Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

This while doing the Star Exercise :drooling_face: :ok_hand: :100:


I’m going to attempt the full 22 weeks and see how that goes! I started the challenge on Saturday the 27th and one thing I noticed was that when I did the exercise my chest got a red discolored rash look. It didn’t take too long for it to fade and I’m not really concerned about it but I am intrigued. Any thoughts on why that happened?


Been doing it for the last few month now and then, but I am feeling to do it every morning now.

Which field has worked for you guys while doing it?

I was thinking about the Air Revitalizer or the Shamanic Medicine Blend.


I think it’s best not to have a field playing while doing it, but it’s just my experience.
An environmental one would be fine, I tried it with plasma etc. But it didn’t feel right.

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I was thinking of that video when doing the reiki star daily but I already completed over 22 weeks of the requisite 2x daily before the video was released. For me, you do not need to play a field while doing it, although you can if you want. I’m able to tap the energy anytime, anywhere which is really useful since sometimes I need an energy booster.

Before OM left the forum I PMed him on how to use the energy once you automated it and have completed the 22 weeks requirement. He gave 2 tips for healing and manifestation (using a Sapien tarot audio) although I have not tested them yet. If you are interested in them I can share the stuff especially those who are doing this exercise daily and it would be better if one is near completion. I still do this once a day just for maintenance, as per OM’s advice since I already complied with his requirement.


Thanks for your update guys.

Any particular results you’d like to share?
I am personally starting it as morning routine (morning can be difficult and it helps me start the day haha).

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Recently I have been doing the sun salutations and then this exercise come afterward, I can really breathe deeply, I seem to finish it more quickly, easily but still require the conscious pushing (this exercise when doing first I really need to push my chest and nose to be able to take deep breaths which also making me exhaust while doing this). And I have been keeping this as a part of my daily routine cuz of these amazing benefits and honestly, I am still not touching the true benefits of it yet. And yeah these are the things I find out recently and sometimes I play The plasma air, sometimes I don’t but it doesn’t matter much.

Edit: Forgot to share with you guys that since I’m doing this from the beginning, I am no longer breathing through my mouth ever again especially when exercise I still breathe through my nose, guess it became a habit now.


How many breathe I can do minimum to see the effect?


When I inhale strongly do I have to wait to exhale or exhale after inhaling immediately ?

So far, these are two benefits I experienced doing this:

This enabled me to listen to many fields daily with good results from them.

I already posted this result earlier in this thread. This gives you a good alternative source of energy whenever and wherever you want or need it. The energy boost, in my case, is good for a few or several hours at most. You can use it for any undertaking/situation you encounter daily.


Should the breathing be with your nostrils?
Mouth closed during the whole session?




Aug '20

Better thru the nose.
Great for clearing sinuses,stuffy noses, etc.
Have tissue ready! Snots gonna fly! :triumph:
(Don’t stop the exercise to wipe away snot tho. Just wipe up after the rush of energy dissipates.)


Uhm… im just gonna drop this around here…

This exercise while listening to:

A Taste Of Mana (Meditational and Energetic)

And then

New Release: Armor of Light and Glory


Ha! And now add the Fa Jin Gong

New Release - Fa Jin Gong Healing



Nice results you got so far. I am at the beginning of doing this exercise again and this time I am breathing through the belly which Dream have opened my mind by the New Release The Breathe of The Belly (Belly Breathing Trainer) and so far I felt that the Chi get into my system more deeply compared to the chest breathing I used to do and now I am doing this exercise with so much more enjoyable and peacefully :grin: :laughing: :100:


Just an update:


Did it twice daily for a week or 2

this time around I felt very very strong tingling in my legs, never this strong, also some energy in my in my hands, I always feel my solar plexus tho. a goal of mine is to awaken my spiritual sight and increase awareness cos I cant see jack when I try to visualize and dreams still foggy still and its starting to annoy me :/ sorry for the negativity lol

anyway this is a great exercise I like how it’s so simple and yet so effective


Started about 4 days ago.

I realise that it gets easier to influence my dreams now that I hold more energy, particularly the thoughts I hold before bed. If I think of a person or if someone tells me about another person, I see them in my dreams next. If I think of doing a certain thing for an end result, I see the end result in my dreams next.

And probably because I do it multiple times a day just for the heck of it. I have many free time.


This exercise really helps with a lack of energy. This morning, I felt really drained from a certain incident. I could feel myself slipping right back into depression as I kept going back to sleep and didn’t want to get up from my bed at all. Once I forced myself up to do the Star Exercise, I could get up and start doing things again.

I also did it multiple times over the span of a few hours because I felt like I really needed the boost. While I always feel the energy in my arms, this time I also could feel the energy gathering in my left leg where I was having some issues with the nerves, which felt similar to when I was using Plasma Protocol.


greater connection to universal life force I think. I feel more loved/joyful and connected


I kinda had really bad stiff shoulders today from doing the SEE exercise yesterday and today. It was getting to a point where I wanted to just stop releasing for today because of the tension I get when I feel gratitude in the neck and shoulders.

So I did the star exercise and my stiff shoulders/neck was cleared… so easily. I did another round of releasing and I didn’t felt any stiffness at all. This exercise is really powerful lol.