I would dare to say even better)
  • Also, my skin all over the body is smoother,
    I noticed it because in the last 1-2 years I started to get a small amount of arm and back pimples, and yesterday I scratched my arm and was shocked to not feel the texture they caused… So yep, skin is Def smoother.


  • it helps with cellulite. Just noticed it now. This field is amazing.

*I’m listening when I feel like listening… usually it’s 2-3 times in the morning, 2-3 times in the afternoon and a few more listens in bed before I go to sleep.


I’m seeing all those benefits too @Sapphire , amazing :star_struck:

Would also like to add, my menstrual cycle is much much lighter, plus no bloating, no bad moods, no spots - all of which I would normally get every month without fail. So win win.

Absolutely love what I’m seeing and feeling so far.


Hi Girls,

Do you also notice breast/hips enhancement ?
It is one of the reason I want to buy this field soon…
I messed up in my late teen years, i was anorexic between 16 and 21, and i think being soooo skinny at the time (+loosing my periods for many years due to that) has avoided my body from completely growing its feminizing aspect…


I don’t have the field yet but I believe it will help you with that yes, absolutely! Best of luck :blush:


Yeah I also think so, was searching for a bit of reassurance here :shushing_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I cant wait to buy it, and i love reading reviews… I also read all the reviews of The Manly Man haha, so amazing to see the cheat codes we all have between our hands :) …


Sounds like the perfect field for the perfect audience in your case


:muscle::muscle: I took the decision to buy it a few days ago, just waiting for my salary to come… But I am already so excited about it :)
I had used Meno unpause a few times before because my body was kind of lazy, and i have never been disappointed. Light and pain free periods…
Can’t wait for all the other benefices.
Thanks in advance for this creation :blush:


You won’t be disappointed :grinning:


Haha :joy::joy:
Ok say no more :yum:


I’ll have to keep an eye on that❤️
I will say though that the body has a softer, nicer look, both in the actual shape of the body and a little bit in the movement of the body, more graceful in a way… :hugs:


i recommend it for women

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i was not planning to buy it never but i thought whhat if i give it try to regain my beauty and i feel it connet me with my core esssence and it remove energies from chest area it feels masculine , i was not like that years ago


Nice, thanks :slight_smile:

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