The Womanly Woman

@Luana_Ticino That’s one of the main results you can expect from having an healthier, more vibrant femininity, removing possible “toxic” aspects and reseting the oxytocin bonds in your brain.


Yeah I’ve noticed that. The media (and other outlets) really like to drum it in that women apparently deteriorate as they get older. It’s BS. At 42, I’m more attractive, more confident, self assured than I’ve ever been. And even if I wasn’t, I don’t have to be ashamed to be getting older. So yeah it’s nice not to feel that way anymore, I am what I am and I love it.


I can totally feel that. I was in a toxic relationship (im not playing the victim here, he made a lot of errors, and I too made my part of BS). And i was so attached, just a few weeks ago it would have been impossible for me to retain myself from seeing and engaging with him. Even though i could really see and understand i was not treated the way i wanted, i would eventually call him back !
Now i feel a lot of self respect, I know I deserve better ! So i just ended the relationship and I feel releived :slight_smile:
(I dont know if this is coming from WW or Quintessence)


Beautiful to read ! Yes what would women hit their pick beauty around 20 and after would “fade” …? Mass media indoctrination, and beauty industry benefits !


This is such a beautiful response ;) Thanks for that


I am wondering could this field be making me fat :frowning_face: :sweat: well increasing my bodyfat to levels not to my preference?

I got this field more or less when it came out.

Disclaimer: this is mainly going to be about periods, so :woman_shrugging:

Ok so i used to be on hormonal birth control (iud) until recently so I didn’t have a proper period for more or less 3 years. I had it removed for health reasons maybe 4 months ago.
My first period after was quite cramp heavy, then irregular (I was told to just wait as it takes some time to get back to normal).

Before the IUD, ever since I first got my period, it was quite heavy and painful and long.
It was maybe 2-3 days of heavy bleeding and lots of cramps (literally my mom basically could tell I was on my period by looking at me because in this time she always asked if I was sick, why I am so pale, I look like I’m going to faint etc),
Another 2-3 days of “moderate” bleeding,
Then 2-3 days of spotting.
So total 7-10 days with the beginning being quite bad.

I have had my first cycle since I started using the field, and I feel like I don’t know my body at all anymore. It was literally 1 day of rather heavy-nornal bleeding, and day4 was barely any spotting, no product necessary etc.
I’m amazed. Worth every penny :ok_hand:

As for skin etc., I haven’t been noticing a lot of other benefits, but my skin is pretty good anyway, plus I have plasma glass skin.
There is only one additional thing but I’ll wait some time to confirm it before I write about it.


This is the first time of my life i dont need to take paracetamol while on my period… I barely dont feel anything… :exploding_head:
Im strong and not easily in pain, but usually i had to take 2x paracetamol on the first day and was completely tired…


Yes, same…
But it’s also a new risk I haven’t experienced before as previously I knew that when I felt like I’m being stabbed in the uterus it meant I have to be careful and keep an eye on the flow (cramp-> stronger flow), while now I don’t feel anything, not even the slightest bit of a cramp, so…
It’s really like a second puberty in a way where I have to get to know my body again


Will this field work for my sister, if I bought it? Is immediate family allowed in the protection or does she need to buy her own copy?
Thank you

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Agreed -was kind of wondering the same thing…only hesitation with the field. I don’t want to grow bigger parts, if you catch my drift lol…
Hopefully this has been answered, I’ll keep reading/catching up.
And agreed with the “masculine energy” questions. I think a bit of yin and Yang is great- a nicely balanced human being. But the rest of the field gives me such relief and hope and I’m grateful this is made available to us (wow!!!). But agreed with the questions/concerns above. I have no desire to change the traits of my body (above) and neither would my partner…lol. But I would be grateful to use for the rest of the field (and I suppose may have to tolerate some changes?). Anyhow, it’s the only thing giving me pause. I’m also a bit androgynous and take no issue with it-I quite love it. :) but I am preserving my eggs in a few months so….we’ll see what I decide lol. Thank you for the beautiful creation. Again, WOW.


Lauren Geertsen, author of “The Invisible Corset”: “Women in touch with the wisdom of their bodies are the single greatest threat to societal systems of domination, oppression, and control. We are also the greatest possibility to bring healing, peace and restoration to our world.”


Are there any ladies in the age group 60-70 years old who could share their experiences with this field with me? Or any ladies that entered menopause a couple years ago and are using this field?

I bought this field for my mum because she’s been having a tough time with hormone imbalance due to menopause in the recent years.

I’m curious if anyone here using this field for that reason has seen an improvement: e.g. less hot flashes, better sleep quality, overall feeling balanced again thanks to stable hormones.

If you don’t want to share publicly, I’d appreciate a PM but would be nice to hear about it here in the comment section so everyone can use that knowledge :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you in advance!


The sex appeal I got from this field is something else! Love it!




Haha yes it looks like this came true :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: can’t complain :blush:




Sorry i havent been around so much and i missed this.

You honestly dont have to worry about this.
Personally I started using this field when it came out and coincidentally i also had a difficult relationship thing so i started working a lot on emotional baggage, childhood, shadow work etc. I’m only mentioning this because this field was not the only thing that changed in my approach.

I can say confidently that I haven’t gained any weight with this field, on the contrary.
I have been working out LESS (I used to be a bit crazy and not very kind to my body with workouts), and consistently losing weight. Slowly (!), but surely. Think 1-1.5 kg per month. But its been like 3 months and it’s been consistent with no additional diet effort. People have started making remarks.
I am less hungry so probably eat less, but it’s no effort at all, no feeling like I’m depriving myself of anything. The other day I wanted wanted have a brownie for breakfast and I did it without a second though :woman_shrugging:

I’ve never been obese, I’m normal BMI and the heaviest I’ve been was a few kgs in the overweight territory. but there is quite some wiggle room there between the 2 ends of the normal category.

If a woman has a hard time losing some weight despite of weight loss fields, diet, workout etc., and they have the means and interest, I recommend to try this field too. Sometimes this hormonal angle is the one missing.
And especially for hips, my trainer made a remark that the way I am losing weight now is really “cool” and pretty rare, because I seem to be losing from places that are very stubborn for most women and are also hard to target with exercise, like the hips - overall it makes my body look more harmonious.

Maybe it would change your body slightly in to be more harmonious looking, mostly if the current state is the result of some disharmony (or should I say it will be more negentropic instead or the entropy now in the system)


You guys(girls),
This field is keeping me sane :rofl:
I’m finding myself using it as anxiety relief, and any negative strong emotion relief :love_you_gesture:


Is this suitable for man / MTF trans to use?

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