Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

I’ve been doing this exercise for about a month. Pretty much every day, at least 2 times a day, 5-15 min sessions (the feeling of the energy gets only better, so it’s really hard to stop at some times).

How I did it in the beginning was, I took the pose, started with 20 or so deep or rapid breaths, then held my breath and said the affirmation. Then if I couldn’t hold anymore, I exhaled, did a couple of deep breaths again, and inhaled + affirmation. Repeated how long I could.

I’ve noticed that when I hold my breath, I can focus on and feel the energy surge much better. And I think the key is to familiarize yourself with the energy and trying to focus on the energy flow coming from the left hand -> through your heart chakra -> out of your right hand.

Now I can start the energy flow anytime, with any pose. I just think of the affirmation. And combined with the Energy Course’s crystallization attunement and the Environmental Energy field is damn nuts man.

Just remember, this exercise’s method is not written in stone. Use your intuition to try out different ways and you’ll find the best method for yourself.

TIP: Use the technique taught in the Energy Course, the Meditation Anchoring, but instead meditation, it’s Energy Anchoring I guess then. It has helped me to get into the flow every time I start again.


Thank you for the review. And great tip on anchoring! :+1:


@Creme :+1: :100:

Assuming there’s some people still on the super-saiyan training program…
None of what @creme advised, applies to you…yet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Everyone else, go nuts with his advice.

I will say, umm, outside of little personal tweaks, it kinda is…lol
This exercise is older than you can imagine and contains all kinds of various things that aren’t written about that improve and enhance a whole bunch of things “behind-the-scenes” of one’s being-ness.

So, try not to go too nuts, reinventing the wheel on this one.


Your assuming is spot on :) Waiting to complete the 22 weeks, before writing a real review… if I’m still around until then.

I’m a rebel but with reasonable limits though. I still do the exercise lying down, for extra security lol. However, still playing Quasi Crystal along with it. Tried also combining with Arcturian meditation. Not to reinvent the wheel, but because something has made sense, intuitively.

However, I’m not an orthodox example to be followed (general warning).

To be continued.


Me too. I’m on week 7 only so still a ways to go :slight_smile:
but I’m not getting the big experience everyone else seems to be feeling so my review, if i wrote it now based on my current feeling, it would be short and unexciting lol


Hey @SC448 :muscle:t2: Star Alliance mate!

(It sounded like the famous airplane company alliance lol).

I don’t think that your review would be unexciting because I already saw your other comments ;) I like them (even though I don’t put :heart: on every post because this gesture reminds me of social media, which I don’t use anymore lol).


I’m going to start doing this exercise !,!!”,


@SC448 I know there are some physical obstacles for you, can you do the exercise seated with both feet (preferably barefoot) on the floor/ground?

Same here, at least attempt to do the exercise with knees on the ground, spread as if standing in same position, or seated…

What’s this mean?? :unamused:


Oh, just some casual possibilities which would be out of my control: unplanned ending of my current lifetime, amnesia, Alien abduction… things like that :)


I did it too with the Pegasus meditation! I connected before I did but after it was another level of connection… they intuitively put the idea in my head I believe because the exercise came into my head spontaneously

I can’t say more, I promised I wouldn’t tell :zipper_mouth_face:


Haha, what!? lol

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Thanks!! I really enjoy your posts, you have such a vast amount of knowledge, thank you for sharing it :slight_smile:

Yes i will try this as best as i can. Thanks for the tip.


That’s reciprocal :dizzy: We are working altogether on the spiderweb :)


@O.O and @GoddessesAndGod :joy:

(insert _OM nervously clapping hands and saying: “Children!! Let’s keep this thread on its rails please!!”)





Another common issue that may be causing this…is the breathing.
If you’re breathing slow, try breathing fast.
If you’re breathing fast, try breathing slow.
All through the nose.

And it really, really needs to be as intense as you can make it.
No kinda-sorta deep breathing…
like mentioned above, people within a certain radius should be able to hear you and assume you’re hyperventilating, coughing, etc with some intensity if they heard you …


Did this shit today, I think I went into space I thought I was high as shit


This was the issue. I am doing fast breathing, but balancing intensity with trying to avoid anyone hearing me. I just did an intense session, and yes, that made it much better. Thanks!


For those who have tested this exercise, what benefits have you obtained?

Gotta collect the random testimonials in other threads here…