Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

I really enjoy your testimonials, i remember how different your experiences were just like 2 months ago! It’s a really big change already and you should be proud and keep going :blush:


Haha thank you so much. Gotta say though, emotional release seems to be the backbone of spirituality.

I mean I’m a guy with a psychosomatic speech problem. No wonder I saw no results with any of the fields.

I’m actually considering fully releasing all past and present trauma before turning on a morphic field again so that I’ll be able to notice the huge difference in energy sensitivity when I do get back to it.


My friend is on wheelchair, can he do it as well? Do you know someone who does that on wheelchair also?


Yes… somebody in this thread has been doing this exercise is a wheelchair with great results…
I’ll let them come forward if they so choose.

But yes… can be done “seated” if required


Once we get to that “Still” place, Intent go 10X. And our body-mind-spirit complex being amazing, breath retention leads us to this stillness automatically.


Putting that here, I have been feeling while doing my Daily “Soma Star Meditation” to offer this opportunity to add it to your practice for some of you guys.

Doing it right before the Mass Med on Saturday feels right (time depending on the SEE System session as well).


So story time:

I had a sudden epiphany today as I was washing my hands before dinner.
I remembered a year ago when I was on Discord in a voice chat with this spiritual guy, and he said something about how my guides were telling me to do something vague like get out into nature, “breathe air through my Solar Plexus”, and use my arms. I had no idea what exactly it meant, but now I realized that all these details fit the star exercise!

Furthermore, the other experience I had where a woman had channeled the sentence “breathe and tume your radio” to me also makes more sense, since the exercise increases energy sensitivity.


You are god!

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!-------My 22 Week Review-------!

Start Date: August 24, 2020
End Date: January 25, 2021

That went by so fast! I think this was the first time I conciously committed to an activity and followed through every single day for 6 months!

For those that don’t know, I am in a wheelchair and have limited use of hands and legs, so what I write below, especially my experiences, will reflect that.

My Routine

I did this twice a day, many days I did it three times. For the first 2.5 months, I was doing it in bed before getting up, and again before sleeping. However, my nostrils would get blocked up almost every morning when I woke up and had no one to help me until my PSW came, so it became too uncomfortable. I switched to doing them during the day, most often 7-8 hours apart.

I couldn’t do the arms straight and hands turned, so I tried to be as relaxed as I could before beginning while sitting in my chair.


For the first 2 months, I would feel a surge of energy in my body, that would last about 30 minutes, but it was so subtle that if I moved a little, it would go away. For the rest of the day, I wasn’t feeling much until I did the next round. After @_OM gave me some advice, and then it started working amazing! As I kept on going, the energy would stay longer and be more noticeable. Now I’m at the point where I can feel energy flowing through my body, but much stronger in my head and chest. I feel the energy rushing from my crown all the way down, rather than through my arms, but that’s probably due to me not being able to do the arm movements. At times I just feel like sitting still cause it feels so relaxing! My third eye area pulsates randomly throughout the day too.

The biggest improvement for me though is my lungs. In 2007 and again in 2009, my left lung collapsed and since then I was having trouble breathing fully. Since I’m in a chair all day, it didn’t affect my energy levels or anything, but it caused me to have runny nose, sneezing, etc several days a week for years. It wasn’t seasonal allergies or anything like that. It sucked!!

In 2016, I tried doing the Wim Hof method, but I stopped after a few weeks because I would feel pain in my lung area when I would do the part where you inhale deeply and hold it as long as I could. The last time I did it, I felt as if my lung collapsed again and I got worried. I tried it again last year in March when the lockdown started, but didn’t feel comfortable after a few days.

After doing this breathing exercise for I’d say 2-3 weeks, I noticed my regular breathing getting better and deeper. I can feel my left lung expanding and contracting now. That could be from doctors gluing my lung to my chest though, cause I don’t feel my right lung doing that unless I really focus on it. My nostrils still get plugged up every few days, but it’s after an hour or so from doing a round, so I know it’s caused by this rather than my lungs being weak. That makes me sooooo happy to know that the root cause of this has been fixed!! And I’ll save money from buying so many tissue boxes lol

Prior to beginning this exercise routine, I have used Sapien’s lung restoration audios, but only when I felt something was wrong, then stop. I wasn’t using it much so it isn’t the cause of my lung getting stronger.

I’m thinking to do another 6 months of this exercise. After summer, things will be changing in my life, so I don’t think I’ll be able to do this again regularly for awhile, so take the opportunity now while I have the chance.

Audios I Use Regularly

I’ve used a bunch of audios in the last 6 months, but either I didn’t use them much or already posted a review on here. These audios below are the ones I committed to use for the long-term.

Since all got released, I’ve been playing a nightly stack at least 3 nights a week. Each audio 1 time in this order [no one suggested this order, I just started doing it this way and stuck with it]. Curse/Spell Remover, Vibe of Creation, Vibe of Divine, Vibe of Transc, Soul Core, Soul Heart, and Soul Brow. I have bad insomnia since being a kid, but some days, not every time, I will fall asleep either during Creation or DL.

As of today, I am on day 5 of Plasma Combo 3. I played Combo 1 two times a day for 7 days, same with Combo 2 and now 3. Other than a bunch of symptoms, I haven’t noticed very much, which is why I haven’t posted in that thread. I plan to do combos 1, 2, and 3 once a day each every day starting Thursday, then I should start seeing great things happen.


As the first one to complete this. Congrats!!
:100: :partying_face: :partying_face: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face: :partying_face: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :muscle: :muscle: :100: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face:

I’ll follow up more in a bit.


Congraaats :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Looking forward to be reading about those results 6 month from now :nerd_face:


Wow what an amazing read.
I am so happy for your results!!


I loveeeee you bestie!!! Congratulations!!! :champagne::tada::balloon:

I bow down to you. I keep saying im gonna start then forget or feel meh … not today.

Im gonna put an alarm to start sharp tomorrow morning so we can follow it through together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow, congrats!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :confetti_ball:

So happy for you @SC448! What dedication!


Thanks everyone!!

I hope my post will help those who are thinking to do these exercises and also motivate everyone to keep on it every day! 6 Months sounds like sooo long, but it goes fast and once you start seeing and feeling the benefits, it’ll become a huge motivating force to keep doing it.


Just seeing this. I am so proud of you my man :slight_smile:


Great result! :+1:


I just did the exercise and I literally feel every cell in my body vibrating, almost like the first time i listened to Vibration of Creation.


Holy shit…
This sounds really cool.
I have been doing the Tibetans on and off for a while but was never able to persist.
I’ll def try this out

Edit; just tried it for a couple minutes, feeling pretty fresh!


When attempting this exercise lying down, should one palm be facing up at the ceiling and one towards the floor or facing your feet and head?