The Womanly Woman

Does anyone have the sense of feeling more feminine, whatever that might mean to you? Or should I say however that might feel to you


That sounds nice also, it is crazy to think that this field can impact the way you move, and the change of hormones can make you look smoother and more graceful (without talking about breast enhancement), that is something i would already be really grateful for :)

I read the reviews of The Manly Man, and the guys tell that they feel more assertive overall, I am curious and look forward to feel what is the equivalent for the feminine one…


I have had this a few weeks, but I am waiting a full cycle before sharing my experience :rose:


Hi!! I’ve been using this field for 20 or so days and I have noticed some slight change in my waist-hip ratio (only a few inches, not too noticeable because of my weight), and my skin is glowing. I also feel more grounded in my body, like I can connect much better with my feelings through my body. I also went through a rough breakup a month ago, and I feel the field has helped me move on more quickly and focus on my feelings. I hope this helps!!


Hi, inbetween!
Stairs welcome


Thank you!! :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


Great im happy for you!
I have it since maybe 7 or 10 days also… And yes the skin regeneration part is crazy, it is soooooo soft and literally glowing… and also it has a tightening effect
-I also notice my muscles have grown a little bit, they look a bit fuller although i havent been exercising. (Maybe also due to the skin tightening effect, i dont know but my body looks a little bit fuller)

  • i am currently at a time in my cycle where my lower belly is usually bloated, but this month it is staying quite flat !

@Dr_Manhattan as i told you before, the main reason why i bought this field was for the feminizing effect on the body… I think i am coming from a state of lack and unfulfilement (and lack of love towards this part of my body) and thats why i didnt notice anything related to that so far… (And it is maybe too soon to create these changes, only 10days in).
Do you have any advice about that ? Maybe increase protein/lipids intakes ? Combine it with breast enhancement and SubconsciousLD ? Any advice would be appreciated.
Like i feel if i had a more precise understanding of the process and the how and why it would be easier for my mind to integrate the potential changes.
Thank you :relaxed:


Our bodies are so individual that it might not be possible for anyone to tell you what to expect as far as changes go. This is basically untraversed territory, you know. :slight_smile:


Yes i totally understand :slight_smile: i am being a little bit needy and impatient here, and that will not help to get the changes i want :upside_down_face:



Add Mana circuits before :back:

Maybe some Subconcious limit dissolver

and follow Rose Advice


I don’t see it that way. I understand that you have certain specific desires for the field, and know what you want. I think that implies neither neediness nor impatience, just wanting clarification and assurance. I am just suggesting that it might be more of an experimental process. I am sure that there will be assistance on your journey though. :slight_smile:


Thanks, never tried Mana, i will integrate it before + SLD

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I honestly feel like this field will make you the way you should be. I’m on month 2 (as in I’ve already had a cycle) and month 2 results are even better than month 1. But it all comes in the right way, it’s beautiful :heart_eyes: yes ok I am a big fan of this field :sweat_smile:


Thanks for your comment it is really encouraging :)
Do you mind sharing what changes you noticed if its not too personal ?

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I have had this field since it came out, so 5 weeks. My experience so far:

I feel this field has a calming effect. The first few weeks, soon as it started I felt a relaxing and ease in my body.

With PMS, in my cycle I never experience in physical pain, cramping, or big physical symptoms; and that was the same with this field. A little tired day 1 but that was it.

I do usually find people a little more annoying on the days leading up to my period :sweat_smile:
My 2/3’s Sicilian side is more prominant :hot_pepper: :laughing: :innocent: But this cycle, I was much more chilled Aussie :sunglasses: So that’s great for everyone involved haha

My face skin is glowing.

No change with my hip:waist ratio, as it has always been the ideal, I don’t expect that to change.

Slight increase with libido, but nothing insane like when I experimented with the meno-unpause field eeek.


I would love to see all of us manly men and womanly women meeting together ;)


healthy people do attract healthy people so why not. hate long flights though…


It is in my opinion.

Do you not eat enough ?
If you eat healthy it shouldn’t be a problem.
I don’t know your diet

Brest enhancement might help speed the results a little bit since it helps displace fat to the right areas. For the rest, it’s similar.

There is also the Quintessence of Hyperfemininity which can help too.

But remember, it’s only been 10 days, others have also shared some advices that seemed to have worked for them.


I realized yesterday I might not be eating enough… I am not loosing weight on a long term basis because i must be on the limit edge, but i think i need more calories to create the changes i want… My intuition tells me to increase fat/ protein.

And yes the other thing i realised is i need detachment (my breast has been a big struggle for maybe 4years, sooo i must carry many subconscious ideas about whats possible or not for my body). And i need to feel feminine and valuable beforehand and unconditionnaly !

The most important thing is that thanks to this field, my body will be in its best health, and that is such a present !

I forgot to say other little things i noticed (i dont know if it is coming from this or Quintessence of Hyperfemininity) but my way of walking is more graceful now, and my gestures are slower, calmer! More confidence in my relationship, etc… But i want to make another post about the mental aspect of this later


That is nice to hear, @Delphine .

@Dr_Manhattan would you say there is any particular element added to either The Womanly Woman or the Quintessence of Hyperfemininity that would produce such an effect, or might that just be a consequence of hormonal balancing?