Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

lol your trolltype has me confused


If you have completed the 22 weeks, PM me.


Since I don’t have car to go on ah wood ,where I live is pure metro city ,can I do this exercise before sleep in my room with all my windows open ?


Of course. It can be done anywhere.


Thank you very much ,i don’t ever do yoga and that kind of exercise but ,since this looks very easy and simple and gonna do it daily :green_heart:



I’ve been doing the exercise for 5 days
The first few days I didn’t feel much for the part that you got to hold your breath and feel the energy, except my arms really hurt.
But today as I was doing the first part, I felt lines of electronic shock running through my arms, my chest, my stomach. They appeared, they disappeared then reappeared really quick, and they were cold as electronic shock in ice water if that makes sense. And I can really feel the universal life energy build up in the Solar Plexus chakras in part 2. Even now sitting here and writing this, I can still feel the energy flow in the arms and in the chakra.
Some effects I’ve noticed since started doing the exercise:

  • Denser stomach and arm muscles
  • Eat less
  • Sleep less
  • Sore neck muscles. At first, I couldn’t link the sore neck with the exercise. But later on, I noticed that as I breathed quickly and intensely, my neck shrank and expanded with the same speed that worked the muscles. Maybe it’ll pass after a few days.

For now, I enjoy doing the exercise and just keep it simple as “just do it 2 times a day”. Hope with that strategy I can make it to week 22 :grin:
Thanks @_OM for such a simple, not-require-much yet really powerful exercise. I’m excited to discover what it will bring as time goes by :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


hi guys ,

  1. Can we do this 3 ~ 4 times a day?

when visualizing this , eyes need to be closed ,or opened or does not matter?


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It does not matter, but I would think most people would visualize better with their eyes closed


For me personally, the exercise is more effective with my eyes open (do as you feel comfortable).
I don’t get hung up on visualization. It’s not important for me.
The exercise is first of all a work with feelings, sensations.
You have to feel this universal energy, enjoy it.
feel this enormous flow coming into the solar plexus, feel this expansion.

over time you can go into a state of relaxation - relaxation physical, mental and emotional.
concentrating only on the flow coming into you.
Whether or not visualization is involved is not so important, I think.


:point_up: :point_up:


By the way, Om, I found this exercise as interpreted by Zhivorad Slavinsky. He came to my region in 2007, and I found a video recording.
He had it in a slightly extreme version (20 minutes), in group form.

But the results were phenomenal (spoon bending, etc.).

I will not post this tape here, because there will be fans of extreme :))

When I do this exercise, I always mentally thank you for discovering it for me :sparkling_heart: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Heh … then he’s left out certain parts of his background from his books/stories…but would make more sense as to why I resonate with his techniques.

Thank you for telling me this story. Interesting indeed!


The session tonight was phenomenal :scream:
As I started to breathe more quickly, my legs were vibrating like CRAZY crazy.
This time I felt like I draw energy more from the Earth rather than the air. I actually felt like a tree, my legs were tightened to the floor and the blood veins were vibrating and sucking energy from the Earth like actual tree roots. As I moved into phase 2, the vibrating subsided.
I’m doing all the sessions on a 7th-floor cuz I’d get embarrassed if someone sees me doing this :sweat_smile:. I’m excited to see what the experience will be like when I do this barefoot on the actual Earth ground :drooling_face:


Hello guys…I already try Star Exercise and its worked on me. Awesome


I’m as energy sensitive as a rock and even I could feel the energy building up in my solar plexus!


My first impressions after 1 week doing once to twice.

More energy throughout the day(a little energydepth in the middle of the day still occurs…)

Better mood, feel energized in the morning

Feel as if I can handle more fields without getting tired.

Happy for doing the exercise although my ego is doubting a lot

Feeling lot’s of sensations till half an hour, which is funny and interesting too

Will see what’s coming🤩

Thanks for providing this exercise :)


I am having huge results since I have stopped using brainwave entrainment or fields while doing it, and just focusing on feeling. So grateful :pray:

Is it safe for our nervous system to do it more than two times a day when we have the possibility?
Is it even wise? (meaning two times may be enough, we don’t want to overdo it)


I do this exercise 3 times a day
for me 2 times is not enough :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: i like this process too much
If you do it properly - I do not think it is bad for the nervous system
on the contrary - I think it’s a great workout for the nervous system and maintain muscle tone
you feel the flows that go through the muscles. muscle blocks break down

(if you overdo it my friend, if you feel overstretched, ask your 13skull to optimize and adapt the flows to your system)


I would do it all day long if my shoulders could handle it :p


Man I’d do it all day long too if my lungs could handle it! lol I always get tired after like 30ish or 40ish breaths, but i go all out on each breath and my nostrils make a distinguished sound lol