Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

Keep it up :muscle::+1::partying_face:


I have been having huge results since I’ve made a few changes to my routine with the Star Exercise, and I felt like sharing those:

  • Changing my breathing pace (now doing it more coherently and faster, 2:2)
  • Using Fa Jin Gong or Mana, then finishing with the Essence of Faith (amazing for breath retention)
  • Using Om’s affirmation “I am One with Universal Life Energy, it is flowing through me now, I feel it”

Hope this might be useful to some :)


Did you not use this before?


Nope, I don’t know how I missed that information honestly :grin:

Same same for the fast paced breathing.


Youre still getting benefits right? I missed out the ‘I feel it’ part. xD
I also used Mana, sometimes prana or white light waves . didn’t think about breath retention and essence of faith… I know there’s some things you can use with awesome tools you can do if you really pay attention. Hope youre doing great!


Ofc man, though it got even better & deeper :slight_smile:


wow the 2:2 breath pacing is really good advice made a differe3nce


Can you please share how to do this.

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I guess its:
in in
out out

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The way I understood and did it was:

Breathing in - 2 seconds
Breathing out - 2 seconds

Seemed to work well for me.


This :point_up_2:, with no pause in between.

Then after 10-20+ round, I’d recommend to go in breath retention (empty is better so you can activate the hypoxic state) and there feel the energy flowing.

If if this resonates, you can try to go out a little bit out of your comfort zone (without forcing), then big inhale, retention lung full, and contracting the pelvic floor to shoot energy through the Spine.

I have put more info about a nice technic of Breathing in Soma Breath.

You guys can also pm me, no problem :)

Ps : a nice tool to not have to count in your head https://xhalr.com/


Ok… just to reinterate as in the original post.

The breathing pattern can be unique and varied with each and every session.
In fact, some times, one way will seem ineffective and other times, more powerful depending on a myriad of factors.

If you’re focusing too much on the mechanical breathing that means one is not FEELING the energies.

Please don’t overthink this exercise.
The original author spent alot of time and energy writing the description exactly the way they did for those reasons.
They didn’t “forget” to explain anything…

And I know he disliked misinformation or overcomplication as much as I do.


Due to over-listen fields my body gets too much blockages and I don’t feel like any of those fields would help me more and of course the aura cleanser would be a big help but I don’t wanna lose physicals results.

Done 2 rounds of sun salutation and the nose breathing pathway is now more clearly and easily but it not done for my body to be at least optimum function of my body yet and after that I go for the Star while standing barefoot on the sands doing 110 breaths through the belly and bam the last retention of this exercise is the key for everything I wanted to find, literally it clear outs the deepest blockages in my systems and I see the headache point is being reached by the Chi and the feeling being grounded by the earth also played an important role but I still not found a better way for describing it.

I realized this exercise alone is also a powerful “field” of its own and with all of my respect, I am not planning to play along with any fields from now on. Ended with a nice fresh shower and I am ready to rock my day out :love_you_gesture:


:wink: :muscle: :partying_face:


Hi could you share more about Jon / the teachings of the children of the Law of one? I watched the interview series and finished half the book, I’d love to hear and know more

I wanna know why the star meditation works the way it does?


Another update:

I walked for over an hour around the city where I live yesterday afternoon after buying groceries, meds for my mother and after dinner, I again walked for less than an hour. As I was in a city street, I suddenly felt uncomfortable soreness in my legs and hips due to extended periods of walking and I again directed the automated reiki star energy to help me. I just thought of my sore legs and hips and silently said: “Stop!” just twice. A couple of seconds later, as I resumed walking, the pains and soreness in them completely vanished much to my relief and they did not return anymore.


Good application of the healing aspects.:+1::muscle:


I’m gaining more sensitivity to fields and energy and I take note of how the energy makes me feel more. I think I’m more connected with all.
I feel more confident in my own abilities because I can summon the energy and direct my intent to an area for healing and I feel sensations. my skin is glowing and I feel refreshed after it

also started holding gently my pelvic floor muscle? and I feel it in my 3rd eye or in my throat if I intend it there.


Compared to anything I’ve done really ever, across my entire life, this exercise has pretty easily given me some of the highest ROI for my time. It literally takes 5 minutes a day to do it twice, max, and is so unbelievably useful. Not only for the massive boost of energy it gives once you’re done, or for the energetic and spiritual growth that comes along with it, but for the ability to tap into that universal flow of energy whenever necessary just by saying the affirmation. I mountain bike pretty intensely, which is extremely strenuous, but repeating that affirmation while I’m tired has made a massive impact on my performance and output. And that’s only the beginning of its applications.

For context, I started doing the exercise nearly 2x per day around the end of March, but I wasn’t 100% consistent with the 2x per day minimum until about a month ago. I definitely struggled with the visualization for a while, and didn’t go as far as I could have with how many breaths I would do. My practice was far from perfect, and at some points it felt like I was definitely doing it wrong. And yet I was still able to get crazy results from a practice that takes less than 5 minutes per day. Yes, it took time, but most things take time.

If you don’t feel like you’re getting the hang of it quite yet, or you haven’t seen results quite yet, keep going. It’ll come.

And if you haven’t tried doing this exercise yet, try it out!!! The ROI is almost impossible to beat.