Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

May I ask if means even Plasma flower node is not allowed? :sweat_smile:

I also realised that I may have been doing the exercise wrong for a week or so, I only managed to get more feeling of the energy again after slowing down my breath to focus more on the solar plexus area. Would I have to go back to day 1 because of this and Plasma flower? (Will be reaching 1 month soon)

To be honest, I still don’t know if it’s better to focus on the energy flow in the arms or the solar plexus area? Although I know we should do both at once… but if I focus too much on the energy flow in the arms, I don’t feel like I can distribute the energy from the Solar Plexus throughout the whole body properly. On the other hand, if I focus too much on the Solar Plexus, the energy flow in the arms goes much slower… :sweat_smile:

Can I also ask if it is normal to have the energy flow building up from the arms into the body and upwards when meditating after doing the Star Exercise? I’ve had the energy build up close to the eyes. Is it okay to just let the energy keep building upwards or would it be better to use the Microcosmic Orbit audio like mentioned here?

I do feel quite wobbly after I exit the meditation if I just let it build up, kind of like too much energy or something? Or maybe I am wrong about it but it does feel like the universal life energy that I felt from my hands, or maybe I wasn’t meditating correctly? Sorry in advance if my questions sound stupid :sweat_smile:


Correct. If doing the training, it’s done alone so one understands and realizes what’s happening by doing this exercise alone. So that can be applied in the future.

Not because of this. It’s expected that one will “mess up” or experiment with breathing patterns, and feel the energies in different ways over the course of 22 weeks.
That’s part of the reason it’s 22 weeks.
To learn and grow about the exercise, breathing, energies while doing the exercise.

No one is supposed to be an “expert” at it at first… even after the 22 weeks, there are things to learn.

Just re-read the instructions and do your best.
As said above, one learns simply by practicing it. (like everything)

Everything is “normal” and to be expected… or unique and to be “expected”

MIcrocosmic orbit is a separate meditation that can be done AFTER doing the Star Exercise.
Resist the impulse to “mix” techniques in hopes of achieving something.
Master this one first.


Ohh I see okay! Thank you for replying!!


time to get back to this


You hype me up, lets do this



Some update after a long time.

As said yesterday elsewhere, I’ve been doing this for almost 1 year. Haven’t completed the Super Saiyan program though. Why? Because I added Quasi-Crystal almost systematically to my practice. Is that a bad choice in itself? No. It even makes sense to a certain extent.

But it’s not how it’s supposed to be. _OM has spent quite a lot of saliva and ink trying to explain that some stuff is already pure enough and has to be kept so. No need to twist, boost, deform, innovate. Creativity is good but shouldn’t become an excuse to turn every single stuff into a masquerade. But smugness rules: it takes time to detect and trust true teachers like him, distinguishing them from the plethora of charlatans out there. Plus, some of us (me included) are like “listen mate, I wasn’t born yesterday and haven’t waited to meet you for starting my path!! 🧑‍🎤 :love_you_gesture:t2:“ (self-lol and sigh).

But the thing is: I’ve never lost anything when listening to him. Just saying… When we have the opportunity to run into people like him, it’s better to surrender after some point (nope, nothing to do with worshipping or submitting one’s neck blindly under a sword, losing “our identity” or autonomy lol). Otherwise, no wonder if we end up exhausted like a zombie, dropping out everything, just because we chose to only follow the direction pointed by our own megalomaniac nose, messing around with suspicious and excessive practices.

So anyway, thank you once more, my _OM.

My review is not really about that matter actually (and once again, adding Quasi-Crystal didn’t harm me but it’s not a part of the original program, position, etc.). I’m rather acting more intelligently than before, when it comes to… let’s say my “energetic practices”. Still, even with the assistance of true teachers, one can slip on banana peels :banana: sometimes and being challenged in their handling capacities.

That’s what happened to me last night. No need for details but I was like “???!!”

And today, I woke up like a piece of manure (energy-wise). In a good mood but overwhelmed like pfewwww. Slightly nauseous.

A round of Star Exercise and already back in my shoes. Within 5 minutes, hey.



  • I finally see the energy, beyond the visualization which is a part of the exercise. Yellow and purple flashes coating the physical body.

  • Forgot to add previously that this is one of the main tools that has helped me handling more fields (I was using zillions at some point. Now I’ve reduced). Consequently, it’s been a while since I haven’t felt the need to take 2-day breaks (like I used to). Now I just take a weekly pseudo-break: no fields in the night once a week (or once every 10 days), so that I can play the classical maintenance stack the next early morning, as recommended by _OM: Deep Body/Aura Cleaning, Etheric Cord Cutter, Soul/Core Restoration. Just for casual precaution/refresh.

  • After having done the exercise lying down for many months (just a safety precaution, see article), I’ve said that I had switched to standing up and sometimes seated positions. Effective in any case. However, when I go back to lying down position sometimes, the energy seems to impregnate the ground as well. I like walking on it afterwards.


I just finished my week 1 of doing this exercise. So far, I have experienced the release of trapped emotion (felt really similar with what I experienced with the Forgiveness Journey Meditation) and clearing of phlegm. I also felt that the energy was doing something to my digestive system, and my brain always felt nice after the session as if my brain was being cleaned from dirt.

I didn’t always remember to say the affirmation though, hopefully with more practice I can fix this problem


wonderful! :muscle:

Super important.
Remember to remember…


Yes, I just put it in my reminder so I can see the affirmation before the exercise :muscle:


I finally tried this exercise. I consider myself fit / in good physical shape. Currently not in good shape mentally/energetically, but that’s why getting this right or getting this going seemed even more pressing.

I almost fainted when I did it standing up. Even sitting down, I felt light headed and my arms got tired too quickly. My neck stiffening up also distracted from focusing on the universal life energy building up. I lost track of how many times I tried this in the last hour. After each attempt, I felt rather weaker than before, and already considered taking a nap. I definitely had not reached that “energy” point. Sometimes I would feel the universal life energy accumulate in my solar plexus chakra. Later, I would also occasionally feel it expanding / pouring out from there. Finally, these came together and I also correctly internalized the affirmation, and so I felt the rush of energy at last. Pretty amazing!! Like a lightning bolt. Definitely needed to stop it quickly or it would have been overwhelming. Now I feel without a doubt differently; very energized, and also like smiling out of nowhere which I haven’t been able to do for days now.

Awesome exercise! Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to the future with this one :boom: :sparkles:


Try to do less breaths with more focus.

You don’t need to keep your arms up for ages, especially in the beginning.
For.ke in the first two weeks it was really uncomfortable, mostly because I kept feeling “pain in my sinuses”, that painful/uncomfortable feeling of water going in there or eating too much wasabi lol

Neck stiffness I think is in the same category.
Just keep practicing 1-2 times a day and it will get better.
If you get dizzy, keep doing it sitting down for a while.


Thank you for the great tips and feedback! :smiley: This is very helpful and ensuring!
I hope our experiences will help others who read this later on and who do not get it right on their first try or perfect in their first weeks either.

For sure! :muscle: The feeling is way too amazing and addicting :sweat_smile:


perfect description :100:

So true :sweat_smile:


do we have to open or close our eyes when doing this?

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You need to feel , for what i understand.


I done it it was great :slightly_smiling_face:

i felt the engery but how do stop it.
what i done which i dont know is right i just put my hands down and opend my eyes back up


No need to stop it. Moreover, it would actually be a real problem if it stopped, since it’s nothing but the Universal Life Energy/Prana/Chi (see _OM’s first posts) which leads everything all the time. It’s just your awareness of it that increases, thanks to the exercise. The sudden feeling of it on a mega-level “dissipates” eventually, so no worries.


Is this exercise possible to overwhelm you quite a bit?; I’m asking because i felt resoundingly sleepy in the early evening today and I’m trying to identify the cause